Cracks in Anti-Woke Alliance, New Countries in the Digital Cloud?, Sri Lanka Collapses, EU Economies Down On Their Knees, When Birds Migrated to the Moon
tbh, I haven't formulated one beyond liking what he did re: COVID-19 when we learned that it wasn't the Bubonic Plague. I'll reserve offering up a full opinion until I can do so from a point of non-ignorance.
There are significant elements with the elites across Europe who stand to benefit from the mismanagement of the economy. Europe's elites are now functioning like their counterparts in much of the Third World, calculating that it is better for them to serve the US than engage in the class compromise (and attendant sacrifices) necessary to mobilise their own population to engage in serious international competition. Amongst other things, the US is probably aiming to gently pressure at least some European firms to relocate portions of their manufacturing/industry to the US itself.
The US does not rely on psyop. They have moulded the European elites and those inclined towards as more nationalist direction have been sidelined, eased out or made politically unviable. The dumbing down of the entire Western elite is a major factor. There is an outstanding explanation of the dumbing down of elite education at Oxford: BLUFFOCRACY by James Ball and Andrew Greenway.
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- Yarvin vs normie masses (told them to submit to the Dark Elves and stop struggling lmao)
Personally I think that the abortion ruling was a tactical mistake, but I do understand that the SC is not something anyone owns and works in its own way. If it was me, I'd have absolutely went after Gender first, and enshrined biological sex as the important, legal category that matters, and then go after everything affirmative action. Abortion feels more like something tailored for religious conservatives, I guess the side effect is that it inconveniences women a bit, and women tend to lean shitlib, but overall, as a medic, I'm moderate on the issue and don't really understand what's the huge fuss about it, nor why conservatives think a pre-embrio clump of cells is life, or progressives feeling entitled to own the chuds by murdering fully healthy, viable fetuses with nervous and cardiac activity.
You're not supposed to be a dark elf, you're supposed to bend the knee and accept elite rule.
Giving up a set of shitlib elites for another mildly less shitlib ones is just stupid politics. Yarvin is not a knight, not a king, not a conqueror, not a top athlete, all he has to offer is a blog and some good analysis of power structures.
To actually lead, you should rise through merit and struggle.
And merit and struggle will never favor out of shape, mid aged library rats.
My apologies if this seemed hostile, but it is of utmost importance to not fall for any personality cult or elites of any sort.
I’m thinking about what you say, sincerely, but sorry Curtis is the shit.
Every time I read someone like Niccolo Soldo or Matt Tiabbi or Glenn Greenwald I find myself filtering it through a Curtis Yarvin analysis. I am constantly saying to myself “of course it’s like that”, that is how it works. As I see it these other rather brilliant authors are presaged by Curtis‘s theories of power. It is absolutely remarkable, I’m always saying out loud “of course it must be thus” and Curtis explains why.
Curtis confuses me 1/3 of the time but I think the central concept is his “selective advantage of dominant ideas “.
I think Curtis is saying the dark elves are people who understand what’s going on but are still fair minded and so they are on the side of the hobbits who just want to grill: the good guys.
Your approach is pretty good. Go with what works for you. You show no signs of handing over your mind to anyone. You are merely persuaded that Curtis is on the money, or at least very useful. Curtis is applying a rigorous approach to complex issues and explaining things reasonably well, certainly in comparison with the fire-hose of lies and bullshit on offer elsewhere.
Curtis is entirely correct that there are people within the elites who are aware of the dangers to which the system exposes us all, not least the dangers of provoking destructive and overwhelming reactions from those disfavoured by the regime. It would be a mistake, however, to assume that these people will be effective, but their presumed perspectives are worth understanding. And it would be naive to assume that these people are not motivated by self-preservation, even self-advantage. If/when the time comes, these 'dark elves' will make a play to replace their rivals. These 'dark elves' pose their own dangers, though there is nothing wrong with aiming to be a 'dark elf' yourself if you have a chance.
I own a business with many employees: we are in the maelstrom. Curtis explains the maelstrom of human affairs. No one else is focussed on that topic, no one.
I have my instincts and my observations and my lessons learned through hard experience and against that I find Curtis’s explanation (as you say) on the money.
Generally I find the Substack authors to be a bunch of pussies. They tend to have a tidy logic but a poor understanding of the battlefield; the rules of engagement are unknown to them and it is for me very obvious. To me it’s like they’ve been cloistered way so long they have become hemophiliac‘s and bleed out on first contact.
Mike Tyson was being interviewed and the interviewer was a smarty-pants who was asking him complex questions about the other boxers strategy and plan . The interviewer was embarrassing Mike with the fancy talk, Tyson couldn’t answer because he is poorly educated. Tyson got pissed off and eventually said everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Tyson pummelled the other boxer unconscious in the second round of the fight.
Curtis gets the punch in the face, the ancient dynamics of human power.
There was once an ancient Greek philosopher, Heracleitus of Ephesus aka Heracleitus the Obscure, who said that 'ideas are toys for children' (a double-handed compliment since Heracleitus compared the forces of the cosmos to a child at play), but he was spot on. Ideas are only as good (and in so far as) they explain things or when they work as tools for this or that task (or when they entertain us), but there is never any good reason to get over-invested in any of them.
Substack has plenty of great talent, but as a rule we are all living with too much confusion: infotainment, miseducation and the shared bullshit of a culture that no longer understands how to promote human thriving. And a few too many on substack are living inside their own heads too much...a common problem in the digital age. Good luck with the must be hell at the moment, but at business life would keep you grounded.
I share your belief that ideas need to have a practical application and the business gives me a very large canvas, it gives meaning to my life (it’s not just about money).Your Greek philosopher, the obscure, he likened the randomness of nature as unto the unstructured play of a child, very cool, it suggests he felt the meaninglessness. We all live at the end of time and the edge of understanding, even 2000 years ago.
A word on my fellow Torontonian, Nicolo Soldo, fantastic!
The point, as I understand it, is that there is meaning and structure but, given its extraordinary complexity we mistake it all (life, the cosmos) as purely random. The complexity allows structure and chance to operate in competition. The risk is to simplify or, worse, give way to a perception of meaninglessness and futility that simply reproduces the chaos we perceive. The ultimate aim is to play, to utilise our capacities as completely as possible.
Random, there is much to agree with your perspective. We should always be suspicious of anything that might serve to encourage or enable hesitancy, passivity or acceptance. Leaders should be selected properly (merit and struggle are good for that), but in the real world leaders are sociopaths who have made it through a rats' maze of personal and political compromise. You are dead right about not falling for personality cults or elites.
As for Curtis, he is not a knight, king, conqueror or top athlete. But a blog and a few good analyses put him ahead of those who just offer a blog and bad analyses. He is a curious character and does not pretend to be a leader of any kind in his own right. His relative proximity to real or suggested 'dark elves' adds to his public image.
I subscribe to GRAY MIRROR and have been reading him on and off since the 1990s. There is plenty to snipe about, but why bother? Maybe I am going soft or just sentimental about a fellow Gen Xer who still has some fight in him (figuratively speaking), but I'd cut him some slack. Curtis is not the answer, but he is a useful contributor to the debate about where we are now.
I think the "tactical mistake" was the assumption people may actually read the opinions of the justices and understand it's implications, and I'm not just talking about the blue-hair land whales threatening a "sexual boycott" and who constantly harp on about "democracy".
Richard Bari's/People's Pundit routinely finds people claim they support Roe, but almost inevitably will misunderstand what it means because they also claim to be against aspects of abortion that Roe legalized.
Instead of winners and losers in reality, everyone is miserable in imagination. Pour fentanyl in the water supply and everyone scutters around walking dead style. The 80 yr transformation from one regime to the next is the current moment and while cons are debating silly things like what is a woman, the left aka the power centers are already codifying their liberal hellscape into hegemonic monopoly. Conservatism is the sucker bet. Keep harping on this and that and then suddenly question why all your money is gone. Sorry, you can have a free meal for the night for your troubles but thanks for your life's savings
Yes. The leftoid strategy of manipulation of language as a power game is thoroughly undone when they refuse to define something even a toddler perceives, if not fully understands.
The failure of Kendhi to condemn the NYC vax mandates as inherently racist when they clearly were was a similar failure thay put his racial grifting on full display.
So the guys in the network state expect to live virtually in their online state whilst also absorbing the resources of the real state, including the infrastructure that allows them to be online? Do they expect police protection? To use the roads, the hospitals?
As for them all congregating in one city, and taking over, in that unlikely event they will pretty soon realise that they need nurses, plumbers, shop keepers, police, etc etc etc. They already have that ratio of nerds to normals in Silicon Valley. In any case moving somewhere and taking over isn’t an online community anymore, and if it ever did happen it would last one generation, two max, until everybody dies out from lack of reproduction.
I haven't read the book, but I think that Balaji is being purposely provocative for several reasons, one of them specifically to show that Big Tech can flex on national governments (which I think is only partially true, and opens up the possibility of backlash, as states continue to have a monopoly on violence).
imo the Russia-Ukraine War and its economic implications has shown the critical importance of controlling access to resources (of which both Russia and America have). Tech guys like Balaji live in a pre-2/24/22 world where access to bits only matters and access to stuff is irrelevant.
Lots of these techno-libertarian types were touting the notion that "kinetic warfare" was over during the opening phase of the war in Ukraine. Then reality decided to show up.
"There is a noticeable growing resistance to woke culture, but until it begins to impact the bottom line in Corporate America, it’s place is secure. If it loses its position, the USA will default back to pre-woke liberalism, thus satisfying the disaffected liberal, exemplified by what is known as the Barstool Conservative."
Very astute observation, Niccolo. There is no constituency of any significance within Corporate America that supports the policies needed to realise the aims of 'common good' conservatism: economic policies designed to foster family formation or family maintenance (paid maternity leave, high real wages, enhanced employment security).
The trads assume that public policy and transfer payments can rebuild the family structures of the mid-twentieth century and appear to believe that this can happen by an act of collective will via the ballot box. Yet business has no interest in preserving any inherited forms of social or cultural life and would be actively hostile to the emergence of any serious political force that might express such an interest with any sincerity.
'Barstool conservatives' are closer to the centre of political gravity than the trads.
It is a case of identifying the ultimate, enduring, beneficiary. The business of America is business. The political class serves business, it does not undermine it. The Left is simply one portion of this political class. I have cut and pasted some bits that I have already prepared that may explain things. My apologies for any incoherence.
The moral decay (which I think of as regime supported dysfunction) is an effect of the strip-mining of social capital accumulated during previous generations. This capital was developed by intact families and the economic, education and welfare policies designed to maintain a stable and contented civilian population willing to support the status quo during the wars and revolutions of the 20th c. Post-Cold War, business simply no longer has a stake in that stability or content.
Unconstrained by the need for concessions to the working classes and without any connection to pre-modern traditions that might impose unchosen obligations, Corporate America is free to support the kleptocratic form of capitalism that we can see emerging.
Biopolitically, the current US regime (the political class and business) has no interest in the welfare of the masses, who are replaceable via mass immigration. It has no interest in the genomic continuity of the population as a whole and is actively hostile to the emergence of any political force that might express such an interest. Accordingly, the regime is indifferent to difficulties with family formation, familial maintenance or replacement level fertility amongst the general population.
Key regime constituencies (employers, feminists, civil society) benefit from the disruption or de-prioritisation of traditional family structures , while others benefit from the mismanagement of fertility on a mass scale. This fortifies the elite’s interest in sponsoring forces hostile to inherited social and cultural norms (feminism, gender fluidity, LGBTQI).
The emergence of a sub-proletariat (by definition either involuntarily unmarried or unable to support stable families) within the working class is in no way problematic for the regime…it reduces pressures for higher wages, facilitates further mass immigration and disrupts the transmission of unchosen or inherited attachments that pose a potential burden or obstruction to business.
The Cui Bono error is solving an unknown by looking at who benefits and saying it must be them; no Just Jury or Court on Earth would convict nor indict based on that - even Beria extracted confessions.
It becomes even more grievous an error when the actual culprits announce, preach, publish and these days tweet and blog their motives and methods. The culprits are the Political class and their ruling Theocracy of the Ivy League. Politics is Power, not money. Rawls was not Rockefeller, Rockefeller was not Rawls. There’s those that will now think “Trilateral Commission” to which I answer “Anti-Trust Acts” which precede the various Trilaterals and Bildebergers by decades earlier.
You are making the classic fatal error of confusing power with money. You Sir are making the classic Category error of confusing Politics (Power) with Business (money).
Political people are about power.
Business people are about money.
The Political classes will pay off or allow Business to profit, Business will go along and pay off power to stay in business and get rich.
You are mixing utterly different motives Sir and it is FATAL.
There’s no evidence of Business doing anything but going along with what’s decided.
As for the businesses profited from the destruction of social Capitol 🤦♀️ (what a term Mx Rand!) tell me how Detroit and the Rust Belt profited. Tell me how 50% of GDP and 25% of world GDP vanished and business profited.
The only Enterprises that Profited from the Great Ravaging of Society that LBJ unleashed- the greatest Carpet Bagger Enabler in history, unwitting fool - the only Enterprises that profited were GOVERNMENTS, who now had tens of millions of new clients for their patronage.
So unless you consider Government a business, Business did not profit.
Woolworths; remember them?
What Profit?
Some survived, some like the Waltons thrived.
Businesses were driven by whips, chains, lawsuits, fines, taxes into RUIN and the Industrial areas literally ruins - driven to extinction or flight overseas.
> But POWER did get to Open China, and 🇺🇸 win the Cold War without nuclear war.
Politics is Power.
Business is money.
Cui Bono is ERROR on its own.
Cui Bono if applied would indict every Coroner and Funeral Home in the land - did they not benefit?
and Enough! We know who did it by name, even the nameless bureaucrats have names; Karen and Ken. They actually did it, they’re still doing it and they not only benefit they thrive.
Powerful points and valid, but I am not yet wholly convinced. The system is, to use an expression, non-binary and fluid to a fault.
Business and politics are thoroughly inter-penetrated. The Western model is state-capitalism (now rapidly transitioning into crony and gangster capitalism), the fusion of public and private power, an improved, functional, and camouflaged attempt to achieve what fascism merely promised: the eradication of the division between public and private power.
Detroit and the Rust Belt did not benefit from shipping industry overseas, but the corporate elite and investors sure did. And deindustrialisation is a gold mine for predatory business provided that they have deep enough reserves of cash (or access to long-term credit on agreeable terms) so as to buy up assets sold by distressed sellers. The deindustrialisaton of New York city was in fact driven by city planners in the pocket of the Rockefellers because the relevant financial advisers calculated that they would get better returns on a buoyant retail and middle class housing market than a manufacturing base (I found Robert Fitch's book on this very informative, see
The key decision-making strata of the state circulate across sectors, the so-called 'revolving door' while regulatory agencies are captured by business interests who use red-tape and punitive regulation to suppress competition. The top bureaucrats are focused on their careers and these extend across sectors into business: the perspectives of future colleagues and employers are never far from their minds. Captains of industry crafted Roosevelt's New Deal and the current 'Green Agenda' is a ploy by big business to get subsidies and regulation rigged on behalf of key industry players and investors.
The distinction between power and money is relevant only at the level of small and medium sized firms, if it is indeed relevant at all. Happy to be proven wrong, but we fight a hydra.
I personally think Barstool guy is just pissed off that his sex life might be hampered if his partners can’t get abortions. But the truth of the matter is they’ll always be able to get abortions, unless he sleeps with someone from Mississippi who has an irregular menstrual cycle. Even then they’ll always have access to abortifacients.
Anyway, I loved your article. So many good thoughts and explanations. I find the two parties have changed dramatically over recent years. Today the left is the party of rich elites, and the right is the party of the working class. I’m talking about the voters of the parties not the leaders. The leaders are all about the elites, on both sides of the aisle.
I've only browsed the first section of The Network State, but one thing stood out immediately - it's all about the rootless cosmopolitans. No mention of families, no mention of the working classes, etc.
Maybe there's something later, but, quite honestly, I strongly doubt it.
Deeds are not words, speech is not power. There is no alliance because it has no power.
These are commentators.
Not political actors, politics is power.
The UnWoke Alliance- doesn’t exist except for TALK and writing, blogging, tweeting and has absolutely no power. Portnoy and Rogan and the rest have
NO POWER. Look at the profiles of the SCOTUS and their immediate retainers- “no Twitter presence “ will immediately pop up. Probably not on Facebook or TikTok either...
The SCOTUS does have power and the SCOTUS did the deed, even if it’s devolving power to the States.
As for Corporate America’s bottom line you Sir overrate and misunderstand corporate America and the limits of money- however worry not, the Originalists thought of that too;
Which is why they’ve backed the Federalists for generations.
RTL and Trads wanted Roe gone,
Corporations want...Chevron deference gone, see ABC of SCOTUS.
Roe was always a litmus test for Activist Regulation/Anti-Business if pro-Roe, if anti-Roe then pro business and less activist regulations. As readers of your blog should know the Courts and not the legislature/Congress are the real means of redress in real life. So SCOTUS having breached the gate of
Roe-stantinople 😉
Now floods the sacred shaking Potomac Citadel with more social conservative decisions ...but business will want to see some Chevron Defilement or Chevron Disrespect...this fits in with all of it, undoing or weakening Chevron returns lawmaking matters to Congress (to their stupefied horror no doubt).
The non Catholic appeal of Originalists is to they who want Constitutional government and this Court has thrown down the Holiest of Holies ...
> Do take note they threw out NYCs 109 year old pistol permit laws aka big 2A win first .
There are 2 right wing groups in America who fight and win; Gun owners and Christians.
And now to the states; where there are actual RW organizations and alliances for both guns and pro-life.
The online alliance of degeneracy , yesterday’s liberals and media attention grabbers is irrelevant- anyone who has power shuns the media, anyone seeking the media has no power.
"...anyone who has power shuns the media, anyone seeking the media has no power". Exemplary realism!
However, while social conservatives have certainly won big on abortion, it is unclear how much success they can expect to have on further regulating Corporate America in a family-friendly way on a state by state basis.
What if in exchange for Corporate America’s continued support they overturn or weaken Chevron? To give a real example of exactly the real exchange.
The real exchange is Roe and Religious Liberty in exchange for money, the Corporations get a less regulated regime if the legislature has to return to their duties of lawmaking instead of tossing it at the bureaucracy and collecting extortion fees for occasional protection- the Congress we actually have does that- as opposed to the Congress we don’t have ...
Corporations don’t care about Abortion. They care about money and stability.
Corporations don’t love Woke they are being extorted.
No one likes HR.
They endure HR.
As far as state by state legislatures- Philip are you serious? LMAO ! Of course the Corporations want that, then they just open an office in that state, as opposed to China or Ireland.
And Philip why do you pose the non-existent issue of social conservatives wanting to regulate Corporate America at all, never mind the Brer Rabbit Briar Patch scenario above...
“Oh please Brer Amy Barrett Comey don’t throw me in the State Legislative Briar Patch 🐇🤣. “
What I was stumbling towards is the proposition that the Dobbs vs Jackson decision may well turn out to be the high-water mark for social conservatism, that they cannot expect to successfully implement a 'common good' pro-family agenda in any foreseeable future. Corporate America is essentially indifferent to difficulties with family formation, familial maintenance or replacement level fertility amongst the general population. Corporate America has benefited greatly from the disruption or de-prioritisation of traditional family structures. This, more than anything else, enables the elite’s sponsorship of forces hostile to inherited social and cultural norms (feminism, gender fluidity, LGBTQI). The corporate sector will ultimately get more out of the push towards decentralisation than social conservatives.
Social Conservatives mostly want to be left alone...and they are getting more of what they want.
As for corporations - they only care about money.
DEI and the rest are them paying extortion money.
While Corporate America may have prospered from the disruption of the family they may also just have adapted....and frankly the possibility of firing Karens from HR never mind the rest might just be worth a few pennies they'll happily gather elsewhere.
And I'm not seeing a conspiracy to destroy the family coming from Corporate anyone Philip, I do see these policies being pushed by the forces of the Progressive State for decades. It's a mistake to for instance confuse the Ford Foundation with the Ford Family [who denounced it's Soros like actions but were legally powerless to stop the Foundation].
Philip business doesn't CARE about anything but money.
They were happy to work for the Kaiser,
then Weimar, then Hitler, then the Americans.
Henry Ford and an entire cast of characters from American Capitalism were happy to ship to and do business with the USSR.
Lenin was absolutely the most devoted follower of Taylor [of Taylorism] and Stalin Taylor's greatest implementer [you may have heard of GULAG].
The idea that Corporations wouldn't love to get back many hours of lost productivity and money in mandatory training from HR, Karen, and the rest of the freak show pirate crew Carnival running through their businesses begs incredulity,
I'm in one, I am just out of the military one is committed to this even Karen.
Karen the Commissar just wants a middle class house and life and would be quite happy preaching the Federalist papers, Das Kapital, Susan Sontagg, Mao, or Mein Kampf to keep her McMansion. It's not as if these dullards understand what they are reading.
No one believes this shit after college Philip.
Now they don't even believe it in college, they've been listening to it since the 4th grade.
Social Conservatives mostly want to be left alone Philip, they may want the power to control the public moral life where they live or in the schools...
But mostly the effects which is the point is the return of representative and Constitutional government, politics is power and the power devolves to the states.
It would be a place to shill your work and keep your followers informed. Thomas777 has one. You can allow comments if you wish and maintain a forum atmosphere. So far, they seem less censorious than twitter.
Especially enjoyed the write up on portnoy and abortion issue. I have always been, and remain, pro-choice, but there’s a truly Tone deaf, single-issue focus - which your write up addresses- that astounds me. To hear people howling and crying about the invasion of our medical privacy after the Covid lockdowns and mandates makes me ashamed to be in any political alliance with them. Not to mention the also completely hypocritical insistence that abortion rights remain untouched by federalism when so many other parts of the health care and hospital systems are completely, even historically, regional. Cf, Mayo system and recent Hulu series “dopesick”. Whatever the answer, these so called responses don’t help one bit. Thanks. I look forward to this weekly feature.
Network states are very similar to the social architecture Neal Stephenson depicted in Snow Crash and The Diamond Age: distributed governance corporations with holdings in cities all over the world, providing services such as housing, security, education, and so on to neighborhoods that operated as outposts. It's sort of like a state made entirely of embassies. In Snow Crash they're shown as being purely commercial in character. In The Diamond Age, they've evolved to take on ideological dimensions, with each network state adopting a culture, philosophy of life, laws, and fashions.
It's not necessarily as crazy as it sounds. Traditional states aren't thrilled about ceding sovereignty over pockets of real estate and ending up with moth-eaten territories, but money and power are their own arguments. The economic activity generated by distributed states, and their ability to leverage technology to do quite a bit of damage if they choose, enables them to carve out territory for themselves; nor does it hurt that life as a citizen of such a group is far better than life outside of one, since those groups provide services, as well as a sense of tribal belonging, far more effectively than traditional territorial states are capable of.
In the real world, additional examples of this kind of thing are the New Hampshire Free State project, and some town in the Midwest that got entirely taken over by a radical church. Historically, the Puritans of New England, as well as the Amish, fit. In fact, especially the Amish. I suppose the globalist miasma is itself a version of this, although not yet formalized.
I've wondered the same thing. From what I've heard, quite vaguely, enough libertarians made the move that they have had something of an influence on state politics. But obviously, not to the utopian degree that was originally hoped for.
I don't buy that to be united on one issue you have to be united on all issues. I think this thinking is a result of the US two party system. Politically in the US we are forced to this binary simplification, but the fight against wokeism is not only a political one.
tbh, I haven't formulated one beyond liking what he did re: COVID-19 when we learned that it wasn't the Bubonic Plague. I'll reserve offering up a full opinion until I can do so from a point of non-ignorance.
There are significant elements with the elites across Europe who stand to benefit from the mismanagement of the economy. Europe's elites are now functioning like their counterparts in much of the Third World, calculating that it is better for them to serve the US than engage in the class compromise (and attendant sacrifices) necessary to mobilise their own population to engage in serious international competition. Amongst other things, the US is probably aiming to gently pressure at least some European firms to relocate portions of their manufacturing/industry to the US itself.
The US does not rely on psyop. They have moulded the European elites and those inclined towards as more nationalist direction have been sidelined, eased out or made politically unviable. The dumbing down of the entire Western elite is a major factor. There is an outstanding explanation of the dumbing down of elite education at Oxford: BLUFFOCRACY by James Ball and Andrew Greenway.
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Wow. Niccolo knocked it out of the park with this issue. (Baseball metaphor.)
1. Big Tech in the process of redefining national sovereignty.
2. A whole South Asian nation devastated by Global Warming ideology. No nuclear weapons involved.
3. Europe punked by neocon persecution of Russia. Guess who gains financially: $$$$ 🤑
4. And other good stuff.
More cracks in the alliance:
- Elon vs Trump (I heavily dislike both)
- Yarvin vs normie masses (told them to submit to the Dark Elves and stop struggling lmao)
Personally I think that the abortion ruling was a tactical mistake, but I do understand that the SC is not something anyone owns and works in its own way. If it was me, I'd have absolutely went after Gender first, and enshrined biological sex as the important, legal category that matters, and then go after everything affirmative action. Abortion feels more like something tailored for religious conservatives, I guess the side effect is that it inconveniences women a bit, and women tend to lean shitlib, but overall, as a medic, I'm moderate on the issue and don't really understand what's the huge fuss about it, nor why conservatives think a pre-embrio clump of cells is life, or progressives feeling entitled to own the chuds by murdering fully healthy, viable fetuses with nervous and cardiac activity.
Settle down, both of y'all.
Random solid post: very excellent!
Curtis is my hero and I can see myself a dark elf.
You're not supposed to be a dark elf, you're supposed to bend the knee and accept elite rule.
Giving up a set of shitlib elites for another mildly less shitlib ones is just stupid politics. Yarvin is not a knight, not a king, not a conqueror, not a top athlete, all he has to offer is a blog and some good analysis of power structures.
To actually lead, you should rise through merit and struggle.
And merit and struggle will never favor out of shape, mid aged library rats.
My apologies if this seemed hostile, but it is of utmost importance to not fall for any personality cult or elites of any sort.
I’m thinking about what you say, sincerely, but sorry Curtis is the shit.
Every time I read someone like Niccolo Soldo or Matt Tiabbi or Glenn Greenwald I find myself filtering it through a Curtis Yarvin analysis. I am constantly saying to myself “of course it’s like that”, that is how it works. As I see it these other rather brilliant authors are presaged by Curtis‘s theories of power. It is absolutely remarkable, I’m always saying out loud “of course it must be thus” and Curtis explains why.
Curtis confuses me 1/3 of the time but I think the central concept is his “selective advantage of dominant ideas “.
I think Curtis is saying the dark elves are people who understand what’s going on but are still fair minded and so they are on the side of the hobbits who just want to grill: the good guys.
Your approach is pretty good. Go with what works for you. You show no signs of handing over your mind to anyone. You are merely persuaded that Curtis is on the money, or at least very useful. Curtis is applying a rigorous approach to complex issues and explaining things reasonably well, certainly in comparison with the fire-hose of lies and bullshit on offer elsewhere.
Curtis is entirely correct that there are people within the elites who are aware of the dangers to which the system exposes us all, not least the dangers of provoking destructive and overwhelming reactions from those disfavoured by the regime. It would be a mistake, however, to assume that these people will be effective, but their presumed perspectives are worth understanding. And it would be naive to assume that these people are not motivated by self-preservation, even self-advantage. If/when the time comes, these 'dark elves' will make a play to replace their rivals. These 'dark elves' pose their own dangers, though there is nothing wrong with aiming to be a 'dark elf' yourself if you have a chance.
That’s a compliment thank you.
I own a business with many employees: we are in the maelstrom. Curtis explains the maelstrom of human affairs. No one else is focussed on that topic, no one.
I have my instincts and my observations and my lessons learned through hard experience and against that I find Curtis’s explanation (as you say) on the money.
Generally I find the Substack authors to be a bunch of pussies. They tend to have a tidy logic but a poor understanding of the battlefield; the rules of engagement are unknown to them and it is for me very obvious. To me it’s like they’ve been cloistered way so long they have become hemophiliac‘s and bleed out on first contact.
Mike Tyson was being interviewed and the interviewer was a smarty-pants who was asking him complex questions about the other boxers strategy and plan . The interviewer was embarrassing Mike with the fancy talk, Tyson couldn’t answer because he is poorly educated. Tyson got pissed off and eventually said everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Tyson pummelled the other boxer unconscious in the second round of the fight.
Curtis gets the punch in the face, the ancient dynamics of human power.
Tyson got that one right!
There was once an ancient Greek philosopher, Heracleitus of Ephesus aka Heracleitus the Obscure, who said that 'ideas are toys for children' (a double-handed compliment since Heracleitus compared the forces of the cosmos to a child at play), but he was spot on. Ideas are only as good (and in so far as) they explain things or when they work as tools for this or that task (or when they entertain us), but there is never any good reason to get over-invested in any of them.
Substack has plenty of great talent, but as a rule we are all living with too much confusion: infotainment, miseducation and the shared bullshit of a culture that no longer understands how to promote human thriving. And a few too many on substack are living inside their own heads too much...a common problem in the digital age. Good luck with the must be hell at the moment, but at business life would keep you grounded.
I share your belief that ideas need to have a practical application and the business gives me a very large canvas, it gives meaning to my life (it’s not just about money).Your Greek philosopher, the obscure, he likened the randomness of nature as unto the unstructured play of a child, very cool, it suggests he felt the meaninglessness. We all live at the end of time and the edge of understanding, even 2000 years ago.
A word on my fellow Torontonian, Nicolo Soldo, fantastic!
The point, as I understand it, is that there is meaning and structure but, given its extraordinary complexity we mistake it all (life, the cosmos) as purely random. The complexity allows structure and chance to operate in competition. The risk is to simplify or, worse, give way to a perception of meaninglessness and futility that simply reproduces the chaos we perceive. The ultimate aim is to play, to utilise our capacities as completely as possible.
Well said. That is a theistic point of view. Our boy Niccolo is a theist.
I'm good n the same boat man
Random, there is much to agree with your perspective. We should always be suspicious of anything that might serve to encourage or enable hesitancy, passivity or acceptance. Leaders should be selected properly (merit and struggle are good for that), but in the real world leaders are sociopaths who have made it through a rats' maze of personal and political compromise. You are dead right about not falling for personality cults or elites.
As for Curtis, he is not a knight, king, conqueror or top athlete. But a blog and a few good analyses put him ahead of those who just offer a blog and bad analyses. He is a curious character and does not pretend to be a leader of any kind in his own right. His relative proximity to real or suggested 'dark elves' adds to his public image.
I subscribe to GRAY MIRROR and have been reading him on and off since the 1990s. There is plenty to snipe about, but why bother? Maybe I am going soft or just sentimental about a fellow Gen Xer who still has some fight in him (figuratively speaking), but I'd cut him some slack. Curtis is not the answer, but he is a useful contributor to the debate about where we are now.
I think the "tactical mistake" was the assumption people may actually read the opinions of the justices and understand it's implications, and I'm not just talking about the blue-hair land whales threatening a "sexual boycott" and who constantly harp on about "democracy".
Richard Bari's/People's Pundit routinely finds people claim they support Roe, but almost inevitably will misunderstand what it means because they also claim to be against aspects of abortion that Roe legalized.
Instead of winners and losers in reality, everyone is miserable in imagination. Pour fentanyl in the water supply and everyone scutters around walking dead style. The 80 yr transformation from one regime to the next is the current moment and while cons are debating silly things like what is a woman, the left aka the power centers are already codifying their liberal hellscape into hegemonic monopoly. Conservatism is the sucker bet. Keep harping on this and that and then suddenly question why all your money is gone. Sorry, you can have a free meal for the night for your troubles but thanks for your life's savings
Struggling to define what a woman is is in fact the major chink in the armour of the left “power centres”.
Yes. The leftoid strategy of manipulation of language as a power game is thoroughly undone when they refuse to define something even a toddler perceives, if not fully understands.
The failure of Kendhi to condemn the NYC vax mandates as inherently racist when they clearly were was a similar failure thay put his racial grifting on full display.
So the guys in the network state expect to live virtually in their online state whilst also absorbing the resources of the real state, including the infrastructure that allows them to be online? Do they expect police protection? To use the roads, the hospitals?
As for them all congregating in one city, and taking over, in that unlikely event they will pretty soon realise that they need nurses, plumbers, shop keepers, police, etc etc etc. They already have that ratio of nerds to normals in Silicon Valley. In any case moving somewhere and taking over isn’t an online community anymore, and if it ever did happen it would last one generation, two max, until everybody dies out from lack of reproduction.
I haven't read the book, but I think that Balaji is being purposely provocative for several reasons, one of them specifically to show that Big Tech can flex on national governments (which I think is only partially true, and opens up the possibility of backlash, as states continue to have a monopoly on violence).
imo the Russia-Ukraine War and its economic implications has shown the critical importance of controlling access to resources (of which both Russia and America have). Tech guys like Balaji live in a pre-2/24/22 world where access to bits only matters and access to stuff is irrelevant.
Lots of these techno-libertarian types were touting the notion that "kinetic warfare" was over during the opening phase of the war in Ukraine. Then reality decided to show up.
In other news: my very, very old friend 2cb (Second City Bureaucrat) has started up his own Substack -
From the site:
"This is 2cb's Weekly Touchbase, a newsletter about Group narcissism, professionalism, jurisprudence."
"There is a noticeable growing resistance to woke culture, but until it begins to impact the bottom line in Corporate America, it’s place is secure. If it loses its position, the USA will default back to pre-woke liberalism, thus satisfying the disaffected liberal, exemplified by what is known as the Barstool Conservative."
Very astute observation, Niccolo. There is no constituency of any significance within Corporate America that supports the policies needed to realise the aims of 'common good' conservatism: economic policies designed to foster family formation or family maintenance (paid maternity leave, high real wages, enhanced employment security).
The trads assume that public policy and transfer payments can rebuild the family structures of the mid-twentieth century and appear to believe that this can happen by an act of collective will via the ballot box. Yet business has no interest in preserving any inherited forms of social or cultural life and would be actively hostile to the emergence of any serious political force that might express such an interest with any sincerity.
'Barstool conservatives' are closer to the centre of political gravity than the trads.
Philip: why do you think Business is the hidden hand behind the moral decay in America and the destruction of the family?
When I see openly the hand of the Political class and power?
Clearly you do think it's business, why?
It is a case of identifying the ultimate, enduring, beneficiary. The business of America is business. The political class serves business, it does not undermine it. The Left is simply one portion of this political class. I have cut and pasted some bits that I have already prepared that may explain things. My apologies for any incoherence.
The moral decay (which I think of as regime supported dysfunction) is an effect of the strip-mining of social capital accumulated during previous generations. This capital was developed by intact families and the economic, education and welfare policies designed to maintain a stable and contented civilian population willing to support the status quo during the wars and revolutions of the 20th c. Post-Cold War, business simply no longer has a stake in that stability or content.
Unconstrained by the need for concessions to the working classes and without any connection to pre-modern traditions that might impose unchosen obligations, Corporate America is free to support the kleptocratic form of capitalism that we can see emerging.
Biopolitically, the current US regime (the political class and business) has no interest in the welfare of the masses, who are replaceable via mass immigration. It has no interest in the genomic continuity of the population as a whole and is actively hostile to the emergence of any political force that might express such an interest. Accordingly, the regime is indifferent to difficulties with family formation, familial maintenance or replacement level fertility amongst the general population.
Key regime constituencies (employers, feminists, civil society) benefit from the disruption or de-prioritisation of traditional family structures , while others benefit from the mismanagement of fertility on a mass scale. This fortifies the elite’s interest in sponsoring forces hostile to inherited social and cultural norms (feminism, gender fluidity, LGBTQI).
The emergence of a sub-proletariat (by definition either involuntarily unmarried or unable to support stable families) within the working class is in no way problematic for the regime…it reduces pressures for higher wages, facilitates further mass immigration and disrupts the transmission of unchosen or inherited attachments that pose a potential burden or obstruction to business.
Philip- Cui Bono error; and it is.
The Cui Bono error is solving an unknown by looking at who benefits and saying it must be them; no Just Jury or Court on Earth would convict nor indict based on that - even Beria extracted confessions.
It becomes even more grievous an error when the actual culprits announce, preach, publish and these days tweet and blog their motives and methods. The culprits are the Political class and their ruling Theocracy of the Ivy League. Politics is Power, not money. Rawls was not Rockefeller, Rockefeller was not Rawls. There’s those that will now think “Trilateral Commission” to which I answer “Anti-Trust Acts” which precede the various Trilaterals and Bildebergers by decades earlier.
You are making the classic fatal error of confusing power with money. You Sir are making the classic Category error of confusing Politics (Power) with Business (money).
Political people are about power.
Business people are about money.
The Political classes will pay off or allow Business to profit, Business will go along and pay off power to stay in business and get rich.
You are mixing utterly different motives Sir and it is FATAL.
There’s no evidence of Business doing anything but going along with what’s decided.
As for the businesses profited from the destruction of social Capitol 🤦♀️ (what a term Mx Rand!) tell me how Detroit and the Rust Belt profited. Tell me how 50% of GDP and 25% of world GDP vanished and business profited.
The only Enterprises that Profited from the Great Ravaging of Society that LBJ unleashed- the greatest Carpet Bagger Enabler in history, unwitting fool - the only Enterprises that profited were GOVERNMENTS, who now had tens of millions of new clients for their patronage.
So unless you consider Government a business, Business did not profit.
Woolworths; remember them?
What Profit?
Some survived, some like the Waltons thrived.
Businesses were driven by whips, chains, lawsuits, fines, taxes into RUIN and the Industrial areas literally ruins - driven to extinction or flight overseas.
> But POWER did get to Open China, and 🇺🇸 win the Cold War without nuclear war.
Politics is Power.
Business is money.
Cui Bono is ERROR on its own.
Cui Bono if applied would indict every Coroner and Funeral Home in the land - did they not benefit?
and Enough! We know who did it by name, even the nameless bureaucrats have names; Karen and Ken. They actually did it, they’re still doing it and they not only benefit they thrive.
Stop confusing the locusts for the farmers.
Its not business, its Politics.
Powerful points and valid, but I am not yet wholly convinced. The system is, to use an expression, non-binary and fluid to a fault.
Business and politics are thoroughly inter-penetrated. The Western model is state-capitalism (now rapidly transitioning into crony and gangster capitalism), the fusion of public and private power, an improved, functional, and camouflaged attempt to achieve what fascism merely promised: the eradication of the division between public and private power.
Detroit and the Rust Belt did not benefit from shipping industry overseas, but the corporate elite and investors sure did. And deindustrialisation is a gold mine for predatory business provided that they have deep enough reserves of cash (or access to long-term credit on agreeable terms) so as to buy up assets sold by distressed sellers. The deindustrialisaton of New York city was in fact driven by city planners in the pocket of the Rockefellers because the relevant financial advisers calculated that they would get better returns on a buoyant retail and middle class housing market than a manufacturing base (I found Robert Fitch's book on this very informative, see
The key decision-making strata of the state circulate across sectors, the so-called 'revolving door' while regulatory agencies are captured by business interests who use red-tape and punitive regulation to suppress competition. The top bureaucrats are focused on their careers and these extend across sectors into business: the perspectives of future colleagues and employers are never far from their minds. Captains of industry crafted Roosevelt's New Deal and the current 'Green Agenda' is a ploy by big business to get subsidies and regulation rigged on behalf of key industry players and investors.
The distinction between power and money is relevant only at the level of small and medium sized firms, if it is indeed relevant at all. Happy to be proven wrong, but we fight a hydra.
Politics is downwind of ruling class ideologies, which is driven by the needs of the elites.
Ideology is a trap, a trick.
The elites - Power- do not make it, its a trap for others, or priestly trappings for whatever they do.
This doesn’t necessarily disagree with your point, but ideas and the logic of ideas = 💩.
Look for instance who is backing the Uko Nazis. By name.
I personally think Barstool guy is just pissed off that his sex life might be hampered if his partners can’t get abortions. But the truth of the matter is they’ll always be able to get abortions, unless he sleeps with someone from Mississippi who has an irregular menstrual cycle. Even then they’ll always have access to abortifacients.
Anyway, I loved your article. So many good thoughts and explanations. I find the two parties have changed dramatically over recent years. Today the left is the party of rich elites, and the right is the party of the working class. I’m talking about the voters of the parties not the leaders. The leaders are all about the elites, on both sides of the aisle.
Kathy, I 100% agree with you on Portnoy's self-interested take as well.
I've only browsed the first section of The Network State, but one thing stood out immediately - it's all about the rootless cosmopolitans. No mention of families, no mention of the working classes, etc.
Maybe there's something later, but, quite honestly, I strongly doubt it.
Deeds are not words, speech is not power. There is no alliance because it has no power.
These are commentators.
Not political actors, politics is power.
The UnWoke Alliance- doesn’t exist except for TALK and writing, blogging, tweeting and has absolutely no power. Portnoy and Rogan and the rest have
NO POWER. Look at the profiles of the SCOTUS and their immediate retainers- “no Twitter presence “ will immediately pop up. Probably not on Facebook or TikTok either...
The SCOTUS does have power and the SCOTUS did the deed, even if it’s devolving power to the States.
As for Corporate America’s bottom line you Sir overrate and misunderstand corporate America and the limits of money- however worry not, the Originalists thought of that too;
Which is why they’ve backed the Federalists for generations.
RTL and Trads wanted Roe gone,
Corporations want...Chevron deference gone, see ABC of SCOTUS.
Roe was always a litmus test for Activist Regulation/Anti-Business if pro-Roe, if anti-Roe then pro business and less activist regulations. As readers of your blog should know the Courts and not the legislature/Congress are the real means of redress in real life. So SCOTUS having breached the gate of
Roe-stantinople 😉
Now floods the sacred shaking Potomac Citadel with more social conservative decisions ...but business will want to see some Chevron Defilement or Chevron Disrespect...this fits in with all of it, undoing or weakening Chevron returns lawmaking matters to Congress (to their stupefied horror no doubt).
The non Catholic appeal of Originalists is to they who want Constitutional government and this Court has thrown down the Holiest of Holies ...
> Do take note they threw out NYCs 109 year old pistol permit laws aka big 2A win first .
There are 2 right wing groups in America who fight and win; Gun owners and Christians.
And now to the states; where there are actual RW organizations and alliances for both guns and pro-life.
The online alliance of degeneracy , yesterday’s liberals and media attention grabbers is irrelevant- anyone who has power shuns the media, anyone seeking the media has no power.
So its noise, no current of power:
Short version; don’t confuse Commenters like Rogan, Yarvin, Portnoy with POWER.
"...anyone who has power shuns the media, anyone seeking the media has no power". Exemplary realism!
However, while social conservatives have certainly won big on abortion, it is unclear how much success they can expect to have on further regulating Corporate America in a family-friendly way on a state by state basis.
What if in exchange for Corporate America’s continued support they overturn or weaken Chevron? To give a real example of exactly the real exchange.
The real exchange is Roe and Religious Liberty in exchange for money, the Corporations get a less regulated regime if the legislature has to return to their duties of lawmaking instead of tossing it at the bureaucracy and collecting extortion fees for occasional protection- the Congress we actually have does that- as opposed to the Congress we don’t have ...
Corporations don’t care about Abortion. They care about money and stability.
Corporations don’t love Woke they are being extorted.
No one likes HR.
They endure HR.
As far as state by state legislatures- Philip are you serious? LMAO ! Of course the Corporations want that, then they just open an office in that state, as opposed to China or Ireland.
And Philip why do you pose the non-existent issue of social conservatives wanting to regulate Corporate America at all, never mind the Brer Rabbit Briar Patch scenario above...
“Oh please Brer Amy Barrett Comey don’t throw me in the State Legislative Briar Patch 🐇🤣. “
That’s reality not realism.
What I was stumbling towards is the proposition that the Dobbs vs Jackson decision may well turn out to be the high-water mark for social conservatism, that they cannot expect to successfully implement a 'common good' pro-family agenda in any foreseeable future. Corporate America is essentially indifferent to difficulties with family formation, familial maintenance or replacement level fertility amongst the general population. Corporate America has benefited greatly from the disruption or de-prioritisation of traditional family structures. This, more than anything else, enables the elite’s sponsorship of forces hostile to inherited social and cultural norms (feminism, gender fluidity, LGBTQI). The corporate sector will ultimately get more out of the push towards decentralisation than social conservatives.
Social Conservatives mostly want to be left alone...and they are getting more of what they want.
As for corporations - they only care about money.
DEI and the rest are them paying extortion money.
While Corporate America may have prospered from the disruption of the family they may also just have adapted....and frankly the possibility of firing Karens from HR never mind the rest might just be worth a few pennies they'll happily gather elsewhere.
And I'm not seeing a conspiracy to destroy the family coming from Corporate anyone Philip, I do see these policies being pushed by the forces of the Progressive State for decades. It's a mistake to for instance confuse the Ford Foundation with the Ford Family [who denounced it's Soros like actions but were legally powerless to stop the Foundation].
Philip business doesn't CARE about anything but money.
They were happy to work for the Kaiser,
then Weimar, then Hitler, then the Americans.
Henry Ford and an entire cast of characters from American Capitalism were happy to ship to and do business with the USSR.
Lenin was absolutely the most devoted follower of Taylor [of Taylorism] and Stalin Taylor's greatest implementer [you may have heard of GULAG].
The idea that Corporations wouldn't love to get back many hours of lost productivity and money in mandatory training from HR, Karen, and the rest of the freak show pirate crew Carnival running through their businesses begs incredulity,
I'm in one, I am just out of the military one is committed to this even Karen.
Karen the Commissar just wants a middle class house and life and would be quite happy preaching the Federalist papers, Das Kapital, Susan Sontagg, Mao, or Mein Kampf to keep her McMansion. It's not as if these dullards understand what they are reading.
No one believes this shit after college Philip.
Now they don't even believe it in college, they've been listening to it since the 4th grade.
Social Conservatives mostly want to be left alone Philip, they may want the power to control the public moral life where they live or in the schools...
But mostly the effects which is the point is the return of representative and Constitutional government, politics is power and the power devolves to the states.
Dobbs effects are the return of representative and Constitutional government, politics is power and the power devolves to the states.
People can live with the results therein, for they have a say again.
You've been gone from twitter for a while. Do you have a Telegram channel?
I wouldn't know what to do with one. What goes on there on those channels?
It would be a place to shill your work and keep your followers informed. Thomas777 has one. You can allow comments if you wish and maintain a forum atmosphere. So far, they seem less censorious than twitter.
BAP also has a presence.
Especially enjoyed the write up on portnoy and abortion issue. I have always been, and remain, pro-choice, but there’s a truly Tone deaf, single-issue focus - which your write up addresses- that astounds me. To hear people howling and crying about the invasion of our medical privacy after the Covid lockdowns and mandates makes me ashamed to be in any political alliance with them. Not to mention the also completely hypocritical insistence that abortion rights remain untouched by federalism when so many other parts of the health care and hospital systems are completely, even historically, regional. Cf, Mayo system and recent Hulu series “dopesick”. Whatever the answer, these so called responses don’t help one bit. Thanks. I look forward to this weekly feature.
“Coinbase’s former CTO”
Next scam in process
Network states are very similar to the social architecture Neal Stephenson depicted in Snow Crash and The Diamond Age: distributed governance corporations with holdings in cities all over the world, providing services such as housing, security, education, and so on to neighborhoods that operated as outposts. It's sort of like a state made entirely of embassies. In Snow Crash they're shown as being purely commercial in character. In The Diamond Age, they've evolved to take on ideological dimensions, with each network state adopting a culture, philosophy of life, laws, and fashions.
It's not necessarily as crazy as it sounds. Traditional states aren't thrilled about ceding sovereignty over pockets of real estate and ending up with moth-eaten territories, but money and power are their own arguments. The economic activity generated by distributed states, and their ability to leverage technology to do quite a bit of damage if they choose, enables them to carve out territory for themselves; nor does it hurt that life as a citizen of such a group is far better than life outside of one, since those groups provide services, as well as a sense of tribal belonging, far more effectively than traditional territorial states are capable of.
In the real world, additional examples of this kind of thing are the New Hampshire Free State project, and some town in the Midwest that got entirely taken over by a radical church. Historically, the Puritans of New England, as well as the Amish, fit. In fact, especially the Amish. I suppose the globalist miasma is itself a version of this, although not yet formalized.
I remember the Free State Project quite well as I used to post on a libertarian board back around 15 years ago. Whatever became of it?
I've wondered the same thing. From what I've heard, quite vaguely, enough libertarians made the move that they have had something of an influence on state politics. But obviously, not to the utopian degree that was originally hoped for.
Critical Mass not achieved, I guess.
FSP is still quite active - lots of people from blue states moving but will it be enough or effective? Libertarians are bad activists historically
"Herding cats" immediately springs to mind.
I don't buy that to be united on one issue you have to be united on all issues. I think this thinking is a result of the US two party system. Politically in the US we are forced to this binary simplification, but the fight against wokeism is not only a political one.
Of course not. Coalitions are coalitions for a reason, otherwise they'd be a single party.