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Philip- Cui Bono error; and it is.

The Cui Bono error is solving an unknown by looking at who benefits and saying it must be them; no Just Jury or Court on Earth would convict nor indict based on that - even Beria extracted confessions.

It becomes even more grievous an error when the actual culprits announce, preach, publish and these days tweet and blog their motives and methods. The culprits are the Political class and their ruling Theocracy of the Ivy League. Politics is Power, not money. Rawls was not Rockefeller, Rockefeller was not Rawls. There’s those that will now think “Trilateral Commission” to which I answer “Anti-Trust Acts” which precede the various Trilaterals and Bildebergers by decades earlier.

You are making the classic fatal error of confusing power with money. You Sir are making the classic Category error of confusing Politics (Power) with Business (money).

Political people are about power.

Business people are about money.

The Political classes will pay off or allow Business to profit, Business will go along and pay off power to stay in business and get rich.

You are mixing utterly different motives Sir and it is FATAL.

There’s no evidence of Business doing anything but going along with what’s decided.

As for the businesses profited from the destruction of social Capitol 🤦‍♀️ (what a term Mx Rand!) tell me how Detroit and the Rust Belt profited. Tell me how 50% of GDP and 25% of world GDP vanished and business profited.

The only Enterprises that Profited from the Great Ravaging of Society that LBJ unleashed- the greatest Carpet Bagger Enabler in history, unwitting fool - the only Enterprises that profited were GOVERNMENTS, who now had tens of millions of new clients for their patronage.

So unless you consider Government a business, Business did not profit.

Woolworths; remember them?

What Profit?

Some survived, some like the Waltons thrived.

Businesses were driven by whips, chains, lawsuits, fines, taxes into RUIN and the Industrial areas literally ruins - driven to extinction or flight overseas.

> But POWER did get to Open China, and 🇺🇸 win the Cold War without nuclear war.

Politics is Power.

Business is money.

Cui Bono is ERROR on its own.

Cui Bono if applied would indict every Coroner and Funeral Home in the land - did they not benefit?

and Enough! We know who did it by name, even the nameless bureaucrats have names; Karen and Ken. They actually did it, they’re still doing it and they not only benefit they thrive.

Stop confusing the locusts for the farmers.

Its not business, its Politics.

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Powerful points and valid, but I am not yet wholly convinced. The system is, to use an expression, non-binary and fluid to a fault.

Business and politics are thoroughly inter-penetrated. The Western model is state-capitalism (now rapidly transitioning into crony and gangster capitalism), the fusion of public and private power, an improved, functional, and camouflaged attempt to achieve what fascism merely promised: the eradication of the division between public and private power.

Detroit and the Rust Belt did not benefit from shipping industry overseas, but the corporate elite and investors sure did. And deindustrialisation is a gold mine for predatory business provided that they have deep enough reserves of cash (or access to long-term credit on agreeable terms) so as to buy up assets sold by distressed sellers. The deindustrialisaton of New York city was in fact driven by city planners in the pocket of the Rockefellers because the relevant financial advisers calculated that they would get better returns on a buoyant retail and middle class housing market than a manufacturing base (I found Robert Fitch's book on this very informative, see https://www.versobooks.com/books/689-the-assassination-of-new-york).

The key decision-making strata of the state circulate across sectors, the so-called 'revolving door' while regulatory agencies are captured by business interests who use red-tape and punitive regulation to suppress competition. The top bureaucrats are focused on their careers and these extend across sectors into business: the perspectives of future colleagues and employers are never far from their minds. Captains of industry crafted Roosevelt's New Deal and the current 'Green Agenda' is a ploy by big business to get subsidies and regulation rigged on behalf of key industry players and investors.

The distinction between power and money is relevant only at the level of small and medium sized firms, if it is indeed relevant at all. Happy to be proven wrong, but we fight a hydra.

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Politics is downwind of ruling class ideologies, which is driven by the needs of the elites.

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Ideology is a trap, a trick.

The elites - Power- do not make it, its a trap for others, or priestly trappings for whatever they do.

This doesn’t necessarily disagree with your point, but ideas and the logic of ideas = 💩.

Look for instance who is backing the Uko Nazis. By name.

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