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Deeds are not words, speech is not power. There is no alliance because it has no power.

These are commentators.

Not political actors, politics is power.

The UnWoke Alliance- doesn’t exist except for TALK and writing, blogging, tweeting and has absolutely no power. Portnoy and Rogan and the rest have

NO POWER. Look at the profiles of the SCOTUS and their immediate retainers- “no Twitter presence “ will immediately pop up. Probably not on Facebook or TikTok either...

The SCOTUS does have power and the SCOTUS did the deed, even if it’s devolving power to the States.

As for Corporate America’s bottom line you Sir overrate and misunderstand corporate America and the limits of money- however worry not, the Originalists thought of that too;

Which is why they’ve backed the Federalists for generations.

RTL and Trads wanted Roe gone,

Corporations want...Chevron deference gone, see ABC of SCOTUS.

Roe was always a litmus test for Activist Regulation/Anti-Business if pro-Roe, if anti-Roe then pro business and less activist regulations. As readers of your blog should know the Courts and not the legislature/Congress are the real means of redress in real life. So SCOTUS having breached the gate of

Roe-stantinople 😉

Now floods the sacred shaking Potomac Citadel with more social conservative decisions ...but business will want to see some Chevron Defilement or Chevron Disrespect...this fits in with all of it, undoing or weakening Chevron returns lawmaking matters to Congress (to their stupefied horror no doubt).

The non Catholic appeal of Originalists is to they who want Constitutional government and this Court has thrown down the Holiest of Holies ...

> Do take note they threw out NYCs 109 year old pistol permit laws aka big 2A win first .

There are 2 right wing groups in America who fight and win; Gun owners and Christians.

And now to the states; where there are actual RW organizations and alliances for both guns and pro-life.

The online alliance of degeneracy , yesterday’s liberals and media attention grabbers is irrelevant- anyone who has power shuns the media, anyone seeking the media has no power.

So its noise, no current of power:

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Short version; don’t confuse Commenters like Rogan, Yarvin, Portnoy with POWER.

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"...anyone who has power shuns the media, anyone seeking the media has no power". Exemplary realism!

However, while social conservatives have certainly won big on abortion, it is unclear how much success they can expect to have on further regulating Corporate America in a family-friendly way on a state by state basis.

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What if in exchange for Corporate America’s continued support they overturn or weaken Chevron? To give a real example of exactly the real exchange.

The real exchange is Roe and Religious Liberty in exchange for money, the Corporations get a less regulated regime if the legislature has to return to their duties of lawmaking instead of tossing it at the bureaucracy and collecting extortion fees for occasional protection- the Congress we actually have does that- as opposed to the Congress we don’t have ...

Corporations don’t care about Abortion. They care about money and stability.

Corporations don’t love Woke they are being extorted.

No one likes HR.

They endure HR.

As far as state by state legislatures- Philip are you serious? LMAO ! Of course the Corporations want that, then they just open an office in that state, as opposed to China or Ireland.

And Philip why do you pose the non-existent issue of social conservatives wanting to regulate Corporate America at all, never mind the Brer Rabbit Briar Patch scenario above...

“Oh please Brer Amy Barrett Comey don’t throw me in the State Legislative Briar Patch 🐇🤣. “

That’s reality not realism.

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What I was stumbling towards is the proposition that the Dobbs vs Jackson decision may well turn out to be the high-water mark for social conservatism, that they cannot expect to successfully implement a 'common good' pro-family agenda in any foreseeable future. Corporate America is essentially indifferent to difficulties with family formation, familial maintenance or replacement level fertility amongst the general population. Corporate America has benefited greatly from the disruption or de-prioritisation of traditional family structures. This, more than anything else, enables the elite’s sponsorship of forces hostile to inherited social and cultural norms (feminism, gender fluidity, LGBTQI). The corporate sector will ultimately get more out of the push towards decentralisation than social conservatives.

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Social Conservatives mostly want to be left alone...and they are getting more of what they want.

As for corporations - they only care about money.

DEI and the rest are them paying extortion money.

While Corporate America may have prospered from the disruption of the family they may also just have adapted....and frankly the possibility of firing Karens from HR never mind the rest might just be worth a few pennies they'll happily gather elsewhere.

And I'm not seeing a conspiracy to destroy the family coming from Corporate anyone Philip, I do see these policies being pushed by the forces of the Progressive State for decades. It's a mistake to for instance confuse the Ford Foundation with the Ford Family [who denounced it's Soros like actions but were legally powerless to stop the Foundation].

Philip business doesn't CARE about anything but money.

They were happy to work for the Kaiser,

then Weimar, then Hitler, then the Americans.

Henry Ford and an entire cast of characters from American Capitalism were happy to ship to and do business with the USSR.

Lenin was absolutely the most devoted follower of Taylor [of Taylorism] and Stalin Taylor's greatest implementer [you may have heard of GULAG].

The idea that Corporations wouldn't love to get back many hours of lost productivity and money in mandatory training from HR, Karen, and the rest of the freak show pirate crew Carnival running through their businesses begs incredulity,

I'm in one, I am just out of the military ....no one is committed to this even Karen.

Karen the Commissar just wants a middle class house and life and would be quite happy preaching the Federalist papers, Das Kapital, Susan Sontagg, Mao, or Mein Kampf to keep her McMansion. It's not as if these dullards understand what they are reading.

No one believes this shit after college Philip.

Now they don't even believe it in college, they've been listening to it since the 4th grade.

Social Conservatives mostly want to be left alone Philip, they may want the power to control the public moral life where they live or in the schools...

But mostly the effects which is the point is the return of representative and Constitutional government, politics is power and the power devolves to the states.

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Dobbs effects are the return of representative and Constitutional government, politics is power and the power devolves to the states.

People can live with the results therein, for they have a say again.

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