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Comments about brain evolution are as misleading as any regime ideology.

The population in the banlieues/banlieux is ethnically mixed, but mostly North African. A significant portion of the North African population is Berber/Kabyle while the Arabs of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia include descendants of people from Spain as well as descendants of European renegades and slaves. The latter groups included Latins, Teutons and Slavs. In a nutshell, North Africans are anatomically modern homo sapiens.

The problem is mostly about unemployment class, culture and (above all) religion, as well as regional development in North Africa.

Demands for assimilation are pointless because the French economy simply has no need for many, if not most, of the young people who are rioting. The only way to resolve anything would be to create a critical, economy wide, labour shortage accompanied by something like the 60s (an era of hedonism and mass consumption). This is not on the cards.

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Poor Biden does not want to destroy Western civilization...he just wants to keep his boy out of gaol and die with enough in the bank to ensure that his grand-kids avoid the lifetime of indignities and frustrations that working people have to face.

As for treason...Biden's corruption was enabled by his countries intelligence agencies who were instrumentalising the influence-peddling within the Beltway. Biden's shameless greed helped secure the loyalty (or at least the services) of Ukrainian oligarchs needed for NATO's intrigues. How Biden's crimes compare to those of previous presidents is anyone's guess. At least Biden was shaking down foreigners...the Clintons and Obama are less scrupulous.

Biden is not destroying America, merely humbling the pale people who stand in the way of the next iteration of American greatness: the TransAmerican regional imperium that will unify the western hemisphere into a regional bloc with Oceanic, Asian and African outlying provinces. Biden inherited a shit hand from his various predecessors since the end of the Cold War: recurrent financial crises, hollowed-out institutions, a military unsuited for war against a peer and a population stupefied by drugs and entertainment.

'Western civilization' is just geopolitical marketing. Our civilization is not being destroyed by Biden but by the unwillingness of our mass leadership class to tolerate the endurance of any cultural or social legacy that might impede the prerogatives of management. And the general preference for consumer goods over children.

Scapegoating a tired, weak and sick old man like Biden is pathetic.

We must honour Biden...he is still our master. Some respect is due even if the ship of state is crewed by troons and girl-bosses.

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deletedJul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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This is what I've been saying for years!

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Brussels, London and Washington will not rest until Warsaw and Prague are as dangerous and unstable as Chicago or Paris.

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Do you think it will be successfully resisted, or do you think they will fall?

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The locals in most parts of the East have the energy and will to live and to resist. Russia's success in the present war will help to weaken the Quislings as will the spectacle of Paris in flames.

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Indeed Russia is the tie-breaker here, so to speak. If it wins in Ukraine this will energize the European resistance to americanization and US machinations. A contrario if it loses...

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The increase in oppositional energy will be met with a reaction. I do not expect any kind of resolution, only a system-wide increase in tension. TurboAmerica might even benefit from a surge in European resistance because this would mobilise pro-American fifth columnists whose vital interests require American suzerainty. TurboAmerica thrives on chaos, conflict etc.

Russia itself may not wish to play any kind of major role in Europe...they may well have given up on it. Washington needs a weakened Europe, Moscow needs only to deter European threats to its vital interests. If Germany is not buying Russian gas Moscow has no reason to want German prosperity or strength. So Russia may also benefit from a crippled Europe.

Whatever happens, Europe is looking at very serious trouble in the next decade.

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Russia seems to have written off the West for good, no disagreement. My point was simply that the mere fact of NATO getting a bloody nose in Ukraine would provide a much-needed morale boost to the "resistance".

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deletedJul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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What Europe must do cannot be discussed on the internet.

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It wasn't a coincidence that all these elements came together yesterday. I still felt the need to put it all together.

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The US will not object to Macron making common cause with the Far Right, as long as the fusion does not question France's Atlanticist orientation in general, or the war on Ukraine in particular.

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You'd be surprised.

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Explain, please.

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deletedJul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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As long as the result was not to question the Atlanticist orientation, they'd be fine. Francoist Spain being an example thst comes to mind.

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deletedJul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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Imagine if Germany voted in a nationalist party and tried to pull out of NATO. The USA would nuke it.

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The mistake you're making is thinking that Cold War USA is the same as today's USA.

The question to settle this is: why did the US State Department create this Minority Engagement Strategy?

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Because it provides an ostensibly moral cover for State Department Realpolitik.

Governments do this all the time, affect touching concern for oppressed minorities, but only sometimes.

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Have you not noticed how the USA has been increasing its meddling in the politics of its allies over the years?

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Yes, generally to enforce US foreign policy.

This is why open fascist nostalgics can come to power in Italy, but they support American wars and American hegemony, so nobody raises a peep.

At the same time, the AfD is Beyond The Pale.

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No. Because they don't subscribe to American foreign policy.

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Meloni's party is a centrist party. There is nothing far right about them. They are letting in migrants at a rate unseen since 2016.

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Without conceding the point, if Meloni were to question America's wars, we'd be hearing a very different tune.

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Let me put it this way: why would the USA have this "Minority Engagement Strategy" if all they want is for France to remain Atlanticist?

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Call it "White Man's Burden 2.0".

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

France, left to its own devices, might go pro-Russia. The strategy does have a certain kind of logic.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

And Germany too. The Eurasion economic engine is so logical it has to be stopped. Thus the Ukraine war.

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"Minority Engagement Strategy"

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

mfs will call just about anything a color revolution these days

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Yes. Wildly overused term.

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It is clear, after only living in Italy a few months, that America's poisonous ideologies have spread to all westernized nations, which will eventually lead to the implosion of all. The tendency of the the middle class and elites abroad to send their children to American universities has all but ensured their cultural and political demise. These kids go back home after achieving their gilded and lauded U.S. university diploma, then go on to poison their own governments and cultures. It is unclear if this was intentional on the part of these parents, or just naive. Doesn't matter; the results are the same. The American government need not do much once they have poisoned young minds. America is a pox on the entire world, the 800 pound gorilla determined to pound everyone into ideologic submission; the one ring to rule them all. The economic and military clout of that gorilla, coupled with its corruption, makes the ends seem inevitable. God help us all.

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The part that seems insane to me is these American ideologies are getting much more pushback in America than across much of the West which seems to be embracing them.

A: This means that this ideology is not even close to as popular in the United States as some people pretend.

B: The adoption of these ideologies makes little sense on a rational level. Really, BLM for the UK?

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If you think #BLM for the UK sounds funny, try #BLM in Hungary.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I know I am going to regret asking this, but are you serious!?

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Let me see if I understand this. Here we have a statue tailor made to piss off conservative Americans with a kneeling rainbow colored Statue of Liberty that has her torch replaced by the black power salute, and they are dumping this shit in Hungary for the express purpose of dumping American cultural baggage on their doorstep in the most offensive way possible and smugly asking them what they are going to do about it? Or am I misreading the situation!?

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Your read is correct.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

There were BLM protests in South Korea too. As someone who lived in South Korea for 15 years I found this weird. Far more migrant workers from other parts of Asia (China, Philippines, etc.) in Korea.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Seeing a BLM tent in Copenhagen with hundreds of sad-eyed Whites crowded around it, and a few Black guys, was an instructive moment.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The pushback in the US is coming from the subordinate classes. Woke is being adopted by the oligarchs and the managerial strata across the GAE. This is ideological synchronisation so as to lubricate the process of further economic/political integration.

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They might want to try a different kind of lubrication because I am starting to hear concerning grinding noises.

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Here in Southern Italy, this is nearly non-existent. For the primarily Catholic countries, the ideology is a hard sell until the Pope endorses it, which he has already hinted at doing with his "interfaith" initiatives. I wonder how long it will take to "transform" these backwaters, either voluntarily or compulsorily.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Right, this stuff is basically a post-religion that replaced Protestantism. The writer Geoff Shullenberger called Woke a "deeply American sort of hyper-Protestantism." So it doesn't map onto Catholic countries all that well (Ireland seems to be an exception; that probably has something to do with it being part of the Anglosphere).

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

John McWhorter has reached the same conclusion: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/26/books/review/john-mcwhorter-woke-racism.html

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The term I use is "post-religion" because it's not exactly a religion per se but it does serve the same sociological functions. There's actually a whole book about this shit that I am halfway through: https://www.amazon.com/Anxious-Age-Post-Protestant-Spirit-America/dp/0385518811

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

McWhorter doesn’t seem to get the crucial distinction between Catholicism and Protestantism. Catholics feel guilty for what they’ve done. Protestants feel guilty for what they are.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Also because of Irelands' sharp turn away from Catholicism in the wake of the Church sex abuse/ Magdalen laundry scandals.

When we achieved independence we adopted a "Burn everything English but their coal" mentality, and retconned our history as a litany of rebellions against the Brits. That's why we became hyper Catholic in the first place, as a reaction against the Protestant English.

That's what we are going through now, a wholesale rejection of the notion that the Church ever did anything for us, it was oppression all the way down, and fling ourselves into the new thing.

It is very easy to make us do that, as getting drunk and riding each other is an easier sell than the daily rosary and abstinence.

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Keir Starmer has stated that if he wins the next election his most important priority will be "ending structural racism". LOL

not only do we all live on campus now, the entire West lives on campus.

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Turbo :)

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Good piece. France has a tradition of media savvy "intellectuals", barely distinguishable from socialites, who are in it for the fame and fortune, but also agents for foreign transatlantic powers (BHL, or the French intellectuals discussed in "The Cultural Cold War" by Frances Stonor Saunders, etc). She reminds me of Baerbock who also had a puff piece in the NYT before the German Elections, or on a slightly opposed intellectual end of the spectrum Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who was allied with the American Enterprise Institute). It doesn't really matter whether these people are om the "right" or "left" as long as they flow with the Empire.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Calling an open enemy an “ally” to save yourself the humiliation of revealing that you can’t do anything about them anyway is probably the right tactical move in an advertising-based régime.

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"Of course the American agent will quote MLK. That’s part of the process of Americanization. MLK is completely alien to France and its history, but that won’t stop people like her from trying to reframe it anyway. To them, we are all Americans... ...one way or another."

What a great example of the imperial mindset. Our myths are the only myths. We're pleased France is taking the opportunity to educate itself.

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"Inside of every Gook is an American trying to get out!" - Full Metal Jacket

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The rioters burned down some school named after Angela Davis, you know. Was not at all surprised there was a school named after her.

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I think what I'm getting hung up on is the Floyd Riots vs these.

They do feel a bit different. In the sense there was actually Ahmaud Arbery first in 2020, followed by Floyd. Then they were pushing literally every fatal black guy/police encounter for months on end post floyd. That, imo, was 100% an internal color revolution

France 2023 feels a little less goal oriented psyop. Idk if I'm making any sense.

I accept US trained assets embedded in French media/gov infrastructure doing as they do. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not sure about the CIA seeing the shooting happen in France, and then giving orders to their lackeys directly to run with this, and I'm not sure what the end game would be.

Having trouble articulating and contradicting myself sry. Hopped up on caffeine and nicotene.

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deletedJul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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Arrange the domino track to your liking and let someone else knock over the first one.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

"...the trick is modifying system architectures to create incentive structures that will force micro-level decisions by people in all layers of the machine to suit the broader agenda..."

That's right! They use the term "cognitive infrastructure". In a recent court case on USG censorship (The Missouri case?). In the govt.s defense, their lawyers justified the interference with speech as a form of critical infrastructure which is a national security issue which in turn lends itself a lot of legal leeway. So they are just managing the cognitive infrastructure. This is how "they" think when setting up these moronic shit shows. You just need a few triggers and everything falls into place, if the "cognitive infrastructure" is set up correctly. Anyway, that's my theory...

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Author

To clear up any possible confusion, I am not in any way implying that the USA is behind these riots. I am just drawing attention to certain opportunistic individuals like Diallo, and their ties to the USA.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Diallo is an agent of empire who aspires to entrench a Third World 'Phanariot' class into the leadership of the EU. Without TurboAmerica she and her friends would have no chance of success.

The US benefits from replacement level immigration into Europe and the disruption to the societies of the local client-states but does not have to micromanage the processes by sponsoring the riots.

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absolutely spot on, and it is a brilliant move on the part of the GAE aka Social Justice Inc to 1) push for constant unlimited mass immigration, while 2) turning the best educated black and brown children into an international Red Guard.

This is a Cultural Revolution brought to you by the Fortune 500, and they get to play pyromaniac and Fire Dept, burning down the territory they claim and then rushing in for total control in the name of "antiracism".

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This is what victory in the Cold War looks like: America collects the rent on class war itself and uses Maoism in blackface to do it. Woe to the conquered!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Shared on gab, good work.

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