I think what I'm getting hung up on is the Floyd Riots vs these.
They do feel a bit different. In the sense there was actually Ahmaud Arbery first in 2020, followed by Floyd. Then they were pushing literally every fatal black guy/police encounter for months on end post floyd. That, imo, was 100% an internal color revolution
France 2023 feels a little less goal oriented psyop. Idk if I'm making any sense.
I accept US trained assets embedded in French media/gov infrastructure doing as they do. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not sure about the CIA seeing the shooting happen in France, and then giving orders to their lackeys directly to run with this, and I'm not sure what the end game would be.
Having trouble articulating and contradicting myself sry. Hopped up on caffeine and nicotene.
"...the trick is modifying system architectures to create incentive structures that will force micro-level decisions by people in all layers of the machine to suit the broader agenda..."
That's right! They use the term "cognitive infrastructure". In a recent court case on USG censorship (The Missouri case?). In the govt.s defense, their lawyers justified the interference with speech as a form of critical infrastructure which is a national security issue which in turn lends itself a lot of legal leeway. So they are just managing the cognitive infrastructure. This is how "they" think when setting up these moronic shit shows. You just need a few triggers and everything falls into place, if the "cognitive infrastructure" is set up correctly. Anyway, that's my theory...
To clear up any possible confusion, I am not in any way implying that the USA is behind these riots. I am just drawing attention to certain opportunistic individuals like Diallo, and their ties to the USA.
Diallo is an agent of empire who aspires to entrench a Third World 'Phanariot' class into the leadership of the EU. Without TurboAmerica she and her friends would have no chance of success.
The US benefits from replacement level immigration into Europe and the disruption to the societies of the local client-states but does not have to micromanage the processes by sponsoring the riots.
absolutely spot on, and it is a brilliant move on the part of the GAE aka Social Justice Inc to 1) push for constant unlimited mass immigration, while 2) turning the best educated black and brown children into an international Red Guard.
This is a Cultural Revolution brought to you by the Fortune 500, and they get to play pyromaniac and Fire Dept, burning down the territory they claim and then rushing in for total control in the name of "antiracism".
This is what victory in the Cold War looks like: America collects the rent on class war itself and uses Maoism in blackface to do it. Woe to the conquered!
i laugh (darkly) at least once a day about how postmodernism aka academic Marxism pretended to be some kind of radical anticapitalist rebellion when it turned out to be the greatest weapon the capital class could ever dream of, and how our priesthood of radical academics slipped so naturally and easily into the role of commissars and Thought Police for the global corporate state...you'd almost think they had no principles except the desire for a lucrative sinecure and a chance to inflict their power-knowledge on any and all opponents...;)
I laugh at the unworldliness of people who are surprised by any of it: academic rhetoric is the most preposterous and dishonest sound since Mata Hari had her legs in the air.
Academics resemble the poorest of the clergy in the days of Jane Austen. They preach passivity to the masses and crave gentility and respectability.
I think what I'm getting hung up on is the Floyd Riots vs these.
They do feel a bit different. In the sense there was actually Ahmaud Arbery first in 2020, followed by Floyd. Then they were pushing literally every fatal black guy/police encounter for months on end post floyd. That, imo, was 100% an internal color revolution
France 2023 feels a little less goal oriented psyop. Idk if I'm making any sense.
I accept US trained assets embedded in French media/gov infrastructure doing as they do. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not sure about the CIA seeing the shooting happen in France, and then giving orders to their lackeys directly to run with this, and I'm not sure what the end game would be.
Having trouble articulating and contradicting myself sry. Hopped up on caffeine and nicotene.
Arrange the domino track to your liking and let someone else knock over the first one.
"...the trick is modifying system architectures to create incentive structures that will force micro-level decisions by people in all layers of the machine to suit the broader agenda..."
That's right! They use the term "cognitive infrastructure". In a recent court case on USG censorship (The Missouri case?). In the govt.s defense, their lawyers justified the interference with speech as a form of critical infrastructure which is a national security issue which in turn lends itself a lot of legal leeway. So they are just managing the cognitive infrastructure. This is how "they" think when setting up these moronic shit shows. You just need a few triggers and everything falls into place, if the "cognitive infrastructure" is set up correctly. Anyway, that's my theory...
To clear up any possible confusion, I am not in any way implying that the USA is behind these riots. I am just drawing attention to certain opportunistic individuals like Diallo, and their ties to the USA.
Diallo is an agent of empire who aspires to entrench a Third World 'Phanariot' class into the leadership of the EU. Without TurboAmerica she and her friends would have no chance of success.
The US benefits from replacement level immigration into Europe and the disruption to the societies of the local client-states but does not have to micromanage the processes by sponsoring the riots.
absolutely spot on, and it is a brilliant move on the part of the GAE aka Social Justice Inc to 1) push for constant unlimited mass immigration, while 2) turning the best educated black and brown children into an international Red Guard.
This is a Cultural Revolution brought to you by the Fortune 500, and they get to play pyromaniac and Fire Dept, burning down the territory they claim and then rushing in for total control in the name of "antiracism".
This is what victory in the Cold War looks like: America collects the rent on class war itself and uses Maoism in blackface to do it. Woe to the conquered!
i laugh (darkly) at least once a day about how postmodernism aka academic Marxism pretended to be some kind of radical anticapitalist rebellion when it turned out to be the greatest weapon the capital class could ever dream of, and how our priesthood of radical academics slipped so naturally and easily into the role of commissars and Thought Police for the global corporate state...you'd almost think they had no principles except the desire for a lucrative sinecure and a chance to inflict their power-knowledge on any and all opponents...;)
I laugh at the unworldliness of people who are surprised by any of it: academic rhetoric is the most preposterous and dishonest sound since Mata Hari had her legs in the air.
Academics resemble the poorest of the clergy in the days of Jane Austen. They preach passivity to the masses and crave gentility and respectability.