I pressed the like button out of habit. I was preparing a comment and was going to ask what form the equity takes in reserve banking. Also, if it is joint stock, do half-Jews get b-class shares? The last central banker I ever saw in person was a very conservative Baptist and he did not look in the least bit Jewish to me.
I pressed the like button out of habit. I was preparing a comment and was going to ask what form the equity takes in reserve banking. Also, if it is joint stock, do half-Jews get b-class shares? The last central banker I ever saw in person was a very conservative Baptist and he did not look in the least bit Jewish to me.
I pressed the like button out of habit. I was preparing a comment and was going to ask what form the equity takes in reserve banking. Also, if it is joint stock, do half-Jews get b-class shares? The last central banker I ever saw in person was a very conservative Baptist and he did not look in the least bit Jewish to me.