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Excellent breakdown Niccolo.

At least one person--me--voted for Trump in 2016 solely because Hillary Clinton repeatedly said she wanted to create a no-fly zone over Syria to shoot down Russian planes. (And implicitly let ISIS take over the whole country.)

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Feb 2, 2023
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He presents one point of view. I'm interested in opposing views, from Croatia.

Just don't be hysterical. That's an automatic defeat.

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There is certainly a case to be made against central or reserve banking and the industrialised world needs to do much better. And the central banks undeniably plaid a big role in the disasters of the 20th c. The trouble is that without them you can run into terrible trouble.

And the conspiracy theorists invariably get it all wrong, as do many critics. Central banks are instruments of state power.

IMHO informed, analytic, historically literate and balanced views on central banking are very rare. The bullshit on the subject is just incredible.

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Central banking is not even studied at economics departments of many universities.

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It would not be. The truths would be way too sensitive: the BIS, the old London Gold Pool, capital flight, the use of the Basel Accords to prop up the US bond market. There are apparently still some files on Bretton Woods that remain off limits to historians...my guess is that they may well relate to capital flight during the war. None of it is fit to be discussed in polite company.

Central banks are the great unacknowledged strategic assets of TurboAmerica.

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I find Trump to be problematic in many ways, but he was the peace candidate in both 2016 and 2020 (and perhaps again in 2024). Because of that he got my vote twice.

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that a populist (american) candidate is the peace candidate should tell you detached are the US elites from reality

the sad thing is that they can afford that because of how much the masses are detached from reality as well. We live in an unprecedented time of access to information, everything is at our fingertips, yet people still consume and regurgitate the bullshit as if it was 1920.

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"Detached from reality" indeed. The Washington Blob and its Boomer loyalists have been growing crazier for awhile now, but as our host accurately pointed out, they suffered some kind of psychotic break in 2016 with the election of The Orange One. Now there is no consensus too insane for them to coalesce around. Vax Sars-2 out of existence! Gender-affirm every confused teenager! Regime-change Moscow!

That last one's a doozy. Pray to whatever gods may be that there is some version of this Zoki fellow plying reason along the Potomac.

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He's the only US president in many years not to start a new war

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