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thanks Niccolo!

Im in early this time...


[Comment: do you mean 'dodgy' in the UK sense, or 'sketchy' in the US sense?]

National sovereignty over globalism and supra-national bureaucracies.

[Comment: verb required]

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Edgy as in controversial

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ok, I would have thought edgy was 'controversially new' but that it had a positive, fashionable connotation. Things that are new and controversial because they are horrifying are not really described as edgy.

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I see you're oh so very conflicted about Israel.

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I'm a spectator to that conflict and am not invested in one side or the other.

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Third Way voyeurism

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haha very good

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Makes a person wonder when same entities fund both sides of a conflict.

(Promulgating your Saturday commentary - much food for thought.)

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I doubt that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and North Koreans are coordinating closely but the present situation offers all of them incentives to push their own individual territorial/political agendas while egging on their peers to do the same.

Long-term Turbo-America needs to strengthen allies and clients. The established preference for weak and dependent clients maximised Washington's control but has led to Washington assuming way too many burdens and overextending itself. An enhanced version of Nixon's Guam doctrine suitably revised for America's current condition would strike a balance between over-exstension and isolationism. To some extent this may already be happening via AUKUS.

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The allies (with a few exceptions) chose to be weak. Cheaper to be a free rider - more butter to spread around when you save on guns

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Turbo America overreached in every direction but most of all at home. The frenzy of activity was mistaken for some huge burst of energy when in fact DC is in spasms.

But something awaits to be born.

You’d better hope my side wins, world. The worst thing we’d do is move into a dominant position in space. A more dominant position. There’s much worse that could happen.

And world... I’ve met you.

You aren’t innocent.

Most of you deserve any fate you meet, but Pax Americana is ending. It cost us the Republic and that price is too high.

There’s really nothing bad that could happen to you that would extract sufficient vengeance for losing the Republic. But as it stands... this isn’t Empire, not yet.

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A glimpse of what the worst might look like is already becoming clearer.

Obama's ambiguous reaction to Al Aqsa Flood and his wife's pointed refusal to join in any public acknowledgement of the rape and kidnap of Israeli women (in contrast to the incident in Nigeria a few years back) is suggestive. The synergies forged between Civil Rights and national liberation during the Cold War are obvious enough (as is the involvement of Obama's family in all this) so one can only wonder where Obama's position might ultimately lead.

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Obama’s side is done Philip.

He’s DC to the core, in fact he’s IC 3d generation. Fairy tale.

This year shall be very interesting. What these DC witless fools don’t realize is Trump would buy them time, conceivably save the status quo for years...

... and they can’t allow him to get elected. The American Liberals and Left have no internal controls on their various streams. Example are these farcical indictments of Trump and the abortive attempts to get him off the ballot. They sealed the nomination for him. It’s over.

Trump was FADING, then morons indicted him. Said Fani Williams moron is this close to going down herself for $600K to her boyfriend (who’s behind on child support 🤣).

- Who needs South Africa?


The Democrats are disintegrating throwing themselves against PT Barnum while their own coalition of the fringes splinters over the economy and the Left plunges into their gay, fake pantomime of the SA Kristallnahcht - as long as it can happen safely on campus. There goes half their money and nearly all their brains and media.

This isn’t the rise of the 20th century monsters, it’s the 20th century CGI reruns bombing at the box office. Sorry, the Franchise is lame. It’s done.

So’s democracy if they don’t let the peasants vote- and they can’t stop themselves from trying to rig it... It’s like the DDR. When they couldn’t give the order to shoot it was over.. if we openly can’t vote it’s over.

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It's amazing isn't it? Trumpy's years as POTUS were easily shut down by the entire "apolitical" apparatus of government being utterly hostile to his agenda, yet they scream and wail as thr prospect of another four years of HIM.

I also think Obama is like Blair in the UK; officially he's gone but his ghost haunts the halls of power and all discourse is formed by his framing.

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Framing? Yes and No. Obama isn't a Frame maker, he's in the Frame.

His entire story is IC [Intel Community] 3d generation.

He was never the Red Diaper Baby, he's an IC baby.

Obama is Indonesian raised, he grew up with fresh Communist corpses in the ground. As Bill Clinton said, the biggest fairy tale he'd ever seen.

The real ghosts in the machine is Clinton government which is government contracted out for anything practical, everyone in DC is one or more LLC's, our government is a Contractor Brokerage. Nothing can be done in the military for instance until the contracts are cut [the uniformed military aren't in on it BTW]

and She who controls the contracts is Queen. < This is called Re-Invented government. ^

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Cheers Nic! New Year off to a smashing start 🍻

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Happy New Year, bro

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Hola , Muy Buenos Artículos. Sobre El Caso De Corea Del Norte , Hay Que Añadir Un Dato Muy Llamativo , Durante El Periodo Entre El Año 2016-2018 , En Polonia Había Más De 20.0000 Trabajadores Norcoreanos Trabajando En La Industria Del Metal , Ni La Unión Europea , Ni Los Estados Unidos , Comentaron Una Sola Palabra. El Ingreso De Divisas Para El Régimen En Esa Época Concreta Fue Muy Importante Para Los Acontecimientos Que Estamos Viviendo Estos Días. Un Saludo.

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gracias mi amigo

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Corea del Norte, durante los años 90, tenía un barco hotel vacío en Budapest, justo al lado del Parlamento. Lo regentaba un empresario que tenía el mismo número de teléfono que la embajada. Probablemente blanqueaban dinero en el salvaje este postsocialista.


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Hola , Muy Interesante. Gracias Por Compartir. Un Saludo.

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"by supporting new universities (e.g. the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest) and think tanks (e.g. the Danube Institute), which lends intellectual credibility to conservatism"

These institutions wouldn't survive a week if Fidesz was out of power.

Big Dick Vik's goal with the likes of Danube Institute is to delay an American uniparty condemnation of his government overseas. Supporting Conservative influencers, a local thorn in Washington's side is not a bad strategy; PiS showed that sucking up to Washington means nothing to the hegemon, if the globalist Polish alternative is also just as willing to do so.

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Your analysis of N Korea and Israel is the biggest BS I’ve ever read in my life. Putin is telling N Korea to nuke the south and setting up a false ICC case against Israel to make it look bad. Omg

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Who said that Putin is telling North Korea to nuke the South?

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Someone must be saying it. So the dotard Trump let Kim down. Not a reason to commit political suicide after finally achieving a nuclear deterrent. The parasites in Pyongyang are as secure as they've ever been.

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Great set of articles. I think the Ellis Island story is popularized by Godfather II where young Vito Antolini gets his name changed to Corleone because he can't speak English.

Thanks especially for the Tuđman piece. To connect the Tuđman and South Africa articles...do you see any parallels between Croatia/Slovenia/Bosnia seceding from Yugoslavia and the nascent movement for Western Cape independence?

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The issue with Western Cape independence is that post-Apartheid South Africa is a darling of the West and an important player in the Global South/BRICS.

Who could they possibly rally to their side internationally?

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'Who could they possibly rally to their side internationally?' Nobody but that is ultimately why they will win. Sovereignty is downstream from capacity and capacity comes from the ground up. As South Africa transforms into a failed state the people of the Western Cape will be driven by the extremities of their situation (the prospect of inevitable genocide) into forming a de facto independent country. The Anglos, the Afrikaners and Coloureds of the Cape are nothing like the Palestinians. They do not need America, the EU or the global NGO trash to hold their hand. Once Julius Malema becomes president South Africa's descent into the abyss will accelerate. Things will develop very quickly. Washington and London will act like fools or worse but the Cape will get its chance. Independence for the Cape makes perfect sense. It is more than feasible.

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South Africa indicts Israel for genocide (it’s war, that’s all) while committing one. Yes , this is the law... law’s true face, international version.

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No one does irony better than Clio, Muse of history. It is a very safe bet that developments in South Africa will end up complicating the present narrative...to put it mildly. Since South Africa is the great laboratory for the social engineering of the racial reckoning sought by the American Left the revelations in store for us over the next two to three years will be a challenge.

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South Africa will disappear from the screen the instant they begin their extermination of the Whites in earnest, as much as they do anything in earnest.

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The mainstream media can certainly be counted on to do whatever they can for the ANC and the rest. It remains to be seen how social media (above all twitter) enables real-time coverage. The situation has the potential to upset the narrative big-time.

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"In light of these historical events, it is important to recognize that, after Orbán steps down from power, Hungary could pass through a similar ‘de-Orbánization.’ "

Hungary already experienced the neoliberal collapse that fated us to be Greece 2.0 by 2010. As long as this memory is still alive, a quick reversal would be difficult to pull off. All this destruction, and - unlike Croata - we weren't even at war.


No one wants the local waterworks to be "privatized" to a French company. It has been done before.

Losing power would revitalize Fidesz. Orban and co., after 2002, had to fight from a difficult position, with no backing from abroad. Washington, Brussels and even Putin himself gladly supported the socialist/liberal government between 2002-2010, while Fidesz had no tv channel, 2 newspapers, and a miniscule internet presence. Through sheer will, conservatives pulled through and eventually won. It took a lot of ground work. Fidesz has grown very complacent in victory.

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As one of that near extinct species - a British small-c conservative - I could almost wish for the UK government to be 'privatized' to Fidesz. Only kidding (I think)!

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Are you at all following Dominic Denethor Despairing Cummings Stack Mr Cunningham?

He talks now and again of a new party.... he just can’t get it about democracy. The insider 💩 is gold however, not that it goes anywhere good.

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Orban's focus on institutions is central to the pushback against the illiberal or anti-social forms of democracy now consolidating themselves across the West. Without institutional sanctuaries Western dissidents are destined to remain online fringe-dwellers. These institutions do not need to be large or even well-financed, they simply need to be successful at fostering cohesion, co-operation, social capital at the grassroots level.

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The little platoons of life.

Like the Shire, yeah.

Again, this part is ending.

Pax Americana is ending.

If Europe had any sense it would split from us the first opportunity.

That rules out democracy BTW, people like their outsourced security and their Bunds.

Their programs.

If Europe has any sense it will end the entire postwar program, rearm and only nuclear powers are sovereign.

You’ll have to replace your governments.

Should be interesting.

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Kim just needs to wait for the whole south to androgynize itself and die out naturally, if he’s patient.

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That would make a great conspiracy theory!

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Fascinating piece about the machine tools industry. Gives credence to the theory that, after being swamped by American military industry during WWII, the Krauts and Japs got their revenge by producing better commercial stuff. (I drive a Mazda and will trade it in for another one, or maybe a Toyota, before some garbage Ford Focus---such is capitalism.)

Relatedly, and more importantly, the return of WWI-style industrial warfare has shocked Pentagon planners. "The Russkies are firing off how many shells per day?!"


"In short, US annual artillery production would at best only last for 10 days to two weeks of combat in Ukraine. If the initial estimate of Russian shells fired is over by 50%, it would only extend the artillery supplied for three weeks."

That's from June last year. The Russkies have ramped up production since, not to mention those supplies from North Korea. And their modern drone-generated telemetry data for artillery strikes makes their WWI generals look like blind duelists. The front is a nightmare for Ukrainian conscripts.

Nevertheless, the USG-WEF-Davos crowd are still telling themselves that Ukraine is prevailing, because Zelenskey remains in power. And the Blackrock et al. contracts to rebuild the place are set and signed. Weirdly, they haven't consulted Russia per these investments...

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I'm waiting for the announcement of a new military industrial policy, but so far *crickets*

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I think it has been replaced by a surveillance technology industrial policy, which they must expect to be sufficient for the control.

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Industrial policy from the Pentagon... 2 part answer.

1. The actual DOD policy is ... do nothing... however the American business sector already stepped up. Machine Tools? Hardinge is right down the road. They moved back in 2020 from Taiwan to Elmira NY. I can go on at length about actual things happening, with or without “policy.” I could also point to the doubling of shell production under the quiet stewardship of Army Secretary Bush, that the USMC did a major reorganization for Pacific war under Berger, but... it’s all so boring!

And there’s no


🇺🇸Our policy is to be ready for war with China over Taiwan by 2027. To this end, and to compete with Russia and China we’re re-industrializing and reshoring at a rapid rate, but if you don’t see it in the right journals I suppose it’s not real?

If only the war in Ukraine had gone as well as our reshoring of industry we gained from said war Zelensky would be in Moscow.

I must now add that in the American and Anglo Saxon world the actual desired effects and results aren’t usually announced as policy, and it’s to be regretted if anything valuable or positive IS public. I’m very serious and literal here, for example NAFTA also includes Canada... and the Great Lakes region built a $6T real economy in USA and Canada. Who knew?

(And the less the better, meanwhile let’s return to the Bloody Opera of Mexico...)

2. But what is our policy?

Well, whatever HAPPENS in reality good or evil is our policy, I mean concrete results over time.

If a construction project goes years and Billions over budget like the Montreal Olympic Stadium, THAT was the true policy.

If the United States has a massive wave of reshoring, regardless of what’s publicly bandied about, THAT is our policy. I say, I observe, we DO.

I don’t care if it’s well known, in fact the less the better.

PS expecting some big dramatic Policy announcements from SecDef Austin after Kabul and Ukraine is simply unreasonable... and I don’t care for him.

Meanwhile here’s a real job at Elmira if you want it


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It doesn’t matter what’s announced, it matters what’s done.



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Artillery shell production in the US has increased a little, but they're in no rush.

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Artillery shell production doubled

Admittedly 28,000 shells a month isn’t fast enough, but they’re not done.

And they are in a hurry.


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So they are in a hurry (but not so much as to order car factories to start churning out tanks). Maybe there is hope for Ukraine if they can hang in there and send another half million to their deaths.

Love the news that a Canadian company won the contract to produce the shells.

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I don’t think anything will be acceptable Bob.

Another try.


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I wouldn't trust these Johnny-come-lately's to MIA again. They were too busy making money to give a damn.

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Yes, confirmed, nothing will be acceptable.

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Luke, I don't think the Focus is made any more but my Chevy Bolt EV is mostly a product of Korea, assembled in Michigan. I think you might find that Toyota and Mazda vehicles are also assembled in the US so I don't follow your "garbage" reasoning.

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Ford owns Mazda so the two probably share many, if not all, components.

Such is globalism.

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Excellent links and commentary, as usual!

Re N Korea, check out this counterpoint to the original linked piece


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Didn't know that they published a rebuttal. Thanks for sharing this.

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The original article in interesting, and frightening(!) nonetheless. Thank you for getting it out there. I have no idea who has the better argument or an axe to grind.

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The debunking of the Ellis Island myth was fascinating. As a child, I did a genealogy project. The most “recent arrivals” in my tree dated from 1893 to 1910. There were a few cases of “this was our name in Germany” and “we changed it to this in America”. Every time, the case was that WE chose to change it.

This shows that what I found to be true for my family was true for most families.

My ancestors / relatives were both eager to Americanize and were… hazed a little bit. One relative had to “climb a flagpole to prove his loyalty” to America in WWI. Apparently, he did it with such eagerness and gusto that his loyalty was never questioned again 🤣

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My mom was able to identify how the 3 preceding generations had altered their last name by adding a letter. Amazing how something that would be so unthinkable now was so commonplace back then.

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The idea that Sparta is a model to be emulated is a laff to anyone who knows anything about the place?

Are they talking about the pederasty and aggressive anti-intellectualism, or just the fact that Sparta was a slave state that ran off the murderous enslavement of helots?

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The Spartan Pederastry was a story from a 3d century Roman Historian, and not contemporary.

It’s possible, although it goes against most of what we see ourselves in these cases. It’s simply not character building for young boys, never mind warriors.

Remember there’s a very strong reaction against the Greeks and their perceived degeneracy, influence, wealth and the general corruption of Roman morals at the time. It’s almost certainly vastly exaggerated, as history so often is... look at our media.

Slavery was universal.

The Helots situation was more complex, btw. There were Helots fighting at Thermopylae.


Millei and the events of the 20th century and now suggest the struggle against slavery may be eternal to man.

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Xenophon and others disagree.

As regards helots in Sparta, the Wikipedia article on the subject is lavishly sourced.

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OK, well their faggots were certainly better than our faggots.

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