That's nonsense. A cheap and easy way of implicitly declaring Everyone in Gaza as an enemy combatant--or in the case of infants and young children, a proto-combatant, the old line that "nits make lice"--for the purpose of mounting a "(mass) homicide in Self-Defense" argument.
That's nonsense. A cheap and easy way of implicitly declaring Everyone in Gaza as an enemy combatant--or in the case of infants and young children, a proto-combatant, the old line that "nits make lice"--for the purpose of mounting a "(mass) homicide in Self-Defense" argument.
The Qassam Brigades need to be decisively defeated, and the key to accomplishing that mission is to destroy their underground bases and logistical support network. But there was absolutely no practical military requirement for an instantaneous military response in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks. Netanyahu could have given the residents of Gaza 30 days notice to clear out, and made some provision to relocate the elderly and infirm. Those tunnels weren't going anywhere.
There was even less justification for military attacks on the refugee columns. Hamas is simply not militarily powerful enough to take and hold a single square meter of Israeli territory. Now that Hamas no longer has the element of surprise in their favor, they presently lack the capability to even make a second strike inside Israeli territory.
"No Palestinian could say peace and live."
That's nonsense. A cheap and easy way of implicitly declaring Everyone in Gaza as an enemy combatant--or in the case of infants and young children, a proto-combatant, the old line that "nits make lice"--for the purpose of mounting a "(mass) homicide in Self-Defense" argument.
The Qassam Brigades need to be decisively defeated, and the key to accomplishing that mission is to destroy their underground bases and logistical support network. But there was absolutely no practical military requirement for an instantaneous military response in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks. Netanyahu could have given the residents of Gaza 30 days notice to clear out, and made some provision to relocate the elderly and infirm. Those tunnels weren't going anywhere.
There was even less justification for military attacks on the refugee columns. Hamas is simply not militarily powerful enough to take and hold a single square meter of Israeli territory. Now that Hamas no longer has the element of surprise in their favor, they presently lack the capability to even make a second strike inside Israeli territory.