Patrick Deneen's Call For Regime Change, "Betrayal" of the White Working Class Male, AI to "Save Humanity"?, Elon Goes To China, Charles Brenner the "Longevity Skeptic"
We won’t. China can’t match our tech, their Confucianism cum Communism cum post Communist destruction of the family has left them without the ability to form and keep teams together no matter how much money they toss at it. If we beat out Japan on tech we can beat China. We pull our knowledge (see chip lithography) and bought their brains with US citizenship (we did) - its not happening.
That means Xi’s ill advised Mussolini LARP is over before it started, and 🇺🇸 is reshoring.
Its normal for the Diaspora and the colonies to be more ____ than the motherland. The Moors of Sri Lanka are both more Ottoman and more British than the homelands, DeToqueville remarked that the defects of the Ancien Regime were manifest in Quebec, the Boston Irish far more republican (IRA) than the FBI - Foreign Born Irish, the Orangemen of Ulster may be the last true British- we can go on.
Nice find on the Welsh piece. A dudes-only text group I'm on sort of blew up because I linked to Aaron Sibarium's article about the Seattle fire department, saying I was *so happy* that if my parents' place went up in flames the lietuenants dealing with it would have been tested on the lives of transgender firefighters instead of more germane tactics. One guy, a lawyer, blew up and talked about "implicit bias" etc. I responded that training in fighting fires sounds like a natural process of cultural cohesion against a common enemy (i.e. the fire), which made him flip his lid further. On the bright side firefighter in the text group seemed to take my side.
One other thing I noticed this week was that the merger between LIV and the PGA Tour seemed to redpill some Never Trump conservatives. A moronic group, I know, but interesting to see nonetheless.
I remember working at an event as a student alongside a black American girl. God knows how it came up but I mentioned that it was wrong to allow women to become firemen when they couldn't carry the weight. It was simply inexplicable, or more accurately wicked, to her that many standards exist as a result of external, unalterable requirements i.e. the ability to lift heavy weights over an extended period of time
🇺🇸Authoritarianism and most American Libertarians work hand in glove. I mean greed and perversion go well together for our elites- they believe in anything sincerely and practice anything with mindless abandon.
For all the AI prognosticators out there, try focusing on how AI is going to make money for its creators and that may reveal what impact it is going to have and in what directions it will be pushed. If there is anything we’ve learned about tech, it is that the focus is money, not utility.
I’d love to see a piece further discussing post-liberalism. It’s an interesting scene that’s definitely still in its infancy. We need an illiberal system that is uniquely American and I think some of these guys are moving towards that. I’m definitely more nationalist and more racially oriented than them but the alternative they offer is a major step in the right direction.
That would be interesting in order to unpack real critiques of their movement as well as greater insight into the constructs of the American system. You’re definitely giving us our money’s worth!
Our good author says he is a fatalist about America. He is an astute observer so I am curious what he foresees.
As for me, I believe liberals are raping America, it’s greed disguised in progressive dogma and their misrule portends a future that looks like Venezuela. The collapse will be fully realized when the US dollar is no longer reserve currency. But I think we are now at peak America, turbo America as per our author, and the collapse is not imminent. America will evermore be a giant ghetto with Archipelagos of wealth.
Has he done a piece that spells out his thoughts on America’s trajectory?
I’ve read most of his stuff, so I have a sense, his point is woven throughout your work.
A full move away from the dollar is too optimistic but a move large enough to cripple the sanctions regime is feasible in our lifetimes. From there the collapse of the money printing regime may still be a few decades away though
i don't know....once Mr Magoo is ushered offstage and the Dems find some place to stash Kamala (Supreme Court? NGO? WWE?), Newsom will licks his chops for 2028: he will have the entire MSM as his campaign team, maybe a billion $ from his friends in the Bay (if people like Zuckerberg and Omidyar ponied up around $500 million for Sleepy Joe, Gavin will get at least twice that), plus oversight of all mail-in ballots....the show will go on, my friend, and just when you think things can't get worse, they often do...
Magoo was merely blind...he was Voltaire blended with James Bond compared to Biden.
Kamala would be perfect for running NATO or as Secretary-General of the UN. Or she could grace the Senate alongside Fetterman et al.
Newsome looks presidential, has excellent connections with everyone from Silicon Valley through to the Gettys and he's had experience making decisions about regulation and resources. A Newsome presidency would surpass the expectation of any cynic.
If he moves off his Venezuela Del Norte Liberal Plantation called California he’ll regret it.
I haven’t been there recently but all reading suggests CA is a Latin American Encomienda right down to the vital details of the owners being a few rich white families (🤣) the domestic help Brown and the middle and productive classes fleeing.
yes, the Brazilification of California (and most likely all America) is proceeding apace and is inevitable, but I'm in my backyard in the Santa Monica foothills and the sunset is looking magical tonight...humans can destroy each other and their societies but Nature is eternal and I'm gonna try to soak up as much of it as I can...cheers!
Further to my previous comments, Deneen's post-liberalism is an exercise in nostalgia. The civic nationalism of the past cannot be reconstructed because the ethnic character of North America has been transformed by Civil Rights and mass migration. There are now vast constituencies that have a direct stake in the constitutional/legal status quo that has established race preferences that deprioritise whites to the advantage of their fellow-citizens.
Deneen needs to address the elephant in the room: the question of whether or not whites deserve to be denied collective political agency as whites.
No serious project of national renewal can work until it addresses the issues the current regime dare not acknowledge beyond making accusations of 'white supremacy' against perceived enemies.
And the fact that the postliberals are still tied down by avoiding these accusations show the true power of American liberalism and the civil rights regime. They will not address these concerns, instead appealing to the bygone sense of civic nationalism that you mentioned, and that is why they will ultimately be supplanted by more radical actors.
Deneen would have been relevant a generation ago. Now he is irrelevant. There is no longer a true mass constituency in existence for his ideas. He speaks only for like-minded people desperate to rescue whatever they can, people who seek reassurance that their votes are going to count and that they can use the franchise to protect a vanishing way of life.
You cannot have communitarian politics when communities are open to all: communities are defined by processes of inclusion and exclusion operating simultaneously. The reality of this will unfold over the next decade as Biden's illegals transform the areas they settle and further iterations of the 'Fergusson effect' seed medium and small towns with Blue-staters with expectations of immunity from law enforcement.
The questions facing Turbo America are not about fine-tuning industry policy but resolving which zones will offer safety to the general public, which will protect the property rights of ordinary people and how much force they are prepared to use for either. These are foundational questions that cannot go unanswered forever.
Whining about John Dewey and the intellectual pretensions of the faculty at the Ivy League has nothing to contribute to the burning issues: who rules, how are these rulers selected and who do they protect?
It’s not Armageddon it’s an unraveling as seen overseas- the State Department is running the system in America now in terms of “government” in DC. Administration isn’t their core competence, nor order. Their real problem is they are all very old Boomers with no feasible succession publicly (AOC? Gaetz? 🤡🤣) nor in particular privately (who follows Blinken? Sullivan? Miley? )? Is anyone left even as staff now? Look at the White House Press Secretary; they have a critical personnel problem now.
To an extent it will be cushioned by America’s densely Federated nature- like the Internet if the powers on and the network has a path the nation itself remains intact- but at the National level its going to look like the DDR plunging into Yugoslavia 91 . Not regional breakup or ethnic strife as much as chaotic devolution of power from the collapsing Capitol in DC. The Blue machine however will suffer as will those in Blue cities and States, they need DC.
No one wants to admit it, even ethnonats, but I suspect a compromise in which ethnic carveouts proportional to population size were extended to everyone would be broadly acceptable to essentially everyone. Frankly it would be better for white guys than the current chaotic dispensation in which 'diverse' just means 'no white guys'.
Institutional/territorial compromise is the very essence of sanity. I do not expect to see much any time soon. Only drooling nutcases do not dread armed conflict. The trouble is that key resources (hydrocarbons, minerals, farmland) lie in Red America, while key financial and high tech sectors are based in Blue. Population movements complicate things greatly, as does the relocation of major firms like Tesla.
Both sides are playing for time, hence the open borders and the dispersal of illegals to transform as much of America as possible ASAP. There appear to be major tensions beneath the surface in finance. The developments in precious metals (the establishment of state-based depositories, the enactment of laws for settlement on bullion and specie) are a flashing light.
The welfare of white guys only becomes relevant when they can longer get taken for granted. That point may not be far away, given the enlistment crisis. This is the true 'paging the Nazgul...problem on aisle three at Mt Doom' moment IMHO.
Long-term the ethno-nats are bound to be big losers. The powers that be are not sentimental about cannon-fodder. Never have been. North American whites have been conflict-averse and ultra-passive for several generations now and cross-class ethnic loyalties are practically extinct no matter what anyone says. This can change. I expect a near vertical learning curve lies in the future for us all.
“Only drooling nutcases do not dread armed conflict.”
Too bad. Listen a peace where they groom, bugger and go Dr. Mengele transition clinic on your kids in not a peace worth keeping. That’s 🇺🇸.
I’ll take the gun droolers over the drooling over kids crowd- this is as big or bigger flashpoint than race by far. Never mind class - that’s England and Europe. Class has always been a affectation in America.
In fact outside of England how much did Class matter after the French Revolution on the Continent?
Race? The so called race conflict outside of media, academe and certain political churches of the past was NEVER a day to day American issue. Haiti had a race war, America never did. FFS it would have happened by now.
Race is a BUSINESS in America.
So was CLASS (Unions, Academe). Lol.
Deneen isn’t working class, he’s a Catholic academic.
I support the droolers over the groomers. The point I was trying to make is that real conflict, the kind with bullets and people getting assassinated etc, is dreadful and is guaranteed to involve substantial cruelty and injustice and will inevitably leave a legacy of bitterness, enmity and regret. If it is worth anything, as a teenager I was a fan of Bernard Goetz and, years later, the 'rooftop Koreans'.
I expect that serious conflict will break out when local leaders have to prioritise the welfare of their base over relationships with Washington. This is inevitable should the more spirited Americans experience substantial immediate danger to their personal property and families. IMO (which may well be wildly inaccurate since I am so far away) Washington has unleashed forces that it may have trouble controlling, regardless of the fact that the activists/protestors are crisis actors.
I am in agreement with you on crisis and suffering, I just don’t see “race” having the legs to march to war on.
That DC unleashes forces it can’t control I will not argue, and I’m not sure that the prior controls or paymasters are on the job now, which means NO control, and whatever opportunists step into the vacuum-or not even opportunistic just filling vacuum - will NEITHER BE PAID NOR CONTROLLED. That’s just here, never mind abroad- sorry Australians. (Elect men, please?)
Philip if Biden died tonight I personally am not even talking to anyone I don’t know (I mean Vets et al of course) about anything, never mind getting off my porch.
Isn’t cowardice, its experience.
This will be like the DDR, without the FRG to catch the DDR, or America to help.
But the sturm und drang the media and government push are utterly discredited.
What will happen is uncharted stormy seas, and unknown.
Ethno-nats always forget about the mixed-race / binational population. One reason among many that racially based policies, whether from the Left or the Right, are not only morally wrong but stupid and doomed to fail.
This forms a significant part of my early criticism as well. Multiracial coalitions based around class collapse in the face of ethnicity/race, especially when rights come into play. It would take one mean son of a bitch to ram through such a coalition.
It is a very old game and the people in charge play it superbly. The Left cannot acknowledge that white working-class and lower middle-class men are either enemies or allies. They cannot be both. The Right, for its part, never dares to acknowledge that the classes for which it shills are profoundly indifferent to the wellbeing or dignity of their social inferiors.
We are not even talking about rights anymore but physical safety. The sight of people being assaulted by mobs who threaten or scream at them or physically attack them makes that much pretty clear.
In defence of nostalgia, non-political kind; painted in pastel, with a light touch 😊 --> (a shortread, just a few well-spent minutes)
Mr. Soldo writes: "The idea that a lumpenprole in Cincinnati is an oppressor is nonsense, but here we are today."
But as you are aware, Mr. Soldo, it isn't that person in Cincinnati doing the oppressing, but that he belongs to the tectonic plate known as "whiteness". This is the heart and sould of Kimberle Crenshaw's intersectionality as practiced today: the oppressor/oppressed antipode that is a constant perameter regardless the actual position of the individuals in it.
This is why Sunny Huskins on The View sees herself, and seen by others, as part of the oppressed despite her many million dollar home and her nice earnings on the show.
I'm reminded of Brett Weinstein going to Congress, post Evergreen meltdown in 2017, to warn American Academia is essentially being subverted by identitarian zealots. I could just imagine half Congress were like
"Pffft, straight white male, he would say that"...
AI, like any other program, is subject to the "garbage in, garbage out" phenomenon. The first AIs were given access to objective information, and they became "racist". So they were withdrawn, and new AIs were trained to give the "right" answers. Now they are good little parrots of The Narrative. That aside, I don't see how humans in every field of life having an AI "partner" that does their thinking for them is going to lead to better societies. We'll have technology we didn't create and cannot understand, repair, or improve. We'll be dependent on systems we cannot control. It's the ultimate dumbing down.
AI telling the dumb me down people what to think and of actual importance to the (Please) Dumb Me Down (TM) crowd *What to Say* automates a necessary function of life and governance, as opposed to paying a lot of troublesome people such as The View a lot of money and they go and make trouble anyway! Clearly buying these fools has now failed, they are completely failing and are obsolete and technology has a solution. Its like the email Jobbers at work - the smart ones auto-forward and never bother anyone and quietly collect- the dumb ones want to be relevant and cause trouble and are justly doomed. There’s a guy at my job who hasn’t done anything in 15 years but auto-forward emails, he’s fine. There’s others who cause trouble and their Doom is at hand , an 🇮🇳 Indian hand of course. Don’t fret, India and Manila are interim steps to full automation.
If history teaches us anything and it DOES and DID teach our elites it’s that Capitalists BUY out Radicals and Idealists who have had their hands out for all of history. Every Marxist since Karl has his hand out to the Capitalists - his was Freddy Engels, London Stock Broker and Sweatshop factory owner (coincidentally Freddy founded Feminism , which gets Mommy out of the House and working for Freddy’s sweatshop). Of course the function of the Official Religion aka Politics is being automated, and AI LLM has no stake in arguing with you.
A word on arguing with machines - I do curse and argue and have an inner anthropomorphic dialogue with machines, I may well ask the machines “why did you do that?”
>>> What I don’t do is become offended that the machine is silent in response, or expect TV to answer me, or think my car is a communist because the engine makes a funny noise. <<<<<
>>>> stop 🛑 arguing with robots and trying to make them agree with you , you can use the robot aka machine to solve a problem <<<<
JAZUS FECKING CHRIZT its a machine and you’re accusing it of being of the wrong political party?
My initial comments do not appear to have been saved correctly. So I'll make them again.
Deneen is preposterous. His version of Disraeli's One Nation Toryism cannot work.
ONT worked in England because Victorian England was more than an empire. It was an industrial juggernaut, with rising productivity, and an expanding native population united by a shared culture, religion and a very limited range of nationalities. Its social system was deeply hierarchical and the aristocracy played a public, very direct, role in governing. They also played a major role in leading the country in war.
Turbo America, by contrast, has had decades of low productivity growth, is deindustrialised and much of the population lives in debt peonage. Its oligarchs rule covertly and accept no responsibility for anything. Its leadership class shirk the wars for which they shill. The country lacks cohesion or a credible leadership class.
Furthermore, while in England privilege enshrined in law was the preserve of a handful of aristocrats, in Turbo America it is now reserved for large ethnic/racial constituencies entitled to preferential contracting, affirmative action etc. Any reforms threaten civil strife along racial lines.
And the oligarchic class is covertly taking the reins.
Philip the racial strife is so thin and so tired and so threadbare that Black ACTORS have to be hired as Black Militia to go to Stone Mountain (the ones who shot themselves by accident). It was an acting group hired from Atlanta, led by a not so mysterious character who isn’t so mysteriously not in prison HE’S a INFORMANT staying out of jail, so risible that NY MAG exposed him. Lol.
The rioters in 2020 were local blacks for about a week, then professional protesters were bussed in - if the Professional Left and Professional civil rights types don’t get paid and bussed in they don’t show. Same with ANTIFA.
You’re looking at a movie Philip.
Its not real.
Want real racism?
The Spanish newbies HATE blacks and ethnically cleanse them. The Mexicans hate Jews (I don’t know why).
The DOAS (descendants of American Slaves) and FBA (Foundational Black Americans, same) and Africans despise each other to occasional violence and murder. Not much.
Meanwhile the rest of us get along. The white working class and the 2A crowd aren’t racist, and know as I do that this is all elite drama, media clicks and anything in the street is a paid movie or paid, out of town protesters.
The one Right Wing movement of the last generation was working class, multiracial, Tea Party, then MAGA Trump, now nothing.
Hispanics are too busy working, the entire working class is too busy, any problems non elite whites have are openly with elite whites and whites know it.
Race be dead , sheeet it ain’t even a BUSINESS anymore.
Thanks for that. Just about everybody here has concluded (at least in private) that the US is heading for a race war at a rate of knots. Assessing these things from a distance is very difficult, especially with the internet stuff on the apparent crime-wave.
My own judgement is clouded by a lifelong fascination for dystopian fiction and film so probably the 'entertainment' on offer on the internet has fried my brain a bit. I am relieved, sort of, that the 'Wizard of Oz' remains the default setting of US politics.
I am intrigued by your comment on the oligarchic class are covertly taking the reins. What exactly does that look like?
A Yankee Meiji is indeed underway? Hope the enemy (skulking in Latin America, Middle East and odd corners elsewhere) enjoys their good time because they won't last long if you are right.
A realistic Turbo America will re-establish viable relationships with China and Russia and then will start opening cans of trouble to feed selected troublemakers.
For me, the issue with AI is not that it will gain enough sentience to kill us all or take our jobs. It’s that ChatGPT is the product of the data it is trained on and the whims of the programmers.
We’ve all seen the “honesty” of ChatGPT that is then “fixed” by the programmers. Search engines like Google already suppress politically undesirable results. As ChatGPT’s wondrous apolitical benefits are mixed with the filtering of dissident thought and promotion of propaganda, it will reinforce the status quo.
Imagine arguing with someone who holds status quo views. They’ll be able to use ChatGPT to find sources, make arguments, and counter their opponents points. The rest of us will not. It will reinforce the beliefs of status quo liberals and make them look more intelligent to undecided observers.
ChatGPT is good overall, but we ought to be skeptical of “…governments working in partnership with the private sector should vigorously engage in each area of potential risk to use AI…” and other suggestions of Andreessen. The government’s priority be to use AI to fight what it considers misinformation and disinformation
ChatGPT and AI and ML machine learning in particular are powerful tools that won’t be held or even channelled by ideology or ideas.
It’s the difference between the nuclear scientists building the bomb vs their sudden fits of conscience when it was used on the Japanese, or their risible plan that the Bomb would be controlled by they the philosopher kings... ah, NO.
Or in AIs case a lot of the “ideas” people, wordsmiths, chattering classes and “cognitive skills” types just got fired and they know it, just as the world of machines and nationalism, hence hard industrial power returns.
Too many people talk for a living.
It was ending anyway.
Globalism is 💀 and it’s murder weapon is AI LLM.
BTW the advances for manufacturing for ML production machines are astronomical.
I hope the longevity movement succeeds. I want to live long enough to buy a flying car.
Fazi is a bit of a nutter unfortunately, but it makes for a sometimes interesting, sometimes infuriating read
We won’t. China can’t match our tech, their Confucianism cum Communism cum post Communist destruction of the family has left them without the ability to form and keep teams together no matter how much money they toss at it. If we beat out Japan on tech we can beat China. We pull our knowledge (see chip lithography) and bought their brains with US citizenship (we did) - its not happening.
That means Xi’s ill advised Mussolini LARP is over before it started, and 🇺🇸 is reshoring.
Yeah, that caught my eye because I had brought up the same question myself here previously.
lol ffs
Its normal for the Diaspora and the colonies to be more ____ than the motherland. The Moors of Sri Lanka are both more Ottoman and more British than the homelands, DeToqueville remarked that the defects of the Ancien Regime were manifest in Quebec, the Boston Irish far more republican (IRA) than the FBI - Foreign Born Irish, the Orangemen of Ulster may be the last true British- we can go on.
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Nice find on the Welsh piece. A dudes-only text group I'm on sort of blew up because I linked to Aaron Sibarium's article about the Seattle fire department, saying I was *so happy* that if my parents' place went up in flames the lietuenants dealing with it would have been tested on the lives of transgender firefighters instead of more germane tactics. One guy, a lawyer, blew up and talked about "implicit bias" etc. I responded that training in fighting fires sounds like a natural process of cultural cohesion against a common enemy (i.e. the fire), which made him flip his lid further. On the bright side firefighter in the text group seemed to take my side.
One other thing I noticed this week was that the merger between LIV and the PGA Tour seemed to redpill some Never Trump conservatives. A moronic group, I know, but interesting to see nonetheless.
Sibarium might be worth an interview pursuit.
IIRC, wasn't there an issue with some firefighting unit out in Connecticut not too long ago that tried to diversify?
New Haven CT yes
I remember working at an event as a student alongside a black American girl. God knows how it came up but I mentioned that it was wrong to allow women to become firemen when they couldn't carry the weight. It was simply inexplicable, or more accurately wicked, to her that many standards exist as a result of external, unalterable requirements i.e. the ability to lift heavy weights over an extended period of time
I see authoritarians versus libertarians. I'm more concerned with method, than the ideologies used to rationalize such methods.
This is very American of you! And for Americans, it makes a lot of sense when you look at the country's history.
One look at recent developments in Canada, indicates we Canucks are in the same boat as the Yankees.
Been having this same discussion with my American hosts the past three days.
The concern with methods is valid. However IRL
🇺🇸Authoritarianism and most American Libertarians work hand in glove. I mean greed and perversion go well together for our elites- they believe in anything sincerely and practice anything with mindless abandon.
Excellent, thanks!
For all the AI prognosticators out there, try focusing on how AI is going to make money for its creators and that may reveal what impact it is going to have and in what directions it will be pushed. If there is anything we’ve learned about tech, it is that the focus is money, not utility.
I’d love to see a piece further discussing post-liberalism. It’s an interesting scene that’s definitely still in its infancy. We need an illiberal system that is uniquely American and I think some of these guys are moving towards that. I’m definitely more nationalist and more racially oriented than them but the alternative they offer is a major step in the right direction.
I think that Deneen's new book could be worth a book club here after the one we start next week. Maybe late August/Early September to start?
That would be interesting in order to unpack real critiques of their movement as well as greater insight into the constructs of the American system. You’re definitely giving us our money’s worth!
Woke *is* the uniquely American illiberalism.
Our good author says he is a fatalist about America. He is an astute observer so I am curious what he foresees.
As for me, I believe liberals are raping America, it’s greed disguised in progressive dogma and their misrule portends a future that looks like Venezuela. The collapse will be fully realized when the US dollar is no longer reserve currency. But I think we are now at peak America, turbo America as per our author, and the collapse is not imminent. America will evermore be a giant ghetto with Archipelagos of wealth.
Has he done a piece that spells out his thoughts on America’s trajectory?
I’ve read most of his stuff, so I have a sense, his point is woven throughout your work.
"The collapse will be fully realized when the US dollar is no longer reserve currency."
This is the iceberg that will sink our Titanic, but it still may be decades away.
A full move away from the dollar is too optimistic but a move large enough to cripple the sanctions regime is feasible in our lifetimes. From there the collapse of the money printing regime may still be a few decades away though
maybe we get a solid century for the GAE: 1945-2045 ;)
With talent like Biden and Harris you'll be lucky to make it to Labor Day.
CP the DC system expires with Biden
that a promise or a threat!??! ;)
The Iceberg is Biden’s last breath. You’re looking structurally- but it’s the Captain and Crew (🤡) that count.
i don't know....once Mr Magoo is ushered offstage and the Dems find some place to stash Kamala (Supreme Court? NGO? WWE?), Newsom will licks his chops for 2028: he will have the entire MSM as his campaign team, maybe a billion $ from his friends in the Bay (if people like Zuckerberg and Omidyar ponied up around $500 million for Sleepy Joe, Gavin will get at least twice that), plus oversight of all mail-in ballots....the show will go on, my friend, and just when you think things can't get worse, they often do...
Magoo was merely blind...he was Voltaire blended with James Bond compared to Biden.
Kamala would be perfect for running NATO or as Secretary-General of the UN. Or she could grace the Senate alongside Fetterman et al.
Newsome looks presidential, has excellent connections with everyone from Silicon Valley through to the Gettys and he's had experience making decisions about regulation and resources. A Newsome presidency would surpass the expectation of any cynic.
Egon Krenz is who we need,
And we’ll get ours !
Newsom is too late
And too little
If he moves off his Venezuela Del Norte Liberal Plantation called California he’ll regret it.
I haven’t been there recently but all reading suggests CA is a Latin American Encomienda right down to the vital details of the owners being a few rich white families (🤣) the domestic help Brown and the middle and productive classes fleeing.
yes, the Brazilification of California (and most likely all America) is proceeding apace and is inevitable, but I'm in my backyard in the Santa Monica foothills and the sunset is looking magical tonight...humans can destroy each other and their societies but Nature is eternal and I'm gonna try to soak up as much of it as I can...cheers!
You’d be right, except the politicians and power brokers are all so old, and no feasible succession.
Further to my previous comments, Deneen's post-liberalism is an exercise in nostalgia. The civic nationalism of the past cannot be reconstructed because the ethnic character of North America has been transformed by Civil Rights and mass migration. There are now vast constituencies that have a direct stake in the constitutional/legal status quo that has established race preferences that deprioritise whites to the advantage of their fellow-citizens.
Deneen needs to address the elephant in the room: the question of whether or not whites deserve to be denied collective political agency as whites.
No serious project of national renewal can work until it addresses the issues the current regime dare not acknowledge beyond making accusations of 'white supremacy' against perceived enemies.
And the fact that the postliberals are still tied down by avoiding these accusations show the true power of American liberalism and the civil rights regime. They will not address these concerns, instead appealing to the bygone sense of civic nationalism that you mentioned, and that is why they will ultimately be supplanted by more radical actors.
Deneen would have been relevant a generation ago. Now he is irrelevant. There is no longer a true mass constituency in existence for his ideas. He speaks only for like-minded people desperate to rescue whatever they can, people who seek reassurance that their votes are going to count and that they can use the franchise to protect a vanishing way of life.
You cannot have communitarian politics when communities are open to all: communities are defined by processes of inclusion and exclusion operating simultaneously. The reality of this will unfold over the next decade as Biden's illegals transform the areas they settle and further iterations of the 'Fergusson effect' seed medium and small towns with Blue-staters with expectations of immunity from law enforcement.
The questions facing Turbo America are not about fine-tuning industry policy but resolving which zones will offer safety to the general public, which will protect the property rights of ordinary people and how much force they are prepared to use for either. These are foundational questions that cannot go unanswered forever.
Whining about John Dewey and the intellectual pretensions of the faculty at the Ivy League has nothing to contribute to the burning issues: who rules, how are these rulers selected and who do they protect?
Deneen turns up with a knife to a gunfight. he reminds me of Brett Kavanaugh.
And a butter-knife at that.
Deneen is now the Anti Chuck Norris meme;
Deneen brings a Tiki Lamp to the Torch Lit 🔥 Rally.
Deneen brings wet matches to the Book Burning.
Deneen brings wiffle ball bats to Braveheart’s Battle of Stirling Bridge.
Don't forget the Yellowstone meme.
I didn’t subject myself to Yellowstone but all are welcome to add to the 💩 pile
When Biden dies the system unravels
I wish
It’s not Armageddon it’s an unraveling as seen overseas- the State Department is running the system in America now in terms of “government” in DC. Administration isn’t their core competence, nor order. Their real problem is they are all very old Boomers with no feasible succession publicly (AOC? Gaetz? 🤡🤣) nor in particular privately (who follows Blinken? Sullivan? Miley? )? Is anyone left even as staff now? Look at the White House Press Secretary; they have a critical personnel problem now.
To an extent it will be cushioned by America’s densely Federated nature- like the Internet if the powers on and the network has a path the nation itself remains intact- but at the National level its going to look like the DDR plunging into Yugoslavia 91 . Not regional breakup or ethnic strife as much as chaotic devolution of power from the collapsing Capitol in DC. The Blue machine however will suffer as will those in Blue cities and States, they need DC.
No one wants to admit it, even ethnonats, but I suspect a compromise in which ethnic carveouts proportional to population size were extended to everyone would be broadly acceptable to essentially everyone. Frankly it would be better for white guys than the current chaotic dispensation in which 'diverse' just means 'no white guys'.
Institutional/territorial compromise is the very essence of sanity. I do not expect to see much any time soon. Only drooling nutcases do not dread armed conflict. The trouble is that key resources (hydrocarbons, minerals, farmland) lie in Red America, while key financial and high tech sectors are based in Blue. Population movements complicate things greatly, as does the relocation of major firms like Tesla.
Both sides are playing for time, hence the open borders and the dispersal of illegals to transform as much of America as possible ASAP. There appear to be major tensions beneath the surface in finance. The developments in precious metals (the establishment of state-based depositories, the enactment of laws for settlement on bullion and specie) are a flashing light.
The welfare of white guys only becomes relevant when they can longer get taken for granted. That point may not be far away, given the enlistment crisis. This is the true 'paging the Nazgul...problem on aisle three at Mt Doom' moment IMHO.
Long-term the ethno-nats are bound to be big losers. The powers that be are not sentimental about cannon-fodder. Never have been. North American whites have been conflict-averse and ultra-passive for several generations now and cross-class ethnic loyalties are practically extinct no matter what anyone says. This can change. I expect a near vertical learning curve lies in the future for us all.
“Only drooling nutcases do not dread armed conflict.”
Too bad. Listen a peace where they groom, bugger and go Dr. Mengele transition clinic on your kids in not a peace worth keeping. That’s 🇺🇸.
I’ll take the gun droolers over the drooling over kids crowd- this is as big or bigger flashpoint than race by far. Never mind class - that’s England and Europe. Class has always been a affectation in America.
In fact outside of England how much did Class matter after the French Revolution on the Continent?
Race? The so called race conflict outside of media, academe and certain political churches of the past was NEVER a day to day American issue. Haiti had a race war, America never did. FFS it would have happened by now.
Race is a BUSINESS in America.
So was CLASS (Unions, Academe). Lol.
Deneen isn’t working class, he’s a Catholic academic.
I support the droolers over the groomers. The point I was trying to make is that real conflict, the kind with bullets and people getting assassinated etc, is dreadful and is guaranteed to involve substantial cruelty and injustice and will inevitably leave a legacy of bitterness, enmity and regret. If it is worth anything, as a teenager I was a fan of Bernard Goetz and, years later, the 'rooftop Koreans'.
I expect that serious conflict will break out when local leaders have to prioritise the welfare of their base over relationships with Washington. This is inevitable should the more spirited Americans experience substantial immediate danger to their personal property and families. IMO (which may well be wildly inaccurate since I am so far away) Washington has unleashed forces that it may have trouble controlling, regardless of the fact that the activists/protestors are crisis actors.
I am in agreement with you on crisis and suffering, I just don’t see “race” having the legs to march to war on.
That DC unleashes forces it can’t control I will not argue, and I’m not sure that the prior controls or paymasters are on the job now, which means NO control, and whatever opportunists step into the vacuum-or not even opportunistic just filling vacuum - will NEITHER BE PAID NOR CONTROLLED. That’s just here, never mind abroad- sorry Australians. (Elect men, please?)
Philip if Biden died tonight I personally am not even talking to anyone I don’t know (I mean Vets et al of course) about anything, never mind getting off my porch.
Isn’t cowardice, its experience.
This will be like the DDR, without the FRG to catch the DDR, or America to help.
But the sturm und drang the media and government push are utterly discredited.
What will happen is uncharted stormy seas, and unknown.
Ethno-nats always forget about the mixed-race / binational population. One reason among many that racially based policies, whether from the Left or the Right, are not only morally wrong but stupid and doomed to fail.
This forms a significant part of my early criticism as well. Multiracial coalitions based around class collapse in the face of ethnicity/race, especially when rights come into play. It would take one mean son of a bitch to ram through such a coalition.
It is a very old game and the people in charge play it superbly. The Left cannot acknowledge that white working-class and lower middle-class men are either enemies or allies. They cannot be both. The Right, for its part, never dares to acknowledge that the classes for which it shills are profoundly indifferent to the wellbeing or dignity of their social inferiors.
We are not even talking about rights anymore but physical safety. The sight of people being assaulted by mobs who threaten or scream at them or physically attack them makes that much pretty clear.
Prisons are multi-ethnic, but they naturally segregate into ethnic gangs.
A multi-ethnic gang can only form if it has support from the powers. This gang is the guards.
Yeah you was gettin sturmer on ol Welsh there lol
Its true
Its sad
Most of us get along
In defence of nostalgia, non-political kind; painted in pastel, with a light touch 😊 --> (a shortread, just a few well-spent minutes)
Something got in your eye, no? 😉
Bravo, Signore! And thanks for introducing my old favorite, Patrick Deneen.
Maybe we use his new book for an upcoming book club......
Mr. Soldo writes: "The idea that a lumpenprole in Cincinnati is an oppressor is nonsense, but here we are today."
But as you are aware, Mr. Soldo, it isn't that person in Cincinnati doing the oppressing, but that he belongs to the tectonic plate known as "whiteness". This is the heart and sould of Kimberle Crenshaw's intersectionality as practiced today: the oppressor/oppressed antipode that is a constant perameter regardless the actual position of the individuals in it.
This is why Sunny Huskins on The View sees herself, and seen by others, as part of the oppressed despite her many million dollar home and her nice earnings on the show.
yup yup
If I’m the oppressor where are my oppressed?
Come by in the morning when I’m grumpy.
I'm reminded of Brett Weinstein going to Congress, post Evergreen meltdown in 2017, to warn American Academia is essentially being subverted by identitarian zealots. I could just imagine half Congress were like
"Pffft, straight white male, he would say that"...
It's amazing to think about how Brett Weinstein started. I'd never guess that by 2023 he'd mainly be known as the covid regime skeptic guy.
AI, like any other program, is subject to the "garbage in, garbage out" phenomenon. The first AIs were given access to objective information, and they became "racist". So they were withdrawn, and new AIs were trained to give the "right" answers. Now they are good little parrots of The Narrative. That aside, I don't see how humans in every field of life having an AI "partner" that does their thinking for them is going to lead to better societies. We'll have technology we didn't create and cannot understand, repair, or improve. We'll be dependent on systems we cannot control. It's the ultimate dumbing down.
AI telling the dumb me down people what to think and of actual importance to the (Please) Dumb Me Down (TM) crowd *What to Say* automates a necessary function of life and governance, as opposed to paying a lot of troublesome people such as The View a lot of money and they go and make trouble anyway! Clearly buying these fools has now failed, they are completely failing and are obsolete and technology has a solution. Its like the email Jobbers at work - the smart ones auto-forward and never bother anyone and quietly collect- the dumb ones want to be relevant and cause trouble and are justly doomed. There’s a guy at my job who hasn’t done anything in 15 years but auto-forward emails, he’s fine. There’s others who cause trouble and their Doom is at hand , an 🇮🇳 Indian hand of course. Don’t fret, India and Manila are interim steps to full automation.
If history teaches us anything and it DOES and DID teach our elites it’s that Capitalists BUY out Radicals and Idealists who have had their hands out for all of history. Every Marxist since Karl has his hand out to the Capitalists - his was Freddy Engels, London Stock Broker and Sweatshop factory owner (coincidentally Freddy founded Feminism , which gets Mommy out of the House and working for Freddy’s sweatshop). Of course the function of the Official Religion aka Politics is being automated, and AI LLM has no stake in arguing with you.
A word on arguing with machines - I do curse and argue and have an inner anthropomorphic dialogue with machines, I may well ask the machines “why did you do that?”
>>> What I don’t do is become offended that the machine is silent in response, or expect TV to answer me, or think my car is a communist because the engine makes a funny noise. <<<<<
>>>> stop 🛑 arguing with robots and trying to make them agree with you , you can use the robot aka machine to solve a problem <<<<
JAZUS FECKING CHRIZT its a machine and you’re accusing it of being of the wrong political party?
My initial comments do not appear to have been saved correctly. So I'll make them again.
Deneen is preposterous. His version of Disraeli's One Nation Toryism cannot work.
ONT worked in England because Victorian England was more than an empire. It was an industrial juggernaut, with rising productivity, and an expanding native population united by a shared culture, religion and a very limited range of nationalities. Its social system was deeply hierarchical and the aristocracy played a public, very direct, role in governing. They also played a major role in leading the country in war.
Turbo America, by contrast, has had decades of low productivity growth, is deindustrialised and much of the population lives in debt peonage. Its oligarchs rule covertly and accept no responsibility for anything. Its leadership class shirk the wars for which they shill. The country lacks cohesion or a credible leadership class.
Furthermore, while in England privilege enshrined in law was the preserve of a handful of aristocrats, in Turbo America it is now reserved for large ethnic/racial constituencies entitled to preferential contracting, affirmative action etc. Any reforms threaten civil strife along racial lines.
Aussie Go! Really that was good. Completely new to me so, no judgement, except to say Philip is a bright guy and I take his opinions seriously.
Philip- 🇺🇸 is reindustrializing.
And the oligarchic class is covertly taking the reins.
Philip the racial strife is so thin and so tired and so threadbare that Black ACTORS have to be hired as Black Militia to go to Stone Mountain (the ones who shot themselves by accident). It was an acting group hired from Atlanta, led by a not so mysterious character who isn’t so mysteriously not in prison HE’S a INFORMANT staying out of jail, so risible that NY MAG exposed him. Lol.
The rioters in 2020 were local blacks for about a week, then professional protesters were bussed in - if the Professional Left and Professional civil rights types don’t get paid and bussed in they don’t show. Same with ANTIFA.
You’re looking at a movie Philip.
Its not real.
Want real racism?
The Spanish newbies HATE blacks and ethnically cleanse them. The Mexicans hate Jews (I don’t know why).
The DOAS (descendants of American Slaves) and FBA (Foundational Black Americans, same) and Africans despise each other to occasional violence and murder. Not much.
Meanwhile the rest of us get along. The white working class and the 2A crowd aren’t racist, and know as I do that this is all elite drama, media clicks and anything in the street is a paid movie or paid, out of town protesters.
The one Right Wing movement of the last generation was working class, multiracial, Tea Party, then MAGA Trump, now nothing.
Hispanics are too busy working, the entire working class is too busy, any problems non elite whites have are openly with elite whites and whites know it.
Race be dead , sheeet it ain’t even a BUSINESS anymore.
Thanks for that. Just about everybody here has concluded (at least in private) that the US is heading for a race war at a rate of knots. Assessing these things from a distance is very difficult, especially with the internet stuff on the apparent crime-wave.
My own judgement is clouded by a lifelong fascination for dystopian fiction and film so probably the 'entertainment' on offer on the internet has fried my brain a bit. I am relieved, sort of, that the 'Wizard of Oz' remains the default setting of US politics.
I am intrigued by your comment on the oligarchic class are covertly taking the reins. What exactly does that look like?
Looks like this
Help has come
I’ve Found reason to fight.
American Elites are defecting to America.
Real tech wants a real America.
Real tech is not Social Masturbation.
Real tech is for example DOD companies.
The military as ally means seriousness, and the military only has one move, ever.
Reindustrializing America , the gain for the nation is war requires real leadership, the other kind will pass away or be shoved aside.
50 Whitepills.
Lattice- the OS for war (ISR).
Many such cases.
The military as ally means seriousness, and the military only has one move, ever.
This is real help, real leadership, real hope.
Cold, Hard, Real - and so reason to fight.
A Yankee Meiji is indeed underway? Hope the enemy (skulking in Latin America, Middle East and odd corners elsewhere) enjoys their good time because they won't last long if you are right.
A realistic Turbo America will re-establish viable relationships with China and Russia and then will start opening cans of trouble to feed selected troublemakers.
For me, the issue with AI is not that it will gain enough sentience to kill us all or take our jobs. It’s that ChatGPT is the product of the data it is trained on and the whims of the programmers.
We’ve all seen the “honesty” of ChatGPT that is then “fixed” by the programmers. Search engines like Google already suppress politically undesirable results. As ChatGPT’s wondrous apolitical benefits are mixed with the filtering of dissident thought and promotion of propaganda, it will reinforce the status quo.
Imagine arguing with someone who holds status quo views. They’ll be able to use ChatGPT to find sources, make arguments, and counter their opponents points. The rest of us will not. It will reinforce the beliefs of status quo liberals and make them look more intelligent to undecided observers.
ChatGPT is good overall, but we ought to be skeptical of “…governments working in partnership with the private sector should vigorously engage in each area of potential risk to use AI…” and other suggestions of Andreessen. The government’s priority be to use AI to fight what it considers misinformation and disinformation
Good post.
ChatGPT and AI and ML machine learning in particular are powerful tools that won’t be held or even channelled by ideology or ideas.
It’s the difference between the nuclear scientists building the bomb vs their sudden fits of conscience when it was used on the Japanese, or their risible plan that the Bomb would be controlled by they the philosopher kings... ah, NO.
Or in AIs case a lot of the “ideas” people, wordsmiths, chattering classes and “cognitive skills” types just got fired and they know it, just as the world of machines and nationalism, hence hard industrial power returns.
Too many people talk for a living.
It was ending anyway.
Globalism is 💀 and it’s murder weapon is AI LLM.
BTW the advances for manufacturing for ML production machines are astronomical.
Never mind now what’s said, it’s what’s done.