Dec 5, 2023Β·edited Dec 5, 2023Author

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This upcoming essay on the War in Ukraine is going to try to be as comprehensive as possible, and will strain to be of a high standard of quality too.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Wowzers 😱, You are really asking for it this time πŸ€”πŸ˜†

Va Armchair Warlord( X)

Excellent video about the recent Yemeni antiship attacks in the Bab al-Mandeb by

@mercoglianos It's very noteworthy the Yemenis seem to be targeting ships at will despite the presence of a considerable USN force - with an ARG and multiple DDGs - in the area.

It's also quite interesting that CENTCOM reported one of the attacks (albeit an unsuccessful one) as using an "anti-ship ballistic missile," which is a genuinely rare type of weapon hitherto only known to be deployed by China. Have the Iranians developed one of their own?

By the way, the large US base in Djibouti is in very easy drone range of Yemen.


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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

β€œWar! What is it good for?”

Arms merchants of course.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Is something ever going to happen? Or are we in a perceptual state of nothing ever happens?

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It seems to be almost an inevitability at this point that sooner or later the Ukrainians will realise, if they haven't already, that they've been played and used up as cannon fodder. What do you reckon would be their most likely reaction to this realisation?

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Regarding Ukraine there's Diane Francis who argues that Putin is far more dangerous than people realize and he won't stop at Ukraine. Others (this is the camp I'm in) he's reacting to provocation form the US and that the US sabotaged any attempts to end the war early.

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These absolute ghouls. No amount of death is too much for them. No shame, no conscience. No lessons learned.

It is utterly unsatisfying being right about them.

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Ukraine and Russia forming an alliance and marching to The Channel unopposed.

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Dec 5, 2023Β·edited Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Russia appears to be pretty firmly in the drivers seat with its war in Ukraine. There’s been a flurry of articles in the last month that paint a pretty bleak picture for Ukraine and its war effort. With US attention waning and the Europeans growing frustrated I wonder if there comes a point where the Ukrainian Army just completely breaks and Russia is able to roll up to Kiev.

When the war started I thought a quick Russian victory would be the best outcome for everyone, including Ukraine. The worst outcome would be a long war that Russia loses and threatens to go nuclear. Luckily the latter seems to be avoided but the amount of blood and treasure wasted is truly tragic.

This is my one caveat with your assertion of the US being the big winner in the war. Yes, the US cleaved Russia off from Europe, in that regard the US β€œwon”, But the war has also shown the world the very real limits of US hegemonic power. The US can’t supply enough weapons for a real peer level conflict, can’t recruit enough soldiers despite huge incentives and propaganda, and can’t afford to fund wars without huge damage to its economy. I don’t think it will be long till others start testing the US military commitment to places like Taiwan(and many others!).

Israel seems to be making steady progress in Gaza. Talking to a few Israelis and no one seems interested in peace with Hamas right now. The protests and confrontations in the US and Europe in support of Hamas(or the Palys if you're being generous), seem to have convinced many Israelis that this is the last time they will have a militarily free hand to deal with the problem, and consequently they are going hard on Gaza. I have trouble feeling any sympathy for Gaza at this point, they seem to be fully in support of their own silly martyrdom. It’s not unlike watching a cop's bodycam where every reasonable request from the cop makes the person more and more angry until they finally chimp out and end up dead and fundraising for BLM. Tragic, but predictable.

Thanks again for the substack!

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Eclipse is in the harbor. Wave hello. 😊❀️

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Homer dancing to "War" naked in a church after the zombie apocalypse is quite something. https://youtu.be/xgC2OU2sdB8?si=RoRYyYJdPfvEucs4

Speaking of churches, as it's right at the frontier of Catholicism, Mostar deserves a prettier Cathedral.

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It seems to me Russia has the initiative in Ukraine.

The United States has a presidential election coming up, which may be one of those most insane periods of our history to date.

With apologies to Napoleon, don't interrupt your enemy as they scream madly, drowning in their own shit.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Your thoughts on the following thread:

"Close review of Gaza casualty figures reported by UN OCHA based on daily Hamas β€œMinistry of Health” numbers proves they are FALSIFIED. Women & children are grossly inflated. This is easily proven but media ignores."


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Regarding the GAZA war:

Israel gave up Gaza in 2005, forcibly removing 800 Israeli business owners and residents. It was very hard and painful for those families, but the move was approved by the Sharon Gov't. The businesses were ready to be taken over ~ greenhouses, car repair shops etc. Fatah was in control at this point.

Hamas was voted in in 2007; there have been no elections since.

The checkpoints in Israel were instituted when hundreds of rockets rained down on Southern Israel; the pipe bombs were constructed from water pipes left from the Israeli residents.

Since 2007, it's been nothing but provocation, rockets and terror attacks.

October 7 2023 changed EVERYTHING. Obviously, Israel cannot live with an Iranian backed terror group next door. Hamas itself has stated that they will invade again and again until all Jews are dead Jews. Civilians allowed to work in Israel provided maps of towns and settlements and many civilians participated in the slaughter and unspeakable acts of brutality.

Hamas is using it's population as human shields, they readily admit to this, as well as confirmation from Egypt and UNHR observers.

If you're going to field the "proportional response" line, stuff it. Israel could wipe out Gaza in 20 minutes, tops. But they are not. They are sending texts and raining down leaflets to warn civilians of bombing of targets.

Any double standards applied to Israel is rank Antisemitism.

And I for one am not going to take it for one more minute.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Noticed this myself

If one of the manifestations of antisemitism is an unhealthy obsession with Jews, the Gaza war is a 24/7 example. No conflict in recent historyβ€”not the massacre of 500,000 people in Syria, 400,000 in Yemen, or the vicious civil war still raging in Sudan todayβ€”achieved a fraction of the media’s fascination with Gaza.


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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Where do you information on conflicts? I find it so hard to get accurate unbiased information on Ukraine and Israel Gaza. So much propaganda and misleading information.

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