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Back to work for me, and see you guys very soon.

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Whoah, Varadkar resigned under unclear circumstances.

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Niccolo, were you one of the Substack authors Stripe asked to disclose the full financial details? Just curious

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A very interesting and satisfying interview.

Niccolo, further to your discussion of Vjekoslav Luburić, are you familiar with the works, ideas or life of the Russian Nazbol leader, Edward Limonov? If so, what did you make of him?

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Limonov was a character, but I don't have much to say beyond that.

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Fair enough. Back in the late 70s he predicted both the fall of the Soviet Union and the eventual failure of neo-liberal reform. For that alone he surpassed the miserable gooners of academia and the think-tanks by an order of magnitude.

ETO YA EDICHKA (It's Me, Eddie) made a big impression on me as a teenager, though I lacked the courage/good sense to follow his example. May he rest in peace.

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Noblesse oblige alive and well in Washington, Brussels, London, Port-au-Prince . .

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YouTuber Simon Whistler and his multiple docu-channels. What is going on with this guy?

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Who is the thumbnail?

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Wonderful! As a "Boomer" who ought to know more World History (blame it on 1960s drug and rock 'n roll), I'm always fascinated by what I hear and learn from your writings and more-spontaneous interviews... and, in this case, the interviewer, too. TYVM!

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Glad you enjoyed it. Episode with RWA coming out this weekend.

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I loved the conversation about Transylvania, the visible Austro-Hungarian border, etc... I was in Transylvania a few months ago and reminded me of all the fascinating things I observed there.

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Thank you very much, sir. This led me to discover your series on HIV; I read a couple entries late last night and found them fascinating. You do an excellent job, taking deep dives into specific and important subjects. The series on the Spanish Civil War is but another instance of this, and I look forward to the next installment!

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It's great to hear people appreciate my writing, thank you.

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This was fantastic. What’s the title of the Berezovsky documentary you mention or do you have a link to it? Btw the Adam Curtis series on Russia should be required viewing.

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This was great! Thank you, esp for the part on the oligarchs and Balkan history

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Me and a friend are reading through the Klebnikov you tweeted about. Thank you for the recommendation, I can’t believe our government ever gave this scumbag asylum. Do you know the name of the BBC documentary you mentioned in the podcast?

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Russian Godfathers on YouTube

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Jesus Christe, I haven't listened to anything more interesting than this.

Being born in Bulgaria to an Armenian parents, descendants of Armenian refugees from 1915-19 genocide, I can only be sorry you didn't mention Bulgaria as part of the Ottoman empire, being liberated by the 12th Russo-Turkish war in 1878, with the same consequences - importing a German nobility to serve as a Tsar or a Prince in order to create the elite that the country didn't have at that time. When you mention the voucher system developed by Boris Berezovsky for the privatization in Russia, our communists in Bulgaria just Copy-Pasted it.

Thank you, Nicolo. Keep the good work.

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