My Recent Appearance on Alex Kaschuta's SUBVERSIVE Podcast
it's now free to listen to in its entirety
I know, I know, I haven’t been around in a few days. I am just putting the finishing touches on the next entry of the Spanish Civil War series. The amount of reading that I have had to do is tremendous, and I have had to read ahead as well in order to better contextualize this upcoming segment.
In the meantime, the lovely and talented
has out of the kindness of her heart put up the entire recent episode of her podcast where I was her guest. You can listen to it on YouTube by clicking below:Some of the subjects which we discussed include:
Anatoly Karlin’s “Wokeness is the tribute that meritocracy pays to human dignity” as a replacement for noblesse oblige
What we can learn from the Ukraine war about current empire(s)
“Fighting for a better past” in the Balkans
Why does Boris Berezovsky deserve infamy?
Tucker/Putin Interview - a landmark event or non-event?
Outlook for Ukraine and maybe, more interestingly, Poland, as US interest in the war wanes
I hope you guys enjoy it.
I also recorded another episode last week with Kirill and pigdog of Russians With Attitude. That should be up any day now, and it should also be free in its entirety.
Now, back to the Spanish Civil War for me. See you very, very soon.
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Back to work for me, and see you guys very soon.
Noblesse oblige alive and well in Washington, Brussels, London, Port-au-Prince . .