RemovedMar 19, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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What no one has mentioned yet (and what I forgot to mention in the post as well) are potential sealed indictments, whereby accused don't even know that they are wanted by the ICC until they show up in a certain country that is party to it and where they will be arrested upon arrival.

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If I remember correctly, one of the factors that spoiled the relationship between Moscow and Washington during the Obama era was Moscow's decision to put a stop to foreigners adopting Russian orphans. Tragically, there had been a case of a North American paedophile exploiting this situation.

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Another spin-off of 'Belgian' style governance (control via blackmail). The ICC judiciary were presumably selected for their vulnerability to control via either pressure on their families or personal exposure to blackmail or bribery.

The Anglo-American Deep State is at least consistent.

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This was an easy one to predict, but it is still a stunning development.

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I need to collect my thoughts regarding this. Let's hear what you guys think.

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Basically, it shows that the West is nowhere near done and will keep on doubling down for the foreseeable future.

For that matter, even if Putin were really as bad as the propaganda would have, it would be but a pimple on the ass of the War On Iraq alone. But Dubya is regularly hailed as a Serious Foreign Policy Thinker and Elder Statesman.

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“ Dubya is regularly hailed as a Serious Foreign Policy Thinker and Elder Statesman”…which is very sad and scary and shows how dangerous and powerful the neoclowns are.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Some Western media, in this case the BBC are trying to put an ideological spin on this event by contrasting it with the Russian President’s diplomatic success in hosting Xi Jinping: ‘After a busy few days... dealing with the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for him for alleged war crimes, Putin welcomed Xi - his “dear friend” - to the Kremlin.’

I think anyone who’s followed the story would know the extent of President Putin’s effort dealing with the arrest warrant has been to ignore it, unless one counts visiting Crimea and Mariupol a demonstration of his concern with goings on in The Hague.

A second strand of response is highlighting the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to the Ukraine, an event likely to produce a global yawn large enough to imperil climate change targets.

A slight contrast in response to events in Moscow is the UK expressing hope Xi will try to negotiate peace and nutjob Blinken telling anybody who’ll listen but more especially those who won’t an end to the conflict would be terrible. It would be terrible for him as it would underline the futility of his recent tour of any country willing to host him, during which he desperately tried to rally support for U.S. foreign policy.

It seems to me the problem for the U.S. at the moment is the world outside of NATO influence will compare what’s happening in the Ukraine with the twentieth anniversary of the war in Iraq and won’t be impressed by Western propaganda and sudden moral posturing. Even The Guardian published an article by George Monbiot drawing attention to the hypocrisy.

Personally I find the arrest warrant story sad. I’d like to believe there can be credible and effective international institutions not tied to the policy objectives of any one country or bloc, which could bring a new era of peace and cooperation. I think it’s something people genuinely want, in contrast to Western politicians’ desire for unceasing competition and conflict.

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Just one step closer to nuclear war. A big step.

Can't anyone think what arresting Putin would mean?


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Good thing they will never arrest him.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

nah, the americans (learderships) are cunts, but they aren't stupid

they will push to drain russia as far as possible, but if it seems that nuclear war is imminent, they'll back off

a nuclear war is a no-win scenario, what's happening now is a win-win scenario for them (weak and dependent europe, weak and isolated russia)

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They won their main objective on the first day of the war (cutting Russia off from Europe), and the rest is gravy (bleeding Russia's forces).

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo


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yup yup

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

It's not surprising given that Slobodan Milosevic was indicted for war crimes during an illegal bombing campaign based on an event which was subsequently proven to be a false flag (Racak massacre). Basically shows that the complete hypocrisy of the west....

Furthermore, the Russian army's conduct has been exemplary, no war CRIMES, have been committed. This is just an attempt to cast the war itself as CRIMINAL

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I should not this is not an endorsement of the war or for war but I happen to know something about war crimes, from a legal perspective

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Also, from the top of my head, this also completes the trend given that Gaddafi was also indicted during a NATO bombing campaign. Additionally, the former ICTY prosecutor Del Ponte was lobbying for indictment of Assad and former deputy prosecutor Geoffrey Nice is leading the "Uyghur tribunal"... It's just an industry

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Of course the West are hypocrites. Of course this is nothing more than "might is right".

What i9s Russia going to do about it?

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Well they are probably going to win the war in Ukraine. I don't buy the Russian propaganda about their unstoppable army, but its also worthless to pretend that America is this unstoppable fighting force. If NATO hasn't entered the war directly is because they aren't confident they can win it. Which mean that against a foe with a comparable army, at the most, they are capable of fighting a proxy war.

The Neocon faction is not known for their restraint and long term planning capabilities, if they haven't intervened its not because they don't want to but because they aren't capable of doing it.

The key to maintaining the American empire is not their military might but the huge network of NGOs they have all over the world, in combination with the dollar being the world currency.

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Russia will win, if and to the extent that its leadership decides to take the war seriously. For a variety of reasons that I don't have time to explain right now, Russia has tried at every opportunity to avoid escalation.

For its part, the West views this as contemptible weakness, and is absolutely itching for a deeper confrontation.

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It is likely that Washington is just confused and hopelessly out of its depth.

The consensus in Washington is that Russia is a basket-case, with an underdeveloped economy and poorly equipped army made up of demoralised, drunken and illiterate peasants. The reality of Russian economic and industrial achievement, to say nothing of the quality of its human resources (above all in STEM), is difficult for many on the West to acknowledge. Add to that the fact that Russian opinion is dynamic and has developed very fast as a response to the wave of Russophobic malice that has swept the West since February 2022. And there is also the perennial difficulty Westerners have in understanding Slavs, above all the Eastern Slavs.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Its always the same playbook with this people. They haven't changed anything since 1990.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Reminds me of how ridiculous the postwar order is. International courts are a joke, but to ask for the arrest of a head of state who isn’t even a signatory and nuclear to boot is exactly the kind of vapid preformatory politicking I’ve come to expect from the west, and not actual statesmanship.

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Spot on.

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Western elites are not real statesman. Their job is to manage perceptions and craft nonsensical narratives.

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"Don't quote laws to us. We carry swords." - Gnaeus Pompeius

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One would think that the ruthless, amoral elites who run the West would at least be smart enough not to issue toothless decrees from irrelevant bodies like the ICC, because doing so further undermines their power and legitimacy.

But the truth is that they are true believers in the institutions and “norms” of the postwar order, and haven’t realized that the other 95% of us stopped taking any of this seriously somewhere between the invasion of Iraq and the ‘08 bailouts.

They’re just going to keep digging deeper into Ceausescu on the balcony territory, angry and confused as to why the crowd is jeering and not following their commands anymore.

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The court are hypocrites and they know it.

The reason that Putin was indicted on the specific and laughable charge of removing children from a war zone is because that was one charge that could not be just as easily applied to Buah, Cheney, Blair, etc..

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They're not ruthless and amoral, they're desperate zealots

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

"It is related that at one of the meetings of a UNESCO National Commission where Human Rights were being discussed, someone expressed astonishment that certain champions of violently opposed ideologies had agreed on a list of those rights. 'Yes', the said, 'we agree about the rights but on condition that no one asks us why.' That 'why' is where the argument begins." - Jaques Maritain, 1948

They always knew it was vapid. They just thought maybe, in time, they would be able to literally force conformity. In the end, it just all fell apart.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Not even a signatory?

How evil can you get, to not even be part of the international community.

Expand that to 2000 words in every serious broadsheet in the Anglosphere.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I managed to get ChatGPT to admit that America's war against Iraq was illegal (per international law) and that it's America's power that prevents "global justice" from prosecuting any culprits.

Some countries are above law. The problem with a move like this that is pushes Russia to stay above law.

I also believe that fucking with the wealth of Russian oligarchs was a bad move, they should have been given a carrot, not a stick where their safest option is to Snowden back behind Putin.

The ICC, with this move, is like an Irani court sentencing Obama to death for drone strikes. It's ridiculous.

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In 2014, the ultra-far-right mayor of a small, Hungarian village hanged a puppet of Netanyahu:


The ICC basically made itself a clown of his caliber, for idk, Twitter likes?

What's next, fire machine guns at the sea to stop it from inundating the Netherlands?

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I am curious, what does a small Hungarian village have to do with Netanyahu.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

How many divisions does the ICC have, to capture Moscow?

The same as that mayor has to enforce the death penalty on Netanyahu.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

What were the charges? Is the mayor a supporter of the Palestinian causes or there was something else that bothered him?

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

He was just a general argumentum ad Jews lolcow who should have paid attention to his jurisdiction.

His most famous quote is from his anti-Budapest Pride stunt where he shouted "let me on the faggot float!!!".

It's important to keep focus, Left and Right. To plug one of my posts:


"Hungary in 2021 had many problems, excessive police brutality was none of them. Erecting a tiny, 3D printed, rainbow colored Statue of Liberty in the name of Black Lives Matter in a working class district of an Eastern European city, the delusion of the local politicians that they’re living in America is so mind numbingly absurd that it’s impossible to ridicule. It’s such a picture perfect amalgamate of submissive colonial trash that if I had to come up with a parody, I’d do exactly the same"

Mistreating credibility and wasting it away on stunts will land you on the Trash Heap of History, even if you're - originally - on the Right Side of it. Looking at You, ICC!

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The charges don't matter. The mayor could sentence Netanyahu to death for jaywalking in a place where he has never set foot - IF he has the power to carry out the sentence.

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As a Hungarian, I don't want a mad dog Russia. I want a Russia that wants to do business, that wants to talk, reason, and abide international "law", as much as possible.

The ICC is making my world more dangerous with this counter-productive move.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

So much for talk about a "law based world order" replacing the "rules-based order".

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Now it’s “feels based order”.

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haha, yes!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

International Woke Court has made its ruling!

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The IWC had this to say on the matter: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Lol. Lmao, even. US neocons have absolutely no capacity to think systematically about anything.

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Lol'ed so hard, peed my pants.

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Putin should answer the warrant by nuking The Hague. Win for everyone.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

They'll blame it on Israel.

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Let’s hope so, maybe we can get rid of that cancer on humanity while we’re at it.

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It strikes me as absurdly transparent. According to Reuter’s,

“In its first warrant for Ukraine, the ICC called for Putin's arrest on suspicion of unlawful deportation of children and unlawful transfer of people from the territory of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.”

Fucking really? WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?? That’s the best they got?


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I assumed it would be one of the false flag "massacres". Were they too weak even for the Hague?

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Too awkward. They’d have to investigate their patrons!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I just wanted to post these utterly insane comments here:


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Lmao - I like how he criticizes the Pope for not visiting and then the very next sentence describes his building as Soviet style.


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Honking the grain, again. Like the EU doesn't hijack it all.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Drone story was also interesting this week as well as the Iran-Saudi story. In a terribly hopeful and indulgent way could be seen as a ‘desperate’ response to rally the supporters, or to asses who is on their side.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Our elites are behaving like lunatics. They have no realistic strategy so all they focus on is narrative control

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Holy shit. Thanks for posting, Niccolo.

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