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The first win, Trump 45, could be dismissed as an anomaly, Trump 47 has a different meaning.

He won both elections by attacking all that was good and holy about liberalism. He mocked their hypocrisy and incompetence. He pointed to the abject destruction of their fancy notions and high minded rhetoric. The resistance to him at this point appears to be thwarted and almost nonexistent.

Trump 47 has a different meaning. We are in liminal space, the progressive, social justice veneer co-opted by the blob will no longer do, it, they, need to find a new vector. Trump has four years to define that vector. Everything is in play right now. And this time he has some smart allies.

Trump 45 was disaster, but 47 has the opportunity to change everything .

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Trump and his Zionist war-mongering cabal are going to be a disaster, and Americans have no one to blame for themselves.

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Zion Don will continue the current policy position of the USSA, their is no ability to course correct now, that ship sailed many years ago.

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Trump has also an Arab son in law: Michael Boulos, the husband of Trump’s youngest daughter Tiffany.

Trump 's start - forcing Netanyahu to finally implement a truce - was positive.

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Um hmm, enjoy this positive while it lasts then cause it won't be for long

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Arab Maronite. Very different. All Arabs are not the same.

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For Israel's racists all non-Jews are equal.

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Point (1) it has to be a bloodbath, or it's nothing at all: total loss. Captured institutions cannot be reformed.

There is a constant belief amongst conservatives that it's our turn - the CBC, NPR, Education, whatever - we'll remake it in our image and push our message and help our friends. It never happens, they can wait you out, ignore what you say.

This is Charlie Brown perpetually running at that football. Lucy needs a kick in the side of the head.

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It'll be more like: "The Deep State is dead; Long Live the Deep State."

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'Friend-shoring' is still outsourcing.

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My stance on T47 is derived from his past go at President: prepare to be disappointed.

The ceasefire deal in Israel is encouraging.

Hope to see a deal and an end to the destruction of Ukraine, and we just may get it. I doubt after that we'll see much more good news out of Ukraine.

Mass deportations are a dark undertaking and DT will look like a bad guy for it, although the blame for the trouble we're in should fall on the "Biden" administration- we are going to be shocked at what gets memoryholed from the last 4 years.

I'm rooting for DOGE. I think it's likely to be Elon's Waterloo. I'm rooting for Kash and Tulsi to purge the evil from the IC, and if that sounds like the plot of a fantasy novel, well, that's cause it is.

Reshoring looks interesting. Using tariffs to alter the incentive landscape may be worth trying. We have some enormous manufacturing projects underway in Central Ohio from Intel, Honda and now Anduril (drones-n-such.) These projects will be transformative locally, I don't know how widespread this kind of investment/building is.

Starting to see the Overton window moving to the right, which is pretty badly needed. A return to 90's liberalism would be fine with me, although the path from 90s policy to 2020s lunacy is a very straight line.

Good luck everybody.

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The Overton window has been moving to the right since LBJ signed the Civil Rights/Voting Rights Acts. There was no liberalism in the 90s, that was the neoliberalism of Reagan/Thatcher being wholly embraced by the Democratic Party and the Clintonistas.

We’re all fiddlers now, watching the empire, and the planet, burn.

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Yep, MAGA is now 90s liberalism. An improvement on the current insanity but as you quite rightly say the path from there to gay race communism is direct. I would love to be wrong but I think when all is said and done his base will be betrayed.

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Trump inherits a mess. If he fails to resolve the economic challenges America is guaranteed to tear itself apart. If he succeeds Trump merely buys time for his base.

The Deep State is going nowhere. A few sackings will achieve nothing. Networked power can survive a purge within institutions so long as it has the resources to offer sinecures to the purged. Trump needs full spectrum disruption: open up the Deep State to lawfare by Deep State opponents in the general public. Ditto the philanthropic foundations and NGOs.

No matter what else, Trump must rip the mask off the Swamp and expose how it operates. As more people understand these things the harder it will get for the villains to function.

Trump's advantage is that the Democrats unleashed chaos within the continental United States itself, thereby creating vast constituencies with an existential interest in crushing the Democrats.

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That was an insightful remark,. Still, good luck getting weak, stupid easily manipulated Trump to do any of that.

Offer the clown a parade, talk about a statue, let him amuse himself in Twitter beefs with fellow members of the Moron-American Community, and the Deep State will remain firmly in control.

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Thank you. It is still very unclear what is happening. The Deep State as a whole may very well be nowhere near as threatened by Trump as we have all previously believed.

The spooks did not allow or enable election fraud outside of a few Democrat strongholds in 2024. Had they done so Hartis would be in the White House today.

Presumably the mafia clans within the intelligence services are prepared to sacrifice some expendables so long as Trump stays away from key issues. The CIA survived the Congressional investigasions in the 1970s, just as the people behind the attempted coup in 1933 ( the Business Plot) had done decades before.

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I think they have figured out that Trump is weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

I mentioned parades and distractions with shiny objects, Trump may also be tempted by the powers that the Deep State offers, the chance to use those powers on his enemies.

n.b. I suspect that the real reason that the murder of Jamal Khashoggi was so publicised, when most Americans could not care less and it's not like the CIA has any compunctions in this regard, was that Trump either actively or tactily approved of the murder, and this fact could then be used to blackmail the doofus.

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IMHO if Trump approved of the murder of Kashoggi that testifies to his acuity. Kashoggi was a Muslim Brotherhood activist, almost certainly a CIA asset and came from a family with extensive ties to the most sinister elements within the US intelligence community. Kashoggi was intriguing to bring down the Sa'udi rulers and turn the country into a bloodbath.

Not sure that Trump is weak. The intelligence types are extremely good at gaslighting and undermining people. It is very easy for them to lead presidents astray. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy all ended up extremely unhappy with the CIA.

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Evem if what you wrote were true, do you favfor the extrajudicial murder of people in groups you don't approve of?

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I support being alive and safe. Generally I do not approve of anything like this but force majeure applies in extreme cases. If the killing of Kashoggi helped prevent a coup, a civil war or the assassination of King Salman or MSB then it was fully justified. The Muslim Brotherhood are dangerous and very cruel. That such people now operate in the West under the protection of the authorities is terrifying.

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I wanted to share a tiny data point. I woke up this morning expecting a somber tone considering how today marks the End of Democracy, but instead, all of the NPR "reporters" seemed giddy. I'm so confused 🙃

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Back in the early 2000s and late 90s, many of us knew that H1B was a scam to flood the tech industry with cheap labor.

I had friends turned down for jobs where they wanted people with 5 years of experience in Java when it was only out for 2 years. They would hire H1Bs because "nobody was qualified".

But most didn't give a shit.

Until recently when Elon and other morons let the cat out of the bag.

Housing prices skyrocketed after the dot com boom and we had huge inflation since then. But nobody gave a shit cause they thought it was a good thing, a fkin "investment"

Until recently when they cry about gas and food prices, even though fkin housing and healthcare take up a much bigger percentage of income.

2025- The Year We Make Contact



It's about fkin time people woke up to the decades of bullshit.

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They tried to kill him twice. I don’t think he'll be puss¥footing around this time. His public statements since election seems to support that imo.

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I think I was proven right.

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I would add election reform as well. We don't want a repeat of 2020. Voter ID and no same day registration nation wide at a minimum.

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This is going to be an absolutely fascinating presidential term.

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As a practical matter, mostly what will happen is Trump cultists making excuses, even as Trump betrays them over and over and over.

Lest I be accused of partisanship, Obama cultists did the same thing for eight long weary years.

There is no eleven dimensional chess here, no master plan. For that matter, like Obama, most Trump support is irrespective of policy but rather is a cult of personality. I used the term "cult" advisedly.

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Yep, though Obama continuously moved to the left during his Presidency so his cultists are justified. He didn't betray his core supporters(African Americans and white far leftists). Trump most likely will. For ex- H1b.

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He did?

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How did Obama move to the left?

And don’t list culture war BS

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He went from opposing gay marriage to supporting it. Why is culture war BS?

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Trump 47 is owned by Elon Musk and his tech buddies and thus will end up like Boris Johnson 2019. Get elected on a mandate of social conservatism and left economics but implement social liberalism and right wing economics. My only hope is that separation of powers and the thin margin of GOP in the House means that Elon can't just invite the whole world in "legally" like Boris did.

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If Trump doesn't pardon everybody persecuted by the J6th witch hunts, he should be impeached and thrown out of office. Especially after Biden preempted pardoned Fauci and the Capitol police. 2026 should be a bloodbath for the Republicans. It only takes a small, principled percentage of us to make a difference. We defeated Rogers in MI.

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To navigate your ship from point A to point B, you need an up-to-date chart. Using an old chart makes it more likely you will run aground or worse.

Reading the comments here, I see a lot of people navigating not only with an old chart but also without a compass, depth finder and rudder.

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