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South Africa supports Palestinianism because Palestinianism is resentful, dumb b----s wanting to take over a white people's country so they can run it into the ground. Edgy dissident right wingers are in denial about this, but the Palestinians could hardly be more open about it.

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Jan 25Liked by Niccolo Soldo

It's good to see the Israel Palestine issue from various points of view.

So much media coverage is either hysterical or has less consideration than the kind of choosing sides people do with respect to sports teams.

This issue springs from an ancient political labyrinth that gets frequently manipulated by outside forces. Much of it is to draw attention from the internal problems of the outside countries, which is a maximally immoral reason to feed another killing cycle.

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Niccolo, could you share with us the name of these "other actors (who) pushed South Africa to pursue this case in order to harm the legitimacy of these courts."?

Or have you already done that in a paywalled article?

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Jan 25Liked by Niccolo Soldo

One could hardly have chosen a better example of "arrogance" (Israeli or otherwise) than Ehud Olmert. As Israel's Prime Minister, his 2008 "peace plan" would have given-away 94% of Judea and Samaria, and turned the Old City of Jerusalem into a five-nation trusteeship (thankfully, Mahmoud Abbas turned it down). Olmert was later tried and convicted for (among other charges) breach of trust, fraud, tax evasion, and bribery (sentenced to 27 months in prison, he served 16 months before being given early-release).

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Jan 25Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The fact that the South African case against Israel is driven by pure resentment sums up the case against Pretoria. Amongst serious, worthwhile people, foreign policy is driven mostly by cold geopolitical considerations. But Pretoria is run by the dregs of Africa. Corrupt, stupid, emotional and unworthy of respect or goodwill. The Israelis should be proud to have the ANC as their enemies.

Re German foreign policy, Germany has played a major role in Western Asia throughout the 20th century, ever since Kaiser Bill teamed up with the Ottomans. Initially Germany sought to displace the UK and France and gain access to the Mesopotamian oil-fields.

The NSDAP enthusiastically encouraged Arab nationalism, in particular the cause of the Arabs of Palestine. Berlin welcomed the Arab Revolt of 1936 and later welcomed Rashid Ali al-Gaylani's coup against the Banu Hashemi in Iraq. After WW2 West Germany followed the US line: polite hostility towards Israel from 1948-1967, followed by friendship mixed with support for Palestinian irredentism at the expense of Israel's security since 1967.

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Jan 25Liked by Niccolo Soldo

You don’t need “balance” here. All you need to do is analyse Israeli leaders genocidal statements, then their actions, then their spurious defence where they argue their is no link between their statements and their actions. I don’t need some Soros hack to tell me South Africa has an “agenda “

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Regarding the ICJ, both Russia and China have been conspicuous by their silence. I would have thought that both would have jumped in to support South Africa with both boots, but no. This does lead me to think that Niccolo's suggestion of "Russia collusion" could have some merit.

After all, the Russians must surely know that if the ICJ finds against Israel, then an immediate case will be launched against them by Ukraine (or the UK).

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Jan 25Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Thank you for sharing these articles, Niccolo!

The Kansas City Times published 2 articles on my attendance at the 1976 Republic National Convention in Kansas City as a Canadian, after the Convention left town.

With shoulder length hair & beard, wearing my trademark #13 jersey, I just walked into the News Room from off the street, having no famous name, organization or money behind me, and The Kansas City Times published 2 Historical Newspaper records on my Time in the City.

The 1st was on September 13, 1976 with the picture of me wearing my trademark #13 jersey. Having no Editorial control, it was certainly interesting for me to see that Day!

The Times did a followup on ALL SOULS DAY, November 2, 1976, publishing this picture in the article:


So you might understand my surprise when 7 years to the month later, on November 20, 1983, the movie THE DAY AFTER Kansas City was incinerated in a Nuclear Holocaust was shown to the World, of all the major US Cities where the movie could have been shot.

Why was I surprised? At he end of the movie, Kansas City was burnt and destroyed into rubble like we see in Gaza Today.

The movie pauses at the very same picture frame The Kansas City Times published on ALL SOULS DAY, 7 years to the month earlier, except I wasn't in the movie. You and I both know THE DAY AFTER will be TOO LATE.

This is the clip from THE DAY AFTER showing it: https://youtu.be/q7J8eMyK1DI

What would you think if you were me?


Today being the 248th Day of my 80th year, counting up, not down, in this Year of the Lord 2024 I'm glad to be alive and able to point to the Historical Records.

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Speaking of genocide:

"Taking both white English and Afrikaans speakers into account (along with those classified under ‘other’), South Africa’s white population is expected to go from around 4.58 million people in 2021 to 4.23 million by 2041 – a loss of almost 8%." https://businesstech.co.za/news/lifestyle/265501/south-africas-white-population-is-shrinking-heres-how-it-could-look-over-the-next-20-years/

"Zimbabwe’s white population grows more than the world average during 1950–1975, and thereafter decreases abruptly and asymptotically toward zero." https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0129183120500084?journalCode=ijmpc

Meanwhile, Palestinian population grows.

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As with so many other terms of late, the utter dilution of the term “genocide” will prove disastrous in time. I hate what we’re doing.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The ICJ is supposed to make a ruling on South Africa's charges tomorrow, Friday.

I understand the ICJ refused to play tapes/video of Oct 7 Hamas massacre against Israeli civilians.

BTW, I have read that black South Africans's standard of living has actually decreased post-Apartheid. Thoughts?

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I found Olmert’s mention of Gaza as being almost totally destroyed interesting. Regardless of any humanitarian feelings I might have, it’s always been surprising to me that the annihilation of Gaza isn’t given more consideration. Surely no one wants that type of humanitarian disaster but what is the benefit of Israel not wiping the city away aside from moral brownie points.

Seriously, I’m not trying to sound like an edge-lord--I have Palestinian (and Israeli) friends. As such I want minimal humanitarian harm and suspect the best way to do this is end the conflict asap. I have an impossible time imagining this ends with a sovereign Palestine and the solution is permanent resettlement. It’s harsh but we live in a world where the big fish eat the small fish but pretend they aren’t. Am I crazy?

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Jan 26Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Starting to think predictions of Netanyahu’s demise are similar to the constant predictions that the Kim family in North Korea and that Putin in Russia will exit the stage. They will not go away.

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Jan 26Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Niccolo, your framing is wrong from the start. It's clear that Israel is waging war on the Palestinians, not (just) on Hamas. Look at the killing and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, parallel to the industrial scale slaughter Israel is committing in Gaza. Listen to the Israeli political and military leadership: they're as open as open can be about a "Gaza Nakba." Netanyahu openly proclaims that Israel will rule all, from the Sea to the River, just like in the Likud charter of 1977 (which predates the formation of Hamas.) This is a difference of scale, not of intent, which has always been to drive the Palestinians out.

Regarding Germany: it was European Christians, Germans in the forefront, who undertook the Holocaust. It should be on Germany to bear the cost, not the Palestinians. Move Israel to Germany, where it belongs, if the German leadership is so intent on making amends.

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Jan 26Liked by Niccolo Soldo

ICJ just issued a nothing-burger ruling.

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