What a gorgeous interview, really one of the greatest interviews. Nic makes a strong case that he should interview Klaus Schwab. "Clear the air," so to speak. Only Klaus Schwab will do.

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Good interview. I kinda checked out of the comedy scene due to it’s lack of comedy, but this guy is dead on about Colin Quinn’s appearances on O&A.

It’s crazy to think that even going back to the 30s the thing that scares the American establishment the most is this combination of economic populism and social conservatism. Think Huey Long and Father Coughlin. I’m sure there are much earlier examples. This kind of thing has an appeal that cuts across racial and cultural lines, and it really does scare the ruling class. If it didn’t they wouldn’t have spent the last 5 years constantly demonizing Trump (who talked a good game, but mostly ruled as a centrist.)

I know BAP hates Vermeule, but the guy has a point about a “multiracial socially conservative working class party” having legs if it were ever allowed to get off the ground (which it probably won’t be.) To be clear I’m not endorsing this outright, but it has an appeal to many normies that can’t be denied.

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I don’t know who any of you are but this is some brilliant shit. Subscribing.

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Thank you

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Wow, a NYC based millenial leftie comedian I don't hate with every fiber of my being. Gonna look this unicorn up just to find something that makes me mad. Great interview.

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Now that Greenwald has endorsed this substack i think it would be of good taste for the comments to turn into detailed fedpost plans. Who wants to go first?

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Red Ryder, red ryder send...

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This was incredible. Godspeed, Sir Soldo.

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OK the What Women Want joke was funny.

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