I don't know about his comments on Scifi. 1984, Brave New World and Metal Gear Solid called a lot of the bullshit. Heinlein is more of a call to action than anything, and Star Trek and The Culture actually worked as a tool for the tech elite to gain a beach head. I'd argue that Warhammer 40k has converted more people to reactionary thinking than Evola could ever hope. Like all narratives they're propaganda tools. Using narratives to explain events to the demos and manufacture consent isn't a modern invention.
There's really nothing in DC now, it's a Haunted House.
The only objective worth taking there was legitimacy and it's gone.
It will not return by any number of elections.
In answer to the world war woke, no.
When you make enemies of the near you don't get very far.
When you don't have an army or police for, save perhaps for a few feds and not enough, you're not going to march on the world. The people who march [me and mine] are not going to put out for them, and as far as their religion ...it's not going to take.
This is the Orgy in the Bunker, waiting for the American Kulaks to come...which we may, or we may not.
There's far more to America than DC politics, this will take time to manifest but this is the simple truth. This is the end of a power struggle of Centralization that was always doomed to fail, it simply can't be done in America. The Founders weren't social engineering, they were recognizing the limitations and coming up with a practical solution that worked just well enough.
Okay ... just now getting around to reading this. It took me about four hours to get through the entire interview, having gone down one rabbit hole after another in some Quixotic attempt to gain insight & understanding. I literally spent an hour attempting to decipher the three-word phrase "catechize the bots."
Funny questions and mind-bending (and occasionally mind-expanding) responses ... thanks!
Comments are welcome.
Holy shit that Paul Walker-McLuhan-median joke. 💀. Chapeau, good sir.
Best interview questions ever.
I proudly spent half my life in higher education to fail to understand any of this. I need a drink or ten.
We must force our way through!
What a way to end it. Constantinople it is.
I thought the first few interviews were a neat gimmick but somehow these keep getting better and funnier.
Thanks. I don't want them to become too rote.
I don't know about his comments on Scifi. 1984, Brave New World and Metal Gear Solid called a lot of the bullshit. Heinlein is more of a call to action than anything, and Star Trek and The Culture actually worked as a tool for the tech elite to gain a beach head. I'd argue that Warhammer 40k has converted more people to reactionary thinking than Evola could ever hope. Like all narratives they're propaganda tools. Using narratives to explain events to the demos and manufacture consent isn't a modern invention.
This was great. The amount of joy I felt when I understood a line or two was unlike anything else I've ever felt. Subbed.
which Strauss were you talking about?
Leo Strauss - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Strauss
DC is the new Constantinople.
Or it thinks it is...
There's really nothing in DC now, it's a Haunted House.
The only objective worth taking there was legitimacy and it's gone.
It will not return by any number of elections.
In answer to the world war woke, no.
When you make enemies of the near you don't get very far.
When you don't have an army or police for, save perhaps for a few feds and not enough, you're not going to march on the world. The people who march [me and mine] are not going to put out for them, and as far as their religion ...it's not going to take.
This is the Orgy in the Bunker, waiting for the American Kulaks to come...which we may, or we may not.
There's far more to America than DC politics, this will take time to manifest but this is the simple truth. This is the end of a power struggle of Centralization that was always doomed to fail, it simply can't be done in America. The Founders weren't social engineering, they were recognizing the limitations and coming up with a practical solution that worked just well enough.
This doesn't work at all.
Okay ... just now getting around to reading this. It took me about four hours to get through the entire interview, having gone down one rabbit hole after another in some Quixotic attempt to gain insight & understanding. I literally spent an hour attempting to decipher the three-word phrase "catechize the bots."
Funny questions and mind-bending (and occasionally mind-expanding) responses ... thanks!