Excellent, another small step for Italian-American rights

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Bit tired of the italians arent white jokes but this Rufo dude is part of an asian lobby millieu, with its own interests, so, yeah... he even has an asian wife!

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If you were Irish like me you’d be wary of being promoted to White Mate.

With us that’s a battlefield promotion and it means the Anglos are losing.

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Hilarious back-and-forth. Definitely one of our guys.

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Wow I never knew Croatian didn’t have an alphabet. We should start a GoFundme so Soldo can hire a linguist to fix his language.

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How can a guy named Niccolo Soldo not be Italian?

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In 1652, the son of the Venitian lord owning some coastal domain in Dalmatia had a bit of fun with Niccolo great-great-great...grandmother and left her with a souvenir. To arrange things the lord gave the family of the lady some cash ("Soldo") and the name stuck with the kid.

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Here's another Croatian Soldo - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zvonimir_Soldo

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The history of the Dalmatian coast a book all its own

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What a great interview!

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Thank you!

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Another winner!

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Savršen, brate.

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Great interview, awesome back and forth. Rufo nails it with his critique of CRT, concise yet thorough.

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Great stuff. Rufo is precise and mounts a devastating assault on CRT in this otherwise light-hearted exchange. So happy to see the quality of the challenge and molto fiera di lui!! Bravo!

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Thanks Snooki

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I'm almost completely uninterested identity politics beyond the need for self-defense & used the "find" command for the gabbagool question. I couldn't agree more, it's an atrocity, the lazy (and stupid) substitute for actually learning to speak Italian.

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I can't stand that pronunciation.

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Christopher Rufo saves the reputation of the Italian race from Hollywood's obsession with creepy Italian mobsters and shitty little Italian pizza joints across the country.

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Nothing collapses of its own weight. Even the USSR.

Nothing. They must be toppled.

In particular when the weight is all borne by the Other: We the People.



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The Soviet Union DID "collapse under its own weight".

In the jargon of Marxism "under its own weight" is written as "due to internal contradictions".

But, the opposite IS true - the Soviet Union arose and survived its first turbulent and insecure years only because of help from the USA and the UK.

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Until the last sentence I thought your counterpoint would collapse under its contradictions- but you saved, partially.

In the end Reagan and Mr Wall Street William Casey cut the money off. The salad days were 45-75 at best, once Brezhnev had his stroke it was all downhill and the handouts never really ceased

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The communist socialism was doomed on the day when it was born.

Because Marxist economic and social dogmas are literally insanity and no system of government that uses them to guide and run its state will survive in the long run.

And Reagan, Casey, Wall Street or any other person or entity could not either save the project of Jewish communist utopia or cause its collapse.

It collapsed because it was rotten from inside.

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Sorry, wrong.

Nothing ever collapses.

I speak from what happened, as opposed to Romantic notions, I speak from the actual history.

I say nothing and no system of men collapses above all because our current regime in America meets all your criteria and yet it moves, and nothing is in its way, certainly nothing moves against it. Far more rotten, bankrupt and geriatric than the USSR and yet they move from strength to strength.

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"I speak from what happened, as opposed to Romantic notions, I speak from the actual history."

Funny, I should have written that sentence.

You do not seem to know what communist socialism is [no insult intended].

"because our current regime in America meets all your criteria"

No, it does not. The American cow is still strong and healthy and so it keeps producing milk. The basic dictum of economics says that a system will keep functioning as long as the output [of a process] is significantly greater than the input [constructed to produce output] - which is how the economy of the US performs. Communist socialism could not work to the standard of high economic efficiency - generally, its economic output barely surpassed efforts made to create real economic growth.

Then there is another thing, the communist system died within three generations since its birth.

The grandfathers who created the communist state were ideological zealots, I would say they were Marxist-Leninist fanatics.

Generally speaking, their sons were basically careerists - they did not have the zeal of the founders and, being a communist was for them a job and not a conviction.

The grandsons did not believe in Marxist dogmas, they did not believe in anything except themselves They were not as scared of repressive organs of the communist state as their fathers had been. Because they grew up within the system, they knew nothing else, for them the society was "normal". They just existentially hated it.

When the majority of people stop believing in the founding ideas of society / state then the structure of society / state will start to unravel and eventually it will collapse.

This phenomenon could have been predicted, and known, in the West if its anti-communists were not so naive and ignorant. But, some escapees from the communist dictatorship predicted that the collapse will happen soon because they knew that as the years pass more and more people will "tune out" the communist party's message and will "drop out" of "socialist society". The third generation went to the streets and overthrew the system. The very sons and daughters of the communist elite became the wrecking ball that smashed the edifice of communistic society.

The political system of communist socialism collapsed on its own and for two main reasons - because its economy could not produce enough wealth to sustain the existence of the system and because people simply stopped believing in the fairytale that was the Jewish communist utopia.

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That won't work for us in America, or anyone in the present.

If I'm being told this is the course to follow, it means 60 years and 50~ million Americans killed in the Camps, but not to worry have faith - just breed 2 generations into slavery and IF, IF they live the system will fall of it's 'own internal contradictions."

It is just possible that people dipped in Marxist theology might, MIGHT be vulnerable to 'internal contradictions' shaking their faith, but it doesn't help us.

You're also ignoring that the current 'Marxist' takeover in America has discovered Racism and so white genocide as a banner; not 'workers of the world unite'. They actually mean to KILL the workers and replace them with robots, but never mind that...the American Left is marching under the Banner of ERASE WHITENESS.

That's not Marxism, it's racism. It works.

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Chris nailed it, "the core demographic of Kendi readers is liberal, white, middle-aged women who work in public institutions." I worked in public library and it is exactly this demographic that is pushing this crap on staff. Thanks for all you do. BTW: I am 100% American-Italian and we never call it "Gabbagool."

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Racism is a made-up concept by leftists/communists to slice and dice Americans. It is easier for them to work their evil when we are in disparate "interest" groups.

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"Angela Merkel is an unfuckable lardass." Truer words were never spoken.

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