
Let's get some discussion going

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Why discuss anything?

We’re all going to make it.

You just put yourself out of business with that one.

Oh well, to be nice;

Why can’t we have an industrial policy that ensures everything we need we make (like vaccines) and then after full employment we have trade for what we want?

Also call him back, because he’s wrong about war WWx or whatever staying on the net.

Which means no, we don’t all make it, so call him back.

I’m definitely interested in the BAP breeding camp and they’ll need practical military experience, I feel the need for fecund she slave breeders, I think we have a good confluence of interest here, what’s his number?

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May 31, 2021Liked by Niccolo Soldo

"It is well known that the key to success for a tall person is to recruit a lot of short people to exorcise their personal demons by working around the clock for you, and I like to think I've maximized that strategy."

Harsh but fair.

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I can think of some short and psychotic bosses who maximized the reverse, or tried to.

Funny, I’m 5’9” and never really notice the height thing. I just don’t.

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We were always going to make it...

Great interview as always. Was especially interesting to see his take on the future of crypto.

Also glad you pitched him funding BAP's club tropical excellence. Marc's "no" is just one step closer to the eventual "yes"

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May 31, 2021Liked by Niccolo Soldo

We're gonna make it!

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You didn’t ask the Serrano question.

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Not everyone gets that one.

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May 31, 2021Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The problem with "First Amendment absolutism." Enduring human society depends on enduring human cooperation. Which depends on authority. And since all claims of authority cannot withstand "First Amendment" scrutiny -- for how "science" cannot even "prove" that life is better than death, that the molecules on Earth are superior to the molecules on Venus because life exists? -- the necessary authority for successful human interaction will be obliterated. In other words, Muh First Amendment. Oh well.

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strike the "how"

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Borise, that's not the goal of science. Normative vs prescriptive claims.

This is like complaining that "violinists" can't even "fix my sink"?, so what's the purpose of them?

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May 31, 2021Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Excellent interview. Marc is obviously a supremely intelligent, interesting, and handsome superhuman. I'm certainly not just saying this in hopes he transfers 40,000 XMR to my address in the next 72 hours.

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How famous is BAP lol, maybe I should ask on my teams slack? (I’m in Silicon Valley), I’ve been maintaining strict anonymity

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Very famous now. There are people in media and academia seething about him 24/7.

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May 31, 2021Liked by Niccolo Soldo

There seems to a tension in Andreessen's world view. He thinks connectivity is good, ideological diversity is good and connectivity likely leads to ideological homogeneity. Evolutionarily this makes sense as ideas just like flora and fauna evolve for fitness vis a vis what they are exposed to, not what they're not.

I would like to see how Andreessen resolves this seeming contradiction in his world view, which I think is exceedingly important.

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May 31, 2021Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Great interview. Reminds me of Goldfinger and almost any other SPECTRE fictional denizen brought out in the many several and too many in the end, James Bond Movies. Yes the evil exists (Marc A seems to know them all by name) but God is there too, even if the texualists or oralists dont seem to notice. I liked the ending of the interview, almost as good as Sean Connery in the lifeboat in "Dr. No" ( I think?)

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Awesome fun - I have never enjoyed an interview with an internet God before - most are pompous and irritating - loved his bit about the types of reality available to all -and I am really interested in how we create these virtual worlds for the "bottom of the pyramid- last billion" - I think that is where the acceleration of societal value can really take flight

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Thanks to Tyler Cowen for the link - he is a bit right wing for my taste, but lovely wide ranging intellectual

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Nick Land @Outsideness just linked to this article lol.

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"Also the wildest thing Tyler Cowen ever linked to."


Nick has a thing with Tyler Cowen...

Cowen is a nihilist, or was until burnt perhaps [me take]

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This is very US v. US, US v China; I guess that's where the big fights are but... can Germany, UK, Japan get back in the game? India ? Brazil ? Also, it's funny and insightful - but maybe a little "Straussian"- as in there's a level of second order question behind the question - is that WEIRD?

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As discussed on Salo, the big problem with Marc's perspective is he just wants to ladle fake, gay shit on top of dismal reality, rather than fixing dismal reality. Co-eenka-dinkly, this fake, gay shit will make an already insanely rich Marc Andreessen even more insanely rich. Is that all he cares about? Big line go up?

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