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Jul 3, 2021
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Jul 4, 2021
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Vowels are we know __phobic.

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Love. And I am really gay! and very much into Foucault.....love the writing. But not into the fisting part. Yuck.

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As a fellow Mischling, I will claim that our current power comes from being Jewish enough to understand the state of present circumstances, but Gentile enough to be irritated by it.

I tend to agree that one of the weakest points of Curtis's view of history is his refusal to admit the enormous cultural influence of Jewish Americans post WWII. Darren Beattie is similar, he who constantly talks about the NSA/CIA and never the Jewish oligarchy in Academia and Media. Perhaps they have reasonable reasons for doing so, but their disinclination paints a distorted picture of our history.

The "1960s" for example in many ways represent a first revolt of our Jewish population against stuffy WASP culture - certainly not a continuation of it. The end of the Hayes Code in Hollywood, the rise of Jewish comedians like George Carlin that refused to respect WASP decency standards ("Seven Words You Can't Say on TV"), the power of the Jewish investigatory press (Pentagon Papers, Watergate), the later dominance of Jewish sitcoms (Friends and Seinfeld, e.g.), and so on.

1960s cultural disputes aside, I truly don't understand why the Jewish/Anglo relationship in the US has becomes so frayed. I will hazard a few guesses here: (i) late 20th century Jewish emigration from the USSR, (ii) lack of other serious opponents that Jews felt they needed Anglo help with, and (iii) the overall weakness and degeneracy of Boomer Whites. Real scholarship here would be valuable.

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Carlin was Irish.

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I am chagrined. At least he wasn't a protestant! Howard Stern would have been a better example.

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Howard Stern didn't really became big 'till the 80s. Lenny Bruce would be the perfect example.

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I assumed he meant Lenny Bruce, the context he describes is too perfect.

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Thanks I was a bit confused suddenly.

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He despised WASPs. Most WASP haters get that way because the pretty ones won't sleep with them. I assume that's what happened to him. He was funny, the hate did him good.

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Lol 😂

Well Carlin was Boston Irish ☘️ too.

You can’t ignore that…

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Carlin was more based than people realize.

At the start one of his skits mocking the Hippies - “Don’t want no war.

Don’t want no war.

Don’t want no war.”

Carlin “don’t want no job neither “ 😂

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Make Boston Great Again, end Irish immigration until we figure out what's going on.

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When religious conservatism of a dominant culture swells, so goes a fraying of relations between the dominant culture and its Jewish minority.

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Is wokeness religious conservatism ?

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Wokeness is antagonistic to Israel, but not really to Jewish culture.

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Its not culture.


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Politics is POWER.

The Woke do not wish to share.

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there is no such thing as mischling energy, the only reason you noticed them is that they separated from the mothership and swim where you (goyim) can notice it.

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Let me help with Candor.

Politics is Power.

Since you used the term 'our power' I will use the term 'you'.

This is all very neutral, I strive to be cold in analysis.

You took their power in the 60s. They being the WASPS.

Or rather deposed them and frankly did not replace.

You went nuts with the albeit limited powers you had, it's the difference between the Wizard and the Sorcerers apprentice. Directly taking power or deposing the WASPS does not mean fitness to rule...aannnnddd ....not fit. Not fit. Verdict is in.

You see the old WASPS for all their stuffiness knew how to rule, and rule lightly and well.

The 60s to now are not ruling well....in fact barely ruling at all.

Their Grandchildren aka the Woke Millennials are here to take it back.

Wokeness is the return of the WASPS, albeit with purple hair.

All the anti-Israeli sentiment in USG and US elites is over the power struggle.

The frayed relations are breaking, again this is a power struggle and injecting morality or emotion into it simply clouds matters.

I'm not WASP btw.

This is just where we are.

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You are writing poetry, not history. I wish this would be as simple as black and white chess.

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I am responding to Alex’s Ws question on frayed relations.

Politics is Power, there’s a power struggle.

Simple. Rest is noise.

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"Wokeness is the return of the WASPS, albeit with purple hair."

This is an interesting perspective, though I don't know if I believe it. I don't see WASPs running Big Tech at the moment, or anything big.

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Don’t confuse money with Power.

The WASPS run State Dept, CIA, DC.

The others are Hofjude.

All money and wealth in the USG Empire exist on knifes edge. Big Business can be destroyed or as common weakened at will, and is - see Antitrust’s sudden return. That in particular is the rectification of “not running anything big.”

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Yeah it's not dude. Wokeness is phariseeism. The question is along what lines is the gentile manipulated. The answer is within the universal claims of his metaphysics, which the Pharisee does not share and understands himself eternally outside of. To the Pharisee, the gentile exists within a bubble which the Pharisee need only maintain, with encouragement here and some policing around the edges there. It's not really worth attacking Moldbug while he's having a moment of interest

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Old Long Warred Chambers loaded Here. Seen too much including of the J's to be convinced their born or raised evil. Moreover our actual govt is along the lines I stated, and yes they are HofJude, and yes they're out. Including the Mischlings. It's power, not "Palestine".

State's main beef about Palestine is it's been a multigenerational career.

We're stealing food from their charming children's plates !

And this is all , all very Anglo if you were to consider us commoners the Irish vs the Tudors, or Cromwell, or the Bank of England during the Famine.

You may be well correct on Phariseeism - but I only care what people DO, not what an old book says...or any religion, or any God Spare us ideology. I'm actually quite certain they're raised to distrust and manipulate goyim, I've also been to the middle east and realize that's par for the course, same in Asia. America is a peak high trust culture and we're being taken for a ride by pretty much every nation in the UN General Assembly, and the UN GA as well of course.

We are just far too trusting, and that includes our own Groton and Ivy Elites. Americans are just too damn trusting and we suffer for it.

Sure it got us to the moon, now it's taking us to the Favelas.

I didn't launch an attack on Moldbug, if you were referring to me.

I can - his obsession with physical safety is unwise and unmanly and clouds his council, and he goes way overboard putting this all on the WASPS and "Puritans" when we can look at too many names and not quite see Nicolas Pennyfeather or George Washington the IV.

But still Names, not groups. If you go after the group you'll spend the opportunity and miss the names [the guilty if you will] and be stained with the guilt of harming the innocent.

Speaking of attacks if you respond with 'no one said anything about harm' any even potential respect or response - nevermore.

Harm: Of course that's what's at stake. At present the only losers being harmed are common whites....not elite ones as MB said...but that can change.

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The money power is not in service to the throne. It's now the other way around. Secondly, you keep using the word power. You have to translate into the transcendent realm. Or what are the powerful thinking, or how are the powerful thinking. We have scripts or lines of logic that might justify whatever someone desires, but how are they constructed? Why do some constructs resonate with some cultures whereas fall flat with others? It's not denial of power or the material actor, but you have to account for the tradition from which the actor descends. Individuals are not constructing anew their own mental universe, that's preposterous. Epistemological bubbles are shared. This is where the operation occurs. Or the ignorance thereof. For example, northern Prots might be the highest trust population on earth, and that is their bubble, but denied knowledge of it. Denied self knowledge, which denies reflection, both prior and necessary to any action that might preserve or correct whatever situation they find themselves in. Investigate the intellectual battering ram of "historicism" that's wielded to negate and expel ideas of descent from American Conservatism in increasing volume after mid 1960s. Investigate who's doing it. This is one of the primary pillars of contemporary Conservatism, or how we're ruled. "Hegel, historicism, relativism, nihilism". It's simply a formula, any jackhole like James Lindsey will be feted for simple recitation, even though he could never speak in depth on any one of its elements in isolation. It's utility is only as a whole and for its deterministic outcomes. That is the power that others are rewarded for participating in. James Lindsey. Paul Ryan. The recitation is audition for today's institutional Right. Then read Zakhor by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, it's on libgen. An interesting read and a totally different interpretation of history. A different script, and not for us, but similar authorship. I don't believe in racial stuff, beyond a propensity for aggression or that consanguinity links to mental disease

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ignorant antisemitic undercurrent, did I say ignorant?

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Wait, what are you talking about? If you're not trying to personify my point, which you are. The hypothesis of WASP culpability, hm, yes deeply interesting. Valid point. Important, let's publish in our major magazines. But the alternative hypothesis, of an opposing group, well that's a moral infraction. This is literally Phariseeism, arbitrary rule, no rhyme or reason, you must obey. This is anti-Logos, reason denied. This is not our culture.

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What is the 'culture' of Jeff Zucker, backing Trump in secret while denying him in public then retasking his network for Coup and Revolution....and understand both happened.

And they won.

But what is the 'culture' there?


Gonna repeat for mr chambers.

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I often disagree with you but you’re right on the money (so to speak) here.

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Crosspost from McWhorter’s It Bears Mentioning.

He mentioned White Nationalists.

I explained sorry, this mythical army does not exist.

I added:

the long warred15 min ago

“ I went on DC mission.

Not only no White Nationalists, there was nothing out there but government workers, some street people…

> Did you mean the Homeless Camp just off Capitol Hill? Those aren’t White Nationalists, just working guys who can’t afford rent in DC. They actually do work, they just are saving up to be able to afford the rent somewhere else in MD or VA. Half were Hispanic. Their kids went to school in the morning too, schoolbus picked them off and dropped them off. I hear this sort of thing is increasingly common in America.

Maybe…that could be looked into? Maybe there’s a real clue there as to what’s happening.”

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Jul 5, 2021
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Do you have a link Lee Smith?

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i oddly can't get to tablet...

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Here's the other one, and yes you are correct it was Lind who wrote return of the yankees.

and...I was working today...so distraction allowed.


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The jewish identity is constructed via negativa. They'd like to say it's not but, nah, it is. Maybe they'll concede, yes, in the wandering. But it's there from the start. If you allow that sentiment into the heights of your culture, you see what we do. Recursively and it's not going to change. The atavistic drive goes through the roof with your point (i) and largely accounts for point (iii). For the gentile's part, or their post-war generation of putty, their perspective and faith is filled with process-like beliefs, like "meritocracy" or "the free market", which they hold to approach or approximate metaphysical truth itself, the closest we can get to platonic perfection. And subsequently they refuse to consider the notion that they must bring their own forms into the world, from their own hands and their own minds, their own mark. They must be their own ideal, like their white Jesus. Unexamined in earlier generations, which is to say natural. The natural way of being is off limits to the Boomer. That's how they govern and why, to their wandering friends' delight. Any peep to the contrary, like a Steve King, is absolutely destroyed. They don't have any concept of the cost, though they endlessly complain about the outcomes, and they really like their friends' praise.

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incoherent jive

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Oh, come on. You know what aristotle's formal cause is, the idea of something as its cause.

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Was Carlin Jewish? Real scholarship here would be valuable

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Was George Carlin jewish? Real scholarship here would be valuable

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Damn and Rufo wants to ban Critical Race Theory? Seems fun to me…

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LOL no Republican bans anything.

I was on a rant about this earlier elsewhere.

The best thing the Republicans could do for whites is to never mention us, our families, or our values. They promise Liberty and Prosperity and deliver us to the Dems in rags and chains. Thanks to Trump the Dems overthrew The Republic [face over pillow, perhaps only decent, but still...] and laid waste MAGA and flyover country with COVID. We're like the Afghan villagers with the GOP..."Please go away, you only bring us trouble, and your enemies will take it out on us."

The Dems respond to any threat to their power viciously, psychotically and without any restraints but the limits of fear. They'd be bombing us now if they had the army.

The Republicans are good for Whites like the Democrats are good for Blacks.

It's just as well elections are over.

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I absolutely agree that CRT is fun when turned round, so are cannons.

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Another disappointing take on Yarvin, true to the introduction that Soldo never read him... No one (insert all the lame YouTubers here) whats to challenge Yarvin on his own ideas, his writing. Actual questions. 100% snark, 100% of the time, screw this! Yes this it's fun but makes you feel as if after Chinese dinner, still empty stomach. This is erudition for the sake of erudition, kids games.

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Thanks for enjoying it!

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even in CCCP people said what they meant. This trend to reduce everything to obscure allegory and snark, to hide the plain meaning or actually never have a meaning to begin with, leaves a bad aftertaste. Memo to Yarvin, there are people who are not nerds, who still read his constructs but they are getting tired of his crappy style when the prose is confused with an algorithm.

Or why he thinks that poetry without a rhyme is still a poetry? I know, Anglo Saxon thing...

Why didn't you ask Moldbug, why he cant hold one thought for longer than a paragraph? This would have been a real question.

Or if he actually has examples of an absolute monarchy that worked?

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Because my interviews are for a wide audience, not for people intimately familiar with the subject.

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Let's say I email this to a 100 smart people. How many do you think will soldier through this without already being engaged to with the subject? Not one out of the 100. Sorry to let you on this secret.

There are some good quotes though, passable for the normies.

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If you want a more critical interview with Yarvin there is a really long (much too long) interview with him on Hyperpodcastism with Borzoi.

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thanks I will take a look. My feeling is that people interview CY to boost the ratings and no one is interested in the actual interview. Especially his YouTube interviews. May be Anton being the exception here, because Anton can actually level with Yarvin.

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Where can I find the Anton interview? Cheers

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Complaining about erudition for the sake of it in a Yarvin interview of all things is so funny it just about made me forget the ptsd from a friend of mine battering me with demands to read Unqualified Reservations back in the day.

Thank God I can't read.

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What is Reconstruction 2.0 and Reconstruction 1.0?

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2.0 is the Civil Rights Movement. 1.0 is the original one post-Civil War.

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There were a handful of Jews involved in Reconstruction 1.0, just on the opposite side, against the Puritans.

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As it happens I follow Yarvin from the UR days, I may have ...and only may...have read a majority of the comments, I know I read all the posts.

His thinking hasn't really evolved as much as matured, he wants a King or in effect a King.

That's probably what's going to happen. After ah....yes...a sorting of sorts.

Whatever Nico thinks of American power the Republic is dead and that changes things. Not for the better.

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"Ideology is overrated; structure is underrated." Love it. Great interview and I remain a big fan of Curt's and prayers for his departed wife and for his family.

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Not sure if I more resent the eye strain from reading through UR or that I just got called a homosexual by a programmer in a Death Wish extra's leather jacket.

Great interview as always. At this rate you'll run out of significant interviewees and end up putting up talks with random anons like some kind of Balkan War Criminal Scott Greer.

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The impact of UR was to make the UNTHINKABLE into THINKABLE.

UR was lovingly transgressive when no one else was, we’re talking Bush 43 years. An open letter is an eye opener.

“Democracy is GOOD”

“Politics is BAD”

“We don’t want those dirty politicians getting their grubby hands on democracy “.

You have to understand how not even transgressive, how heretical this was in 2000s- this was unthinkable. This was truly a Red Pill and yes Moldbug was Morpheus.

Its all very easy to knock it now but at the time he was cult deprogamming -

Indeed his achievements as De-Programmer so far are greater impact than say Urbit. With respect.

I don’t code so I can’t speak to Urbit.

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I needle out of fondness, I found it a valuable read even if I don't end up agreeing with some of the framing. I'd go more in depth but I'd need to reread it, which is a bit much on a holiday.

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Oh its fine.

But if you didn’t grow up Gen-X or earlier- American- and weren’t involved in ah the awful aughts (2000s) it is so difficult to explain how WILD what he was saying was and his runaway success in saying it.

We were still balls deep in Iraq, trying to grow brains on W Bush, reeling from the Housing Finance scam …and along comes this weirdo on a Stylite telling us we have been lied to all our lives- in a way that reached us. That’s why it was called The Red Pill. It was that much of a shock.

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People at the time were telling us Dubya was Churchillian.

And we wanted to believe it.

Dubya on his own merits wouldn’t get any closer to Churchill than the Village Idiot near Chartwell, but the only alternative was John McCain.

That’s the “framing “ of the time.

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This is quite a lovely interview. It is as I would imagine an interview between Hunter S. Thompson and William S. Burroughs would be. And I love it that you both get in digs against BOTH the Intellectual Dork Web AND The Supreme Dork Lord. Long may your tribes endure, and peace be upon you (PBUY).

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Good conversation. Best line: "The only alliance our Teacher's Pet regime fears is the union of jocks and nerds. It is the jock who shoves the teacher's pet into the locker. It is the nerd who convinces him to do it." True. The teachers pets run things, and no one likes them. Hopefully woke rioters will trash their coffee shops and teach them a lesson. An alliance between the simmering resentment + tech skills of the nerds and the ripped physiques + brazen self confidence of the jocks could conquer everything.

Unrelated, but I wanted to make sure you saw this, because its good.


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No culture war please.

The Right speaks and the Left destroys whatever they spoke in defense of.

The Right promised Liberty and Prosperity, we were then delivered to the Left in rags and chains.

Let scholars begone, with our curse upon them, especially the ilk of Greer.

Let Trump and MAGA begone as the blustering cowards they are…Make America Great Again led to economic ruin, humiliation and the fall of the Republic.

Be silent. They make us 🎯 targets for the wrath of the Left who stop at nothing when challenged then they run. Now they slink from their cubicles to grift off whatever culture remains.

Be gone and in shame, things are worse than ever.

And in answer to what we need; A Mute who Shoots.

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Ice cold take tbh

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If you love our people, spread the word the Republicans need to stop 'helping' us.

I seriously feel like the Iraqi villagers now...

And yes, that's just turnabout in my case.

Mind you I didn't at least talk democracy or free markets to them...

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Well, you see I don't believe "no culture war" is the answer. You keep using the word power, I keep adding the transcendent. You have to connect becoming, or where power resides, to being, or where culture resides. Or if you go in the other direction, becoming incarnates being. This is what you would recognize as "a people" - they appear to be bodies directed by some ideas, both their own. The "culture war" is a battle over modes of being, what those should be, who should define them. Moldbug's diagnosis is superficial. He's talking about material conflict, but prescribes surrendering authorship of your / our modes of being. This is you as merely biological mass, matter for others to form. You are to incarnate what they declare - we are already in this state, this is the complaint, its dynamics misunderstood. This is the necessary precursor to the extinction of a people. That is our future. Now what's interesting is the Boomer Conservative demonstrates the opposite error (and this is what you're probably correcting for). The BoomerCon conceives only of being, the transcendent. And the ideas placed into this category all acquire its categorical attributes - timeless, universal, absolute. Or being detached from becoming, or material incarnation. This is how we get criminally negligent "politicians" announcing total replacement of our material bodies is truly "who we are". "Are values", simply beaming for extinction.

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You are correct for extinction.

The rest too gnostic for me.

We need: Mutes that shoot.

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Yes, you've not brought the tangible and intangible or material and metaphysical into necessary interaction and mutual dependency. Your concept of metaphysics is frozen - that is the "West". Your concept of the relationship is as one was street, the material "matching" the frozen metaphysical "truth". This is a hangup embedded within old style NRx and it's penchant for Realism. How old style you are - and ultimately ineffective - is how readily you scoff at the possibility of alternative. Yes, there is alternative. Yes, it is methodical, cohesive, operational. It's from where culture derives, and that's power. You need to do some thinking.

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But when we disarmed They sold us, and delivered us bound to our foe…

The time has come to disabuse ourselves of these importance-seeking Con retards and speak, if ever, only the truth.

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They simply flag us as targets. We must be rid of them.

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"I've been preparing myself for this interview for over a decade now by purposely not reading a single thing that you have written."

"Cons will always be slaves until they feel in their bones that they have the right not only to rule themselves, but their enemies--for their enemies' own good."

"The irony is that Blacks in the USA are almost entirely powerless politically, beyond serving as symbols for injustice in which one set of white elites uses these symbols to hammer another set of white elites."

More great writing as always. Namaste

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I am going to Europe very soon. Salo forum has been down and I want to visit Croatia while I am abroad.

What is best way to contact you?

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So gonna keep asking this question until someone has an answer -- what happened to Niccolo's Twitter? The "progrockfarmer" account now appears to be controlled by somebody else, unless I mistake the views and tone.

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