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Sep 18
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He’s just a Southern-fried gay

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Let's hear what you guys have to say. It's still early days in this affair.

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If I were going to use a patsy, I'd use one who could shoot straight and had a better weapon, not to mention, no obvious connection to the Deep State project in Ukraine.

Suppose Routh didn't miss. That would do more damage to supporr for The Great Ukrainian Adventure than anything Putin has done so far.

EDIT: and don't let the patsy get taken alive! Last thing anyone wants is said patsy to be making idiotic speeches in court.

At the same time, how did Routh know Trump's schedule? And twelve hours ahead of time, to get set up?

For that matter, how was Our Working Boy able to fly freely from Hawaii without any secondary inspection for potential terrorists? Unlike, say, Tulsi Gabbard.

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The internet and left-wing publications keep blaming Trump and his "violent' political rhetoric and his constant changing plans. Blowback indeed, but all his doing.

Gotta say I laughed at Elon's post questioning why no one is trying to kill Biden or Kamala. When progressives say death to Trump, you cannot take it literally. When a right-winder does it, it's a call to action and an action of violence. I cannot stand these hypocrites.

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You have me everywhere except “how did a convicted felon get such a weapon”? Are you serious? There are gun shows in Ky where you pay cash for pretty much any weapon you want. No ids no questions. That’s all over the south and probably most of the Midwest as well. Getting weapons is not a problem. Guy seems like a kook…useful patsy or something else? Who can say right now. Total shambles in the US.

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I agree. Even in a state like California (*and* a city like San Francisco) illegal weapons are easily sourced.

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The serial number was partially removed so I will let you draw your own conclusions from that.

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Basic precaution - harder to trace

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It does not work these days. A simple file will barely inconvenience your most basic forensics lab.

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I'm glad Americans can still get guns without the government tracking their weapons so that they can later confiscate them.

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I agree - I don’t put a negative connotation on it, the right to bear arms exists for the simple reason that the government should never be the only ones with the guns.

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Fair enough!

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People saying this are complete idiots. I’ve had a gun illegally since age 13, when I bought a small revolver for 250$ from a mexican Gangbanger in his Junior Year. Guns are so easy to get and nobody understands this AT ALL. I am filled with so much rage whenever this question is asked, How can somebody be so ignorant?

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Great article. There are many questions surrounding this man and another attempt on Trump's life. I hope more information comes to light to understand what is really happening.

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At some point Trump might tell the Dems what Tito told Stalin: “Stop sending people to kill me. We’ve already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle…If you don’t stop sending killers, I’ll send one to Moscow, and I won’t have to send another.”

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There were no planes on 9/11. An aluminum plane cannot penetrate a building without creating a lot of debris. They showed us computer generated images.

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Idiot. How did "they" convince those many thousands on location?

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This is something that, of recent, has popped up my radar and might be of interest to you

Among the several tragic implications of the war in Ukraine, there is one that has gone relatively unnoticed: the way in which Ursula von der Leyen has used the Ukraine crisis to push for an expansion of the Commission’s top-down executive powers, leading to a de facto supranationalisation of the EU’s foreign policy, including on defence and security matters, over which the Commission has no formal competence, ensuring the bloc’s alignment with (or better, subordination to) the US-NATO strategy.


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And this

She was anticipating, in other words, yet another institutional coup aimed at achieving yet more supranational unification and centralisation, in the one area where governments have historically been most reluctant to grant the EU and its institutions a greater policy role. Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine provided her with the perfect opportunity to do just that

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So, what does anyone propose to do about it?

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Where did he get the "funds" to buy the weapon, travel around, own a car, etc. In court he stated he did not have the financial means to pay for a lawyer, that he owned basically nothing.

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I'm continually surprised at the number of destitute, mildly (and some majorly) psychotic/sociopathic people I see clothed, relatively clean, and nutrified. Having never had to resort to whatever means they are utilizing, I have no idea where they get them.

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There's something unique about the Ukrainian war (or its media packaging to the west) that have made people incredibly weird / angry / enraged. It's an odd thing to be having a normal conversation with someone and suddenly it's off into Putin shrieking.

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The last sentence on the guys placard is symptomatic "End Russia for our K" I suppose it continues as Kids in the part that is covered. To that I ask why? We poked them in the eye since at least 2008, if not 1999 (Kosovo) and now we are innocent and they somehow deserve to be ended, wtff?

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There is likely no other reason than "the tv set told him"

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Promising aid and support for territorial integrity for a small country facing an invading empire, then failing to provide them with gear to match their enemy's is indeed a stab in the back. Without the promises, Ukraine would've had to surrender, work a deal out, and would've save thousands of lives.

So it's completely natural that there would be a backlash against the "West".

Next time, don't promise, or keep promises.

If you refuse to, well, actions do have consequences.

As for the attempt, there is an insane amount of schizos and unstable people, as well as all sorts of suspicious glow. It's not a particularly stable timeline, but one of decay and managed collapse.

Such things will happen more and more.

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The real blowback kicks in when US law enforcement recruit veterans of the Ukrainian secret services and the Azov battalion.

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This op-ed from 2023 is making the rounds, https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-02-25/ukraine-cia-insurgents-russia-invasion.

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AK-47 sounds so much sexier than really crappy SKS. It is also inaccurate. Word of advice, mainstream media figures know jack shit about firearms. It always pays to do a little further digging for more information.

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Matt, I don't understand your criticism. What does it matter the specifications of the weapon used? Reporters are often ignorant of many things, but on weapon descriptions, how is the importance of the story affected? There are all kinds of weapons and they are everywhere available, that's something that nobody denies. The question is why is it so easy to get one, whatever its characteristics?

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Fine, here is just one important example. The way the news is making it sound, Routh picked a weapon associated with the Ukraine War (somehow) and they are treating it as super serious firepower (for the drama). What the reality actually says is that he picked a bottom of the barrel dirt cheap SKS bubba job with a magazine conversion, cheap aftermarket stock, garbage scope, and with the serial number half-assedly filed off (cops can recover that super easily). It would have been a terrible choice at that range. I think it says quite a lot about our wannabe assassin.

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Mannlicher-Carcano anyone?

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The Carcano was an interesting choice of cheap surplus, deadly caliber, reliability, and very effective in that range. It was an annoyingly perfect choice for both a lone gunman or a disposable asset.

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When Mark Lane went to Italy to lecture on the JFK Assassination and the various conspiracy theories around it, the students laughed when he mentioned that Oswald used a Mannlicher-Carcano as it had a very bad reputation among Italians, some going so far as to blame it for their poor performance in wartime.

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They were nowhere near as good as Mausers, Springfields, or Nagants but they worked well enough. Let’s just say I think the Italians have a bit of a bad habit of blaming their poor performance on their equipment. Also it was not like Oswald was carrying it through the Libyan desert or shooting at a distance where that round nosed bullet starts causing you real problems.

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As it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, I've been asking myself a basic question: How do we know there actually is a war in Ukraine versus a bunch of fake social media posts and news? What is the best evidence?

Wasn't it George Orwell who said that most of the news from the Spanish civil war was made up?

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"The profile fits that of a patsy" who chugs down the Kool aid, like many progressives, follow the agenda no matter how contradictory. One may wonder how more individuals don't respond as "heroically" as he has, if the words exchanged and sputtered daily by talking heads and politicians on tv about Trump's threat were real.

His story makes me wonder if we are being told that, as they so like to claim, reality is not real. This incident is scripted entertainment.

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