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Greenland is not a possession for Denmark to dispose of as they see fit. Greenlanders will make the decision.

The desire to purchase Greenland is another facet of the 1 trillion dollar grift known as the Military-Industrial Complex. Another opportunity to waste resources on geopolitical pursuits.

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Greenland is a possession of Denmark.

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We should buy it, assuming Greenlanders are on board. It seems like a relatively low cost investment in our own hemisphere. There could be substantial natural resources, and there is some geographic / strategic benefit to having land up north. This feels less “Turbo America” (to use your term) and more like “Common Sense America”.

Now whether this is an immediate priority compared to other ones, I cannot really say yet. But if this is the peak of our extraterritorial goals, it is way more sensible than trying to realign cultures, hearts and minds in the Middle East,for instance. Low bar, but we gotta start somewhere.

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Common sense and good sense are not synonymous.

Greenlanders have already indicated they are not ‘on board’.

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Ah, thank you for that update, sir.

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Why would they sell something that they could mine and profit from?

If you owned land that had gas/oil would you sell it if you could charge others to come and take the gas?

If they wanted to mine their land, it could be done without pawning it off to us corporations. Norway is wealthy from their resources and the people benefit. Scotland has resources but not the same story as Norway. They tried to separate but that was rigged.

It's never beneficial to pawn your home to corporations.

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You would sell it if someone is offering more than the net present value of the resources to you. People sell oil wells or other such resources all the time.

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USA will not allow Greenland to independently develop and profit from its own natural resources. They will be sanctioned just like Venezuela and Cuba without any regard for the welfare of the Geenland citizens or their sovereignty.

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> We should buy it, assuming Greenlanders are on board.

A little bribing of their leaders, a little blackmail to their economy and state, some pressure, and they'll be on board. That's how most peoples get "on board" when empires take an interest in them...

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Buy Canada instead.

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Trump is managing to turn Canadians more and more against the US. As a small sign of this, at a recent NHL game in Montreal, the crowd started to boo the American national anthem, and continued booing until it was over

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We only really want BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan anyway. Quebec could be independent.

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Even in Alberta, only 18% of the population wants to join the US, which is the highest of all provinces and territories. It's an extremely unpopular idea that will only get more unpopular if the US keeps acting hostile towards us. This should be no surprise, since our ancestors rejected Americanism 250 years ago, and again 30 years after that

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I am sure it will become more popular as all the pajeets, 3rd worlders that you have let in that couldnt give a stuff about your ancestors, realise they are holding the bag to medically care, pay pensions for all those old yts and decide they would rather live in miami than toronto

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Didn't Trump say that he wants to massively expand legal immigration, especially Indians? We have Indians who are going to be leaving when their visas expire, Trump wants Indians... it's a perfect match really. Let Miami become Goa-on-the-Gulf

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Outstanding. Learned in one minute how truly destructive and contradictory our foreign policy has been. I am like many U.S. citizens concerned like Red Alert concerned about our 3-letters working for goals of the EU and Globalists.

Thank you.

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Greenland is the same as Ukraine in the sense that the great power contests over resources and territory don’t ever really end. The Ukraine gambit is a loser for the Euro elites pushing it, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have geopolitical objectives. It’s beyond naive to think this war is about “saving” Ukraine in some way and the democracy cover story is laughable. Greenland is likely also about resources and making sure no other big power gets in there before we do.

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I don't think it's a ploy to chivvy the Euros into upping their defence spending if only because there are far easier and less potentially damaging way to achieve that. I think Trump is serious so, the question is, how far is he prepared to go? If the Danes say no and won't budge, will he consider force?

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The Danes will knuckle under.

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They may well be forced to, yes.

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The other europeans will cringe but do nothing.

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I doubt they will even cringe. But, on the plus side, at least the truth is apparent.

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Greenland is part of the North American continent. Europe sure likes to hang on to its colonies.

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But not America or American corporations that have been controlling Africa and South America?

What about England connected to Canada, S Africa, and Australia?

Also, this is up to the people of Greenland. I would rather not be a part of the US which gives corporations more rights than people. (One dollar one vote since citizens united).

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We'll see. Maybe the US will offer $5 million to every Greenlander if they join the Union. Everyone has a price and we can print the money.

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> Everyone has a price

The motto of the least ethical people

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Is Danish nationalism more ethical than wanting money to better one's family or community?

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No, Greenland nationalism is.

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US already includes over 500 "First Nations" with significant sovereignty.

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Why not offer them 5 million a person for them to lease the land... IF they wanted money for the sacrifice of their land...

Or maybe they can do it when they have the proper technology to mine without destroying their number 1 industry, tourism.

But under the USA, corporations have priority and they have messed up plenty of areas, like Ohio and Pennsylvania​ which got screwed up water tables due to fracking with toxic fluids. EPA approved lol.

In Norway, people have a high standard of life because the people and govt get the oil profits.

Not corporations.

Meanwhile in Scotland (which also has a lot of oil offshore) most of the profits go to corporations. They tried to separate from the UK but that vote failed and had huge signs of being rigged.

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Foreign policy is the big issue. An independent Greenland with 60,000 people and huge land mass would seem to lead to less international stability then if they were part of the US. What if Greenland starts making deals with China, and the US treats them like Cuba? That wouldn't be good for anyone.

For all its flaws and to its credit, the US has not been shifting borders by use of force.

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"For all its flaws and to its credit, the US has not been shifting borders by use of force."

So the United States has been adamant that Israel dismantle its settlements, right?

The United States did not support Kosovar independence? South Sudan?

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The US also supported the breakup of the USSR. So it goes. They didn't actually send in soldiers.

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"EPA approved lol."

It's the job of a CEO to make a profit. I would think government's job would be to protect their people.

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So? It's sovereign Danish territory

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How do you buy a nation from another nation?

Aren't the real owners the citizens?

What is this, monarchy?

Who exactly would get the "money"?

If they wanted to mine their land, it could be done without pawning it off to us corporations. Norway is wealthy from their resources and the people benefit. Scotland has resources but not the same story as Norway. They tried to separate but that was rigged.

As for the nord stream, one pipe was undamaged and Russia said the others could be fixed in months. Are we to believe that the only reason why it's still not in use is because the USA stopped it?

What if it really wasn't broken in the first place?


But then, we have to realize that Russia is also playing the bullshit game. That would explain why they stood by while a coup happened, took them years to help Donbass, and went along with COVID and its toxic treatments (pretending like it's shot was safer than the west despite it being based on the Astra Zeneca clot shots).

"We were always at war with EastAsia."

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> How do you buy a nation from another nation? Aren't the real owners the citizens? What is this, monarchy?

Colonialism... It never went away, except when big enough nations managed to completely break it off: India, China. For the rest, smaller countries, best case scenario was that it changed to neo-colonialism.

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True. BRICS pretends to be anti empire but it's not.

Why did they allow for a single country, Brazil, to deny Venezuela's application?

Same reason why the UN has equally authoritarian single veto power.

Bullshit BRICS... And they all went along with the Western COVID power grab on their people.

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Trump is a stalking horse for north American union. "He's so crazy!"

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At the risk of being trolled, I just want to point out that from a military and economic standpoint, the idea of the US managing Greenland instead of the Danes wouldn’t make as big of difference to Greenlanders as it would for the Danes and especially for the US.

Greenland is nowhere near becoming economically independent without Denmark. They receive a block grant every year which covers most of their expenses. The US could do the same and could do it even better, especially when it comes to investments in the infrastructure the country needs to work its way toward real independence. Obviously, any serious offer would need to convince the Greenlanders first…but I bet the US could do it. So yeah, the anti colonial discourse is just stupid.

The US also already cooperates with the Danes on surveillance and early warning systems at its military base there at Pituffik. It also just finished one of its largest consulates in the world at Nuuk. So again, it would only be enlarging its footprint, not making a new one.

In addition, people don’t know this, but the Danes also cooperate with the US on the mainland when it comes to covert operations and Denmark is essentially an informal member of the 5 eyes coalition (remember when they spied on Merkel’s phone?). So, it’s not like the Danes would lose their ability to work with the US or to cooperate with them on things that matter in Greenland (this is also why they have been so quiet about the whole ordeal, and simply reaffirmed their strategic alliance with the US and the status quo). Instead, they would just save half a billion dollars a year. Seems like a nice windfall.

Lastly, maybe you’ve noticed but almost all the scholars in the “Arctic” space right now are on their soapboxes trying to convince people that, actually, the Arctic isn’t really in danger of becoming a theatre for the next world war. But that’s just because they’re all biased ideologues who love to point to the Arctic as a proof that “liberal internationalism” works. The truth is the opposite. We’re seeing an increased interest among all world powers, but especially the US and Russia, to exploit and maintain their dominance in the Arctic. And now that China is allying itself with Russia, the US has every interest in looking strategically at a mismanaged island like Greenland with its vast resources and its coastline along the Arctic circle. It’s ridiculous to ignore this.

Trump is obviously over the top when he speaks, but he’s usually yelling at something true. It’s best we listen and not get lost in stupid anti colonial discourses or defenses of the dying liberal international institutional system.

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And sorry, this is also the reason why Europe is pissed about the suggestion that the US could purchase Greenland, which is by far the largest “EU territory” above the Arctic Circle. If they lose that, they lose much of their political, economic and military potential in the region.

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So Greenlanders will keep getting their block grants and social programs, while ordinary Americans get diddly squat. How popular will that be in the lower 48?

The Arctic is comprised of international shipping lanes. Is the US intending to engage in piracy?

This is a pointless waste of resources for geopolitical fantasies. Trump is parroting what the MIC is telling him.

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There’s the troll.

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There's the shill for the MIC.

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Trollin’ trollin’ trollin’ keep that road rage flowin’…

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I don't like the tone of this post

And by "don't like", I mean, "it hits too uncomfortably true".

As I'm sure I've mentioned several times before, I am a Canadian expat in the US. In a conversation with a friend yesterday I had occasion to say, and I quote

"I am starting to get the sense that the best interests of 'my team' and my friends are going to sharply diverge from my best interests in the near future"

I got so swept up in "FUCK YEAH, AMERICA FIRST" that I forgot that America doesn't want me, because I was born on the wrong side of an imaginary line on a map.

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If the US invades, Denmark should cut off America’s strategic Ozempic supplies and bring them to their knees.

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You realize just how...... flexible, shall we say, American IP law can be when the US wants it to be?

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I’m glad to see a threat can be recognized when it’s made. I was starting to wonder.

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People don’t care because no one thinks Greenland is part of the “territorial integrity” of Denmark. It’s an effectively unpopulated island with no apparent utility that Denmark would lose in the first five minutes of a war with… anyone.

For all practical purposes, Greenland is already a protectorate of the American Empire, akin to Guam, and whether Trump goes ahead with changing the letterhead or not makes no real difference.

Don’t go all thirdworldist djinnbrained on us, Niccolo. You know as well as anyone that “treaties” and “laws” are just pieces of paper.

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That's why I've cohabitated with my girlfriend for 15 years instead of getting "married." It's just a legal fiction. What is that in the face of love?

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Niccolo, the question "who is the REAL threat to Europe" is easily answered: Europe is its own worst enemy.

The Europeans embraced collective self-destruction long ago. No external threat can come close to the harm that Europe has already done to itself. The Atlantic alliance itself is downstream from half a century of apocalypse-grade destruction. The present enthusiasm of the EU for conflict with Russia is proof that the European thirst for destruction and self-destruction remain unquenchable.

A Freudian might suggest that the Europeans have a collective death-wish. It is hard to argue with this. The enthusiasm of governments across the continent for Muslim and African mass migration indicate that something like this is indeed at work.

Nordstream needs to be put in context. The US has always behaved maliciously to its nominal allies. The US financed terrorism against the UK for years. Hilary, Joe Biden and a host of others helped raise funds for the Provos in Northern Ireland. They were unapologetic about this. The Bongs never complained. They just buried their dead and bleated on about the 'special relationship'.

Trump's interest in Greenland makes perfect sense, though his proposal, however, is mystifying. My guess is that Trump anticipates the imminent or perhaps medium term collapse of the Atlantic alliance and he wishes to secure what he can while he can. Since the US would pay for Greenland with funny money the proposal is probably connected to an unacknowledged agenda to bind Europe to America via finance.

As for Ukraine, the willingness of the EU to endorse the 2014 coup d'etat in Kiev, the indifference to the deaths in Odessa after the coup and the bad faith of the French and German governments over Minsk, reveal the rotteness of European institutions.

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Europeans like being slaves.

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Americans like being helots. Ever since integration at the point of a bayonet (Brown vs. Board of Education) and disparate impact (Griggs vs. Duke Power):


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Pungent as ever Philip. When the second ever German to head the EU Commission (CDG saw the egregious Hallstein out the door) is a dimwit fired as German Minister for Defence for sheer incompetence and then gifted to the EU by Merkel, you can observe a clear descent into sheer mediocrity. When she was asked to produce her Ministerial mobile phone by German authorities investigating probable graft under her, her phone was found to have been professionally wiped clean of all messages. She did a multi billion deal with Bourla of Pfizer and when even supine Euro toadies asked for her Commission phone, guess what? Wiped again. Google Heiko VDL for some amusement. That cretin Kallas has announced official EU policy as the dismemberment of Russia. Google her fathers USSR status, and her husbands business dealings with RF post 2022. Banal hypocrites. Kallas has the look and dress of a substitute teacher coming back to work after a nervous collapse. A hysterical mediocrity. Just when you thought there could be nothing worse than another Iberian windbag after Borrell and Solana as "EU chief diplomat". All serving Uncle Sam.

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Note VDL assertions of imminent Russian collapse and resort to washing machine chips in 2022. How many were persuaded by those lies, with increasingly sophisticated missiles and drones raining on Ukes. By the way, Russia understands taking casualties. Do EU idiots think French and Dutch mothers will not freak out over body bagged sons? The Dutch conduct as Srebrenica makes me think no.

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Europeans like being slaves, with less indendence or self-respect than whipped dogs.

It's one thing for the dog to bark at outsiders and they may even bite, but Master can slap a dog around as He sees fit, for any reason or no reason, and neither the victim nor any of the other dogs raise so much as a paw in defense.

They just cower and grovel and hope Master won't hurt them.

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That's exaggerated. Consider that even with such a horrible candidate as Kamala, Trump's win was not huge. You may then as well say that 50% of Americans like to be replaced and censored.

The problem is with the institutions. True, it also means that the problem is with the people supporting such institutions but it certainly is not 100% of the people.

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So what are europeans doing about this? Hell, Romania's elections were cancelled becuase the voters voted the wrong way and Romanians themselves barely raised a peep.

Like a dog needs a master and cannot function without a Master, europeans cannot imagine life without American hegemony.

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My guess is that rather than approximately 50/50 split, in EU on average you have 70/30 split where 70% are pensioners and youth who are either liberal or prefer status quo.

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Not sure what you are saying, here.

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I am saying that there are no two parties in the EU where few million votes can flip it from one side to another. EU citizens are scattered among various parties which are institutionaly unable to steer EU bureaucracy because those who want change are not near 50% yet.

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Another way to say it is that, if EU had to vote between Kamala and Trump, 70% would vote for Kamala.

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Check this for example:


This not your lapdog for American interests. This is European liberal.

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Americans had an election stolen by Biden; what did the population do? Barely a pip?

Americans love slavery

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