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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

There is a bantustan for white progressives from South Africa. It's called 'the rest of the world'.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Should the ANC be thanked for embracing capitalism from the get-go?

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Great piece, ever last word of it. Thank you!

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Niccolo, another great newsletter. It will be interesting to see what happens in Sweden. Given the standard Western response to populism and the prioritisation of public safety and social cohesion over diversity, it is likely that there will be a concerted campaign to undermine the emerging forces.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Regarding the subject of the Mary Jane, I remember the weed arms race really kicking into high gear in the late 90s in the USA. I feel like just within a few years, pot suddenly became more of a mindfuck than LSD. It was uhh, so not sick.

“Hey, you wanna hang out tonight and smoke a few blunts and then have a series of skull crushingly negative epiphanies which may or may not be based in some kind of reality?”

“Dude, hell yeah! When do I come over?”

Even I, surely the most well adjusted and showered with unconditional love as a child person that’s going to comment on this post, simply can not deal with the eXreme sports reefer floating around these days. Yes, it’s most definitely destructive shit in a lot of ways.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The latest average of all polls shows that the right-wing coalition will get 48.72% of the vote, whereas the left will get 50.16% of the vote, with seats divided 172-177. The SD will likely be the largest RW party. However, approximately a quarter of Sweden is non-European and because Swedish naturalization laws are a joke (4 years residence for "refugees" lmao), this means they are a large part of the electorate (those who came in 2018 are allowed to vote). As they all vote for S, V and MP and their vote share for the right-wing coalition is in the single digits, no other conclusion can be had than that the native Swedish and European population are voting for the right in record numbers. If the right had any balls at all they would, if they lose, just state that the Swedish people have voted for them in record numbers and demand power. Who will stop them? If they win, priority number 1 must be to remove most of the "diverse" population from the citizenship rolls. But of course the right has no balls, and even should the right win a majority it will be at best a symbolic win, with policies like "5 years residency instead of 4 years, look how tough we are.". The democratic path has more or less ended for the right.

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Good stuff that I can't get anywhere else. Keep it coming. I had no idea that big Pharma and big tobacco were developing THC products, but it makes perfect sense.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

It's interesting the differences between the reaction to the FPO entering into government with the OVP in the "Eastern Realm" a few years ago and the absolute hysterics of when Jorg Haider was given a role in government in the late 1990's/early 00's. Despite a of of black pilling and negativity from our side constantly this was a refreshing development. Back in the late 1990's there were threats of international sanctions, magazine covers in TIME, a refusal of most of the EU to deal with Austria for months etc.

There wasn't anything nearly this bad when the 2017 coalition was established, although it was sabotaged by the Ibiza honeypot scandal later on (Kurz having his career ruined later in another scandal a delicious revenge). The Cordon santinaire has weakened tremendously in many European countries when it comes to populist parties on the right.

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I was glad to read the weed piece, if only because the confirmation bias set off the same levels of euphoria in me that these smokers get. Between this and Ted Gioia's 14 tweets, I am once again reminded that society can go fuck itself. If anyone needs me, and to be clear they do not, I'll be over here reading Dostoevsky and listening to Bruckner and shit.

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Some jaw-dropping facts about the modern weed business that I have not seen elsewhere. My state, S.Dakota, recently passed the medical-use law, so yeah..not looking forward to more schizos about.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

On the other hand, there seems to be a big decline in cigarette and alcohol consumption by young people.

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The part with the trans agenda in particular makes me wanna grab my kids and go live on a tree somewhere in the depths of Velebit.

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Very interesting re: counterculture

Strange time to be involved in any sort of creative field

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Love Gioia's work and dug that piece, but I can't help thinking that so much "counterculture" in the past was never all that "counter" and was just something being primed for later capitalist appropriation. There are counter cultures here and there and the fact that they aren't really seeping into the popular imagination suggests that they can remain genuinely counter for longer

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