I think Niccolo and others, very repulsed by USA dominance and wokeism, want desperately for an alternative big power to emerge, to counter the liberal nonsense we are seeing.
But, Russia isnt the winning horse they want us to believe it is.
It isnt (and probably, has never been) an economic powerhouse, something that is a requirement to play in the big leagues as an empire and project influence and impose values.
Something that the Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Arabs and British did when they held big empires.
AS for today, the only one that can play the role of antagonist to the US and insufferable wokeism is... CHINA:
Very interesting points. Putin has definitely been too hard-lined with not recognizing Ukrainians as a separate identity from Russians. And never did I see him give any concessions to recognize the oppressions that did exist toward Ukrainian language, culture and life throughout history from both Tsarist and Soviet Russia, the historical memory of which is important to Ukrainians and part of cultural identity. He ignores the history of people like Taras Schevchenko, and the kobzars, even Gogol having to rewrite novels to suit the Tsarist narrative. Worse to him is to go so far as to acknowledge Holodomor, tho he acknowledged Solzenitsyn's works on the tragedies in Stalin era! And it should be obvious to him that Ukrainian is even more linguistically near to Polish than to Russian.
It is as if the Duma thinks these things are just as banal as Western identity politics and pronouns, yet capable of creating a huge cultural disruption or undermining Russia's national interest.
And no problem he had recognizing the Chechens as distinct. That was easy. They are muslim.
Of course Ukrainians as going to feel Nationalistic and opposed to Russia when their leader continuously waves away it all and says "we are the same people" It is just like hearing someone else tell you how much you are alike while ignoring all you say. Definitely did not win over many Ukrainian hearts, among those who weren't already identifying more as Russian.
It's bizarre because he would have the same claims to dispute Ukraine-NATO involvement, Crimea, and Donbass still if regarding Ukrainians as distinct.
I think Niccolo and others, very repulsed by USA dominance and wokeism, want desperately for an alternative big power to emerge, to counter the liberal nonsense we are seeing.
But, Russia isnt the winning horse they want us to believe it is.
It isnt (and probably, has never been) an economic powerhouse, something that is a requirement to play in the big leagues as an empire and project influence and impose values.
Something that the Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Arabs and British did when they held big empires.
AS for today, the only one that can play the role of antagonist to the US and insufferable wokeism is... CHINA:
and theyre precisely expanding their influence with projects and loans in Africa and Latin america.
Very interesting points. Putin has definitely been too hard-lined with not recognizing Ukrainians as a separate identity from Russians. And never did I see him give any concessions to recognize the oppressions that did exist toward Ukrainian language, culture and life throughout history from both Tsarist and Soviet Russia, the historical memory of which is important to Ukrainians and part of cultural identity. He ignores the history of people like Taras Schevchenko, and the kobzars, even Gogol having to rewrite novels to suit the Tsarist narrative. Worse to him is to go so far as to acknowledge Holodomor, tho he acknowledged Solzenitsyn's works on the tragedies in Stalin era! And it should be obvious to him that Ukrainian is even more linguistically near to Polish than to Russian.
It is as if the Duma thinks these things are just as banal as Western identity politics and pronouns, yet capable of creating a huge cultural disruption or undermining Russia's national interest.
And no problem he had recognizing the Chechens as distinct. That was easy. They are muslim.
Of course Ukrainians as going to feel Nationalistic and opposed to Russia when their leader continuously waves away it all and says "we are the same people" It is just like hearing someone else tell you how much you are alike while ignoring all you say. Definitely did not win over many Ukrainian hearts, among those who weren't already identifying more as Russian.
It's bizarre because he would have the same claims to dispute Ukraine-NATO involvement, Crimea, and Donbass still if regarding Ukrainians as distinct.