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Musk says this is the last time you can be late. 🧐🧮 He’s counting 🧛🏻

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Yah the amount Peschir is alleged to have spent on Georgescu's campaign is almost exactly equal to the amount that the PNL spent, according to ANAF, on boosting 'his' hashtag.

My* retrospective coverage (dated 21 January) here:


*with apologies for being boomer-gauche and posting a link to my own stack

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What Vance is saying to his EU audience is; "you're too much like Obama and Biden and we vanquished their ideology through our electoral victory, now get with the program or else" Unfortunately, that does come across as inappropriate "lecturing" if not "preaching" by a foreign power to a European elite audience whose populations are not (yet) fully aligned with the US electorate (mainly through elitist news manipulation and censorship). These EU elites actually believe that they can keep their domestic populist insurgencies under control through media censorship, hate speech laws etc and that's why their response to Vance's excellent speech is so insufferably self-centered and out-of-touch.

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He's also telling them, The Trump regime is legitimate - more legitimate than yours

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Absolutely, an underappreciated perspective.

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That was exactly what he was saying. But legitimacy is a very contested subject. I'd put it a bit differently. The Trump Administration was formed by a broader, more vigorous, mass constituency than those underpinning most of the Eurocrat regimes.

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He specifically mentioned legitimacy iirc, certainly the importance of a strong mandate

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I'd make a distinction between legitimacy and a democratic mandate in this context. For the Eurocrats legitimacy is simply procedural, it derives from meeting the expectations of institutions like the courts and the European Commission, recognition by elites as opposed to electoral support. Vance approaches the subject from an altogether different perspective. That is why it is contestable.

The confusion here is mine, not yours. Should have explained myself better.

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Very interested to see what the European response will be to Vance's speech.

The regime will likely double-down on everything Vance condemned.

I have to think that the AfD and other right parties will not benefit from the speech, which will make it patriotic to resist foreign pressure.

In short, I suspect Vance may have enhanced his domestic standing, but undermined the causes he wants to promote in Europe by slapping the faces of the Eurocrats in public.

Longer term, the speech may be helpful and clarifying, but the immediate effect will likely be anger and backlash.

Interesting times and I hope I'm wrong.

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Europe needs to sober up, but it's doubling down on drinking - Victator

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Vance: School

EU: Skol

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Not much harm if it were were alcohol. But Kool-Aid!

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Vance is 100% right that no one in Germany of the USA voted for the unlimited migration of millions of people from the third world. And no one voted to make it impermissible to pray outside an abortion clinic. And no one voted to make it illegal to burn any religious text. They DID vote for the AfD and National Front and the rest, and if the European left is intent on committing suicide by allowing in killers and having no children, we aren't going to pay to defend it. Europe is lost, and I thank my lucky stars every day that my relatives left there 250 years ago. I'll know Europe is back when I see European men defending European women, and I see those women giving birth to cute, little European kids. Macron, Merkle, and the.. childless losers all. I pay taxes in the USA, and as far as I'm concerned, Europe is not work one drop of US blood or one penny of US money. Survive or die, but leave us out of it.

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Re: Macron, Merkle, and the.. childless losers all.

Judging someone by whether they have kids or not is an incredibly shallow and irrelevant way to judge them-- almost as bad as judging them by whether they are good looking or homely. Would anyone call Elizabeth I or George Washington "losers" for having no biological children? How about St Paul and Jesus?

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Merkel deciding to let in the refugees was a clarifying moment:

1. The western leaders actually did believe the ideological BS they spouted

2. 16 months from now, Trump actually is gonna win this election, isn't he?

3. Norm Macdonald, who had "joked" about Germany a few months earlier, is alwsys right. https://youtu.be/uXdtafGdIVM?si=PKFlQW22mgjxLkq8

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Europe's move move towards restricting free speech, undermining elections, and mass migration has been absolutely disgusting, and has degraded the legitimacy of those governments. Yes they did it at the behest of the past US governments, but it is excellent to see that the change in regime in the US may now lead to significant changes for Europe as well. Returning to traditional democratic values peacefully is the moderate path forward, and European leaders will find it's the one in their longer-term best interest. Let's hope this is the start of real change for Europe

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"Unfortunately, I do not have a working link to the text of his speech..."

Via Taibbi:


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Sidebar: Part of Postmodernism anti-ethics was to 'inside-OUT' the normative AND that which was expected (normativity), accepted (heritability) & casual (ontology), often in disastrously & meaningless way YET culturally became 'the great inverting'... Now as the 'Postmodern Moment (Movement)' finally dispels before the collapsing horizon of randomization + internal incoherence, in the political realm you get this last OUTING of inversions, contractionary coding, people (politicians) speaking in tongues, tones & sheer tonnages on matters which seem to (fellow) elites as h-speech, terror-grifting, etc. It was a masterful 'coming to Jesus- moment' for all the gathering Leftist-Libtards of the sins of their collective force-multipliers-forgetting, communal betrayals & simulational treasons...

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Great to hear Vance lecture the Europeans on free speech. Great for him to recognize the EU won't allow populist/nationalist voices to be heard.

Now time for him to get back to America and preach the same sermon. Is there any criminalized "hate speech" in the USA?

Oh, yes! There is!

"Anti-semitic" speech is being criminalized across the USA.

That's just as wrong as the EU's criminalizing Normal Germans' speech.

Free speech for all!

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In the Mishna (משנה) -- a written record of Jewish oral law -- we are taught דע מה שתשיב לאפיקורס (know what to reply to an Apikoros [unbeliever]). Similarly, in today's world (religious and civil) it is equally important to know what (and how, and when) to reply to (so-called) "hate speech". The emphasis -- then, and now -- is NOT to shut it down, but to answer it; it's about the Message, not the Messenger.

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Ok, congratulations. That's great.

We're not talking about nations ruled by "Mishna" or dealing with "unbelievers."

We're talking about nations of free people--free to worship as they choose, free to speak as they choose, free to associate with those they choose, free to vote for whom they choose, etc.

It is anathema to American constitutional rights, and to democratic principles, to impose laws against "hate speech," whether against "antisemitic" or "racist" or "homophobic" or "transphobic" or "islamphobic" or any other flavor of the month of politically protected groups who are legally placed above all others.

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I agree. Anti-Semitic speech is being re-branded hate speech and even action that is punishable (e.g., harassment). Jews just doing what every other group is doing, making criticism verboten. Look at the pronoun police and BLM and other groups who make it a social crime to discuss genetic differences between races and ethnicities.

Skokie v. Illinois would never survive today's environment. Freedom of speech is being slowly chipped away at. Burn the Koran, burn the pride flag, fly the KKK flag. You'd be charged with a hate crime today.

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Yeah, that's the point--Vance rightly read the riot act to Germany and the EU. But then he comes back home and ignores the red-white-&-blue "hate speech" laws blossoming all over the country--due to, so they say, "burgeoning anti-semitism!"

"Mordechai Brafman, 28, a pro-Israel fanatic, fired 17 shots at a father and son in Miami Beach, injuring both. Believing he had killed them, he smiled and told police, “I killed two Palestinians.

"Ironically, the victims were Israeli tourists. And right after being shot, they took to social media chanting 'Death to Arabs.' You can't make this up.”


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I take your point about the WEF -it is not the giant it likes to make itself out to be. But it is big enough -and its adherents motivated enough- to drive small countries -I'm looking at you, Ireland- right into the ground.

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WEF is symbolic and gets all the attention even though it's not the powerful cabal people think it is. Symbols matter.

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In the past you had similar discussions about the Freemasons: is it just innocent networking or is it more?

It is easy to assume that all those lectures at Davos just serve as conversation starters and that no one takes them too seriously. But that ignores that many people who have risen to a certain level of wealth and/or power are not very informed. Baerbock is an extreme example.

If you look at the origins of the WEF you see from day one involvement of the absolute top with people like Kissinger.

There is a recording of Schwab bragging that in some governments the majority of the ministers is WEF member. All signs are that this network played an important role in orchestrating the Covid madness. It plays also an important role in making Global Warming a hot topic.

One of the great ills of our times is the way political leaders arise out of nothing. Obama, Trudeau, Macron: one moment they were nothing and the next they are painted in the press as a big promise for the future. This suggests some kind of orchestration and it looks like the WEF network plays a role therein.

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Americans commenting on mass migration in Europe are probably often misunderstood.

I agree absolutely with Vance’s point: European nations are committing cultural suicide by allowing and even encouraging mass migration from the Middle East, the Maghreb and Western Asia.

But I don’t feel the same way about America, and I don’t think someone like Vance does either. While I do believe it is important we know who is coming in and set up some kind of statutory gatekeeping, clearly America can absorb millions of immigrants and has for a long time. These immigrants can often have a depressing effect on working class wages, but they rarely impose their home cultures on their hosts to the degree we see in Europe. I and most other Americans are perfectly happy with immigration, so long as it is policed in some manner. America is a different country from Europe. We have a very different history and our experience with immigration is also different.

In a sane world, it would be okay for an immigrant-loving American to wag his finger at Europeans for allowing mass immigration. But that is probably too nuanced a position for modern politicians to countenance, let alone the credulous stenographers of the global corporate and state media.

On a political note, depending on what happens in the next year or so (and whoo boy anything can happen, amirite?), it seems to me the elevation of young, thoughtful politicians like Vance and Rubio and Gabbard in to high executive office might be the most significant (and, for me, welcome) legacy of November’s election.

As for animal contraceptives, I wonder if there’s a way we could do that with the wild horses we have here in Northern Nevada. They are not native and have no natural enemies and are far too successful. They eat all the fodder (shared with native mule deer, for example), and every few years have to be rounded up and put into pens by the BLM. Wild horses are not universally loved here (though I love them), but if there were fewer of them the haters would surely have less of a problem with them.

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Muslim immigrants to the US absolutely intend to impose their culture on the US and are doing so every chance they get.

My concern with the birth control is more estrogen in the drinking water. Just kill the animals if you don’t like them.

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I didn't get that impression when I married a Muslim immigrant.

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Oh, so you’re completely irrational about this topic and having nothing useful to contribute. Noted.

“Islam is Jihad” is an oft repeated phrase by Imams of the religion of peace.

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Did you convert to Islam and/or are your children(if any) being raised as Muslim?

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No, just like my mother didn't convert to Romanism after marrying my father.

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Good for you then. Every single case I have seen in real life and online of Muslim+Non-Muslim relationship always ends up with at least the kids having to be raised as Muslim.

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I have seen it go the other way, because it's seen as a backward, barbaric religion so the kids always end up Christian or raised both, which basically means cultural Christian.

I'd say the same thing about Jews. Almost every single case I have seen in real life ofJewish-non-Jewish couples, the kids are almost always raised Jewish. Marriage is predicated on the woman converting. This is less often for an issue for men because Judaism is matrilineal but there is pressure for the men to convert in some cases, even if their kids will be raised Jewish. Jamie Dimon's wife is Jewish and she pushed for him to convert and was very upset he didn't. As an accommodation, they had a rabbi marry them even though he's agreed to raise the kids Jewish.

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Amusing mental image of Black Lives Matter activists switching focus to wild horses in the West

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I'm late to this discussion, but I wanted to add a quick comment here.

"But I don’t feel the same way about America, and I don’t think someone like Vance does either. While I do believe it is important we know who is coming in and set up some kind of statutory gatekeeping, clearly America can absorb millions of immigrants and has for a long time. These immigrants can often have a depressing effect on working class wages, but they rarely impose their home cultures on their hosts to the degree we see in Europe. I and most other Americans are perfectly happy with immigration, so long as it is policed in some manner. America is a different country from Europe. We have a very different history and our experience with immigration is also different."

I do think it's important to make a meaningful distinction between pre- and post-1965 immigration laws. The US is a nation of immigrants, that seems to me beyond dispute. But, let's face it, for the first couple hundred years those immigrants, even as they had distinct national and cultural identities of their own, largely came from places with a broad cultural connection that was the same one from which those who first colonized the country came. That is no longer true.

It doesn't HAVE to matter, but we've also so thoroughly devalued our own cultural traditions and turned the concept of assimilation into an anathema. The notion of anyone from all over the world being able to come to America and make a life for themselves by subscribing to a set of values and traditions and thus become as American as anyone else is as noble an ideal as have ever existed, as far as I'm concerned. In practice, however, this is solar systems apart from what our current situation is. I have my own feelings as to how I think we can get it back, but I'll simply say for now that I find our present predicament far closer to Europe's than I ever expected it could become.

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“we've also so thoroughly devalued our own cultural traditions and turned the concept of assimilation into an anathema.”

Fundamentally, I think this is the real problem. You don’t have to agree with me that America can absorb many immigrants, but I’m sure we all agree we can’t absorb any unless they attempt to assimilate as earlier generations have done, with the encouragement and assistance of domestic institutions.

To the extent we have (recently) refused to do this . . . immigration has become a problem.

One of the reasons, I am sure, for my outspoken support for immigration in the US is my origins in SoCal, where a substantial proportion of the population is Hispanic (mostly Mexican) immigrants, but also a large number of people from places like Vietnam, South Asia and Korea, all very diverse cultures. Historically these immigrants have been a tremendous success in California, for themselves and also the host culture and economy. More recent immigrants struggle more, and cause more problems, and of course it is anathema, as you say, to look too carefully into why this might be so,

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In a choice between Germany 1989 and Romania 1989 the Globalists choose Versailles 1789.

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Did you see this documentary? Pretty interesting: https://youtu.be/JamdVea2_wE?si=fLCnbRYbAfke5pSx

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AI —The stunning schizophrenia of Sullivan in this matter, taking him at his word, leaves me wordless.

-“AI is seen as such an important development that Sullivan and those around him sought a monopoly on it in terms of direct government control over it. “

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