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"Hezbollah, meanwhile, is reeling from the damage the attacks have delivered to its command and control systems..."

Not at all. Hezbollah does not depend on electronic devices for communication. They have a very sophisticated system of interconnecting tunnels which communicate via "runner". Typically this means a courier on a motorcycle. Speedy, secure, and untouchable. Hezbollah command and control is structured to handle situations like these. So no real damage to them was done. Although the Israelis did manage to dial up the hate-o-meter even further. Hezbollah devastated a Mossad building a few weeks ago, killing 22 and wounding over seventy. This stupid reprisal on their part will do nothing but guarantee an even more devastating attack on another Israeli base or intelligence asset. Israel is in shit up to its eyeballs.

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Hezbo-celebrate all you want, when thousands of terrorists get their balls blown off it must effect that mob's morale. Not all the way to the point of near-humanity, btu still . . .

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Try not get those tears on your bagel.

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And there it is.

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Yup, there it is, minus a reference to your nose but plain as that self same nose on your face.

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ahhh here we go...i love it when the jew haters reveal themselves. the honesty is refreshing

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The homeostasis of hate

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ha lol

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Your coinage. Do you remember?

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This must have been months? Years? In the planning.

You don't get pissed off on Monday and by Friday have infiltrated an international supply chain, make sure your victims have a need for new electronics and booby trap a particular batch that's bound for particular people.

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Many years. Well before 2022. It's curious that they pulled the trigger now. It's like firing a gun with one bullet. They can't do it again. Israel is desperate to make their allies believe they are in charge of the escalatory ladder. They are not. Northern and central Israel is getting pounded by rockets as I write.

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The Jews are in shit up to their eyeballs. It is a fight to the death for them, or so it seems to me.

The Muslim world hates them, and the progressive western world hates them: white oppressors.

I think it’s almost certain that Israel will fail as a state, and that the Jews will be once again cast asunder.

It’s demographics.

One day the Americans will stop supporting them. The Jewish lobby in America has done a spectacular job and should be congratulated. But ultimately the world wants to kill them. You seem like you would be happy to kill them, or maybe you just want them to stop killing Muslims?

I’m agnostic. Generally I don’t like people slaughtering each other but it seems that’s our way. Again, history seems to support this conclusion.

The only thing a deadman knows is - it’s better to be alive; Histories judgment, it’s better to be on the winning side.

As a nice little cosy Canadian, it’s not much more than a TV show for me.

I own 1000 shares in general dynamics.

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Contributing less than zero to the discussion, and begging to muted.

So be it.

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I like. Honest.

It’ll be interesting to see if our author mutes me.

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Your coinage

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Terrorists killing terrorists. Why can't terrorists just get along?

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"This incredible series of hits on Hezbollah these past few days do usher in a new phase in the conflict and threaten to unleash what we all know is an inevitable war: that being Israel and Hezbollah.

The war will be between the United States and its catamites and Hezbollah and Iran on the other side.

If Iran and Hezbollah refuse to take the bait, Israel simply will act more and more outrageously until they have no other choice, whereupon Israel will run screaming to its American thug.

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This is accurate.

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I don't understand why Nord Stream is still not in use years after the attack. It's repairable and they only broke 3 out of 4 pipes.

This article makes the argument that the whole thing could have been staged to give a reason to screw Europe. Keep in mind that Ukraine is being paid by Russia to transit gas through their country, while they're at war. Hmmm


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Total speculation here but I think Reich and his acolytes used his bat-shit crazy science as an excuse for pedophilia. And given the bat-shit crazy drag queen story hours, I'd say it's all the same thread.

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I wouldn't doubt it.

It's beyond unfortunate that Reich, like all Marxists, correctly identified some problems and completely misapplied the solutions.

He was onto something with research into Orgone, and it appears that is now overshadowed by his misguided and destructive ideas about sexuality.

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Greek island of Ikaria is another alleged 'blue zone'. Boomers of course love this kind of thing, and it has

become a bit of a pilgrimage/field-research site for an increasing number of 'traveller not tourist' types of that generation..

While I can imagine that the sea air and dry earth of Ikaria engenders long life, Greeks (bless em) are by no means averse to getting everything they can out of their kleptocratic government. Ikaria is also a communist stronghold, so there's that too. Then there's the national tourism board, which, maybe trying to make lemonade out of lemons, promotes Ikaria as island of the long-lived.

So in summary...yeah idk about these 'blue zones'

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As I understood about Okinawa: it was a blue zone a long time ago. It was a poor island, so people didn't eat much - what is good for living long.

But now it is full of American soldiers and their fast food. No wonder that many Okinawans are fat now.

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If the European Union wants to become more productive, they may have to encourage the people to work more.

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Reich was involved in early Denazification in Germany that sought to isolate individuals from their families, especially their fathers. These ideas made their way to America via Frankfurt school/Authoritarian Personality etc and we are living in the atomized society they created today. Whatever you do, don't mention the one variable that we're not allowed to mention that is dominant in this story.


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Sometimes it is better to enjoy a music video and not know the backstory.

RIP Donald Sutherland, hope Kate Bush is doing well.

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TIL from Niccolo that Donald Sutherland passed . . .

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“the liberation of the individual from the constraints of biology" - great synopsis. The "secret hidden force" aspect seemed to be progressivism's subconscious yearning for and [failed] attempt at an absolute (comparable to Teilhard's de Chardin's Omega Point?). Query if Bloom also influenced based upon his irl behavior which Bellow described in Ravelstein although the monism would be inconsistent with Maimonides (purported origin of esoteric elements of the Straussians).

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Masturbatory energy powering intergalactic travel: WTF!

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The Europeans failed to solve the conflicts in exYugoslavia because Americans were sabotaging all peace efforts.

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I'm trying to visualize how Trump should try to counter the Iranians ayatollahs having as their motto "Death to America, Death to Israel" etc. Obama et al gave them a lot in sweetheart backroom deals with very few apparent strings attached, infuriating lots of Israelis and American Jews.

Trump's approach would be to say something like [picture Phil Hartman as a rambunctious Frank Sinatra], "What's with this 'Death to America' crap, Iran? What's with 'Death to Israel?' We want to love you and make great deals with you! Persian women are beautiful!"

Wilhelm Reich sounds like a Hollywood villain's name. There was that New Yorker article a few years back about how the West German government, literally in the name of fighting fascism, abducted children from families and sent them to live with serial child molesters.

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Red, hilarious! Trump is somehow effective while having the affect of an imbecile.

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Reich was a wackjob but I’d estimate his influence on the sexual revolution and the current decline in TFR at almost zero. Variety of technological and social factors much more decisive.

A cultural change this significant can’t happen without significant latent demand from society. Short of direct coercion by force, people can’t really be memed into doing stuff they don’t want to do. As it turns out, people just really like having consequence-free sex! Once the technology and economic structures enabled it, they didn’t need a Reich to show them how.

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"What do you guys think?"

I think "anti-family" is another term for "anti-humanity." These nihilists, including Black Lives Matter (which originally called for, on their website, the dissolution of the African-American family, as if the US government hadn't already gone far enough in destroying urban black families), have a lot to answer for.

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