Great combo as always…but, good sir, you give American policymakers too much credit in thinking they weighed the costs and benefits of aggressive sanctions and forfeiture on Russia. There is a total failure to apprehend the degree to which large nation states can undermine dollar supremacy with no greater act than trading in some other c…
Great combo as always…but, good sir, you give American policymakers too much credit in thinking they weighed the costs and benefits of aggressive sanctions and forfeiture on Russia. There is a total failure to apprehend the degree to which large nation states can undermine dollar supremacy with no greater act than trading in some other currency (eg, Indonesia). That requires no rise of the BRICS or any other group.
It is your Turbo America manifest…Idiocracy plus Team America: World Police (“Sanctions are strong. We are strong. America is stronger with more sanctions! F yeah!”). The recent book “2034” by Messrs. Akerman and Stavridis elucidates these points through fiction.
Also, Predator is possibly the best action movie of the 1980s. Associates today miss the point when I tell them that we ain’t got time to bleed.
Great combo as always…but, good sir, you give American policymakers too much credit in thinking they weighed the costs and benefits of aggressive sanctions and forfeiture on Russia. There is a total failure to apprehend the degree to which large nation states can undermine dollar supremacy with no greater act than trading in some other currency (eg, Indonesia). That requires no rise of the BRICS or any other group.
It is your Turbo America manifest…Idiocracy plus Team America: World Police (“Sanctions are strong. We are strong. America is stronger with more sanctions! F yeah!”). The recent book “2034” by Messrs. Akerman and Stavridis elucidates these points through fiction.
Also, Predator is possibly the best action movie of the 1980s. Associates today miss the point when I tell them that we ain’t got time to bleed.
Second on "Predator". Eminently quotable. I know, because I almost memorized the dialog.