
Sorry for the very late entry this weekend, I was on a trip to Paris.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

In the Hungarian Centrist opposition, declaring “crises” as a way of bypassing actual liberal democracy in the West has finally been recognized (thanks to Covid).

Putin ended Covid, but Covid also kind of ended the pretense that the immoral, post-9/11 End of History that replaced the blissful 1990-2001 End of History was a deal with the Devil that card-carrying Liberal Democrats should put up with, because the alternative is, idk... why are we putting up with "crises" as our fundamental freedoms are being dismantled?

I see few such sane Centrists in the US, but in Europe they are plenty. I guess US Libs are overcome by an existential, puritanical zeal, which is not a permitting environment for taking a break for reassessment.

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Schmitt stated that liberalism requires a state of exception where the sovereign is permitted to supersede the bounds of law and simply act in an arbitrary fashion. It seems his analysis was rather correct. Also something I wanted to posit to you that I thought of lately. The concept of freedom isn't really a state of equilibrium. The way I thought of it, when freedom emerges it acts as a vacuum and that vacuum is merely waiting to be filled by a new order (Nature abhors a vacuum). So the notion of many libertarians/libertines who think freedom is merely the end goal never consider that freedom is simply a transition phase rather than a steady state. Put another way, if one splits an atom in a nuclear reaction, a lot of energy emerges but those particles will reattach once that energy is dispersed. The splitting of bonds doesn't get rid of those bonds forever, it just produces an environment for new bonds to assert themselves (maybe I'm not technically correct but I hope one reading this gets the idea). The concept of the free market simply presents the environment for a new equilibrium to establish itself but that freedom is simply the transition and this is the blind spot, I believe, that a lot of conservatives/libertarians make because they see freedom as the end goal but its merely the middle chapter rather than the conclusion. This can be evidenced by any type of revolution and also correlates well with elite theory, revolution, and the circulation of elites. The end stage of the circulation is a new equilibrium base and the revolution requires freedom as the mechanism to make this transition: not to be in a perpetual state of transition. Wanted to know your thoughts on this matter, if this makes any sense or if I'm just in a thought experiment spiral to incoherence. Keep up the good work

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Almost every critique of "neo-liberalism" is accurate, yet even as flawed as it is it represents a better system than Russia and China. I already lived under totalitarian rule, I'm not going back.

As for Ukraine, you can find a gorrillion narratives about how corrupt and Nazi it is and how justified Russia is to fear NATO and to invade.

Still don't care, as I am a simple man - I want the closest empire to be weakened, and the most remote empire that is least likely to invade strengthened. War remains, by far, a much larger issue for me compared to queer "rights" and BLM chimp outs.

Too much complicated thought leads you to fence sitting and lack of decisiveness. I prefer simple friend enemy distinctions.

Life's flawed, countries are imperfect, peoples, ethnic groups and races badly defined, and everyone wants to manipulate the narratives to favor the ones they belong to.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Reading this has really made me dizzy, in a world-turned-upside-down sorta way...

Our billionaire class can't just sit happily upon their massive mountains of lucre, but are auditioning for the role of Bond villain, trying to see which political and journalist puppets can best help them frighten the herd enough that we all willingly run into the pen to be slapped with a barcode and zapped with so much fear that we collapse in a permanent fugue state; our Tech overlords, supposedly our best & brightest Promethean benefactors of humanity, have basically hooked an entire generation on digital crack and helped create a world of adult children who really don't care if society collapses around them as long as the Wifi stays on; the viceroys of our Empire sound as deluded as WWI generals and there is no possible blowback or body count that can shake them from their addiction to believing utopia will arrive if only we fight Just One More War!; but to top it off, the only people who sound smart and sane are doomsday preppers, conspiracy theorists and the people who willingly hang out w Alex Jones!??

Does this mean that in order to have any semblance of a normal life without every person in authority desperate to mold and manipulate me, I need to find a ranch in Montana next door to Curtis Yarvin, the Dilbert guy and the Bronze Age Pervert?

The future is even weirder than anyone imagined!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I’ve seen many people talking about the teen girl mental health issues and near universal blame for social media. I wonder if that isn’t a convienient boogeyman. I imagine young girls are getting a tremendous amount of pressure to succeed in traditionally male domains. Hard science. Tech. Sports. Girlbossing. Maybe they’re too young to be internalizing and manifesting this sort of thing. Who knows.

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Fazi is correct about neo liberalism being the problem.

Before the age of Reagan and Thatcher, the Overton window was different. Liberalism promoted civil rights and basic goods being regulated to prevent the commodities markets from pumping up the prices like they did recently.

Liberalism promoted women's rights, not to denigrate women who wanted to raise children, but to make it better for women that wanted a career.

Neo liberalism came about when politicians started to care more about pleasing wall street and other markets, pretending it trickles down on people, while cutting basic services and privatizing some of them while deregulating industries.

That's why we saw Clinton and Blair do more damage than their right wing predecessors. Clinton passed the corporate gop policies because the right could not. He was a Trojan horse.

That's neo liberalism.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

James Pogue previously wrote a piece about the New Right (aka NRX+National Conservativism (including attending the NatCon 2 itself)) which he handled well in my and other's opinions as someone plugged into the actual Natcon movement on the policy side. The Dissident Right is what BAP and Co call themselves so I don't think it's some Boogeyman terminology like you make it out to be. Pogue is also secretly based ans agrees with the DR/New Right on quite a bit even though he claims to be a leftist and is far more favorable to Moldbug then you appear to think.(His From the New World episode with Brian Chau made that clear).

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Another compelling mix of contemporary issues, intertwined with great perspective. I was about to pickup my FT Weekend when I was this hit--SR&C is my weekend must-read now. Keep it up!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

"Does anyone know if kids in large North American suburbs are let out unsupervised these days?"

Anecdotally at least, in my wealthy suburb of Dublin, Ohio, one encounters free-range children all the time. It's a very low-crime place with lots of outdoor recreation stuff though.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I would like to suggest that teenage girls have a predisposition towards melancholy that boys don't have due to fluctuating hormones, rapidly changing bodies and strong social pressure to fit in. In addition, they must resolve the "need" to conform to a physical ideal that media and society propagandize tirelessly should be met. Social media exacerbates the social aspects, and they lack the maturity to see them as merely superficial demands. Staying active in activities that interest teenage girls is a healthy way to balance the unnatural aspects of media usage.

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"People have said this is a great power competition. But the United States isn’t trying to expand its borders, or annex anywhere. It might have done in the past. But it isn’t doing this now."

Smart girlboss this Fiona Hill:

Defines GPC with the one tactic USG isn't using, and makes it vanish in a mist of words

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The Hamilton Mob seems to be having the same problem as the Montreal one, successional issues resulting in tit for tat low rent murders and buffoonish figures entering the scene. Looks like ethnic gangs are filling some of the void as the Biker gangs are still present but haven't really grown since the early 00's.

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there's a surreal point, in the midst of many current conversations, when you realize that the person is literally parroting things he/she's heard on TV and passing it off as their own opinion. Not saying that's the sole reason for the current malaise, but it certainly makes ZOG's job easier when it can paint any (actual) Resistance against its neoliberal policy—gilets jaunes, canadian truckers, whatever—as Literally Hitler and the first domino toward the next holocaust.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Alex Jones shouldn't apologize for being an entertainer.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Very good commentary this weekend! Thanks. Reposted on gab, plus emailed links to local friends.

If it seems like it’s one crisis after another, this is not an accident, comrades….

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