I LOOOOL all the time at the zombie-like worship of "muh democracy" by these activists-journalists and the childless white middle class women in their 30s and 40s + the scrawny post teen virginal nerds (both eternally looking for a purpose to a boring, empty life) that make up the bulk of the liberal coalition.
"Democracy"TM by ITSELF hasnt pulled out India or Latin america (in many cases, democracies for decades) out of poverty or 3rd world status
In fact, id say the equation --- Democracy = economic development" is as true as 2+2 = 5
The country that has grown economically the fastest in the last 40 years?
A VERY AUTHORITARIAN China,,, the horror !!
Also. i'd add that many confuse,,things
MOST Western countries became rich and developed FIRST waaaay before becoming democracies (18th-19th centuries)
with iconic countries like France and Germany becoming democracies in some modern sense only around 1870 and 1950, respectively.
So, NO evidence at all that DemocracyTM gives us economic development
The accepted line in the West is that it is capitalism that has pulled much of the world out of poverty, but these types insist that only liberal democracy can do this.
Yes, liberal democracy is no longer democratic. I've written at length on this here on this Substack.
Re: autocracy - I'm fine with this term as I don't see it as inherently negative, even though it is supposed to be to western ears.
"liberal democracy is no longer democratic." Nor is it "liberal"... not here in the US; it is stridently and proudly "illiberal". Doublespeak.
I am aware and I give you credit for it.
I LOOOOL all the time at the zombie-like worship of "muh democracy" by these activists-journalists and the childless white middle class women in their 30s and 40s + the scrawny post teen virginal nerds (both eternally looking for a purpose to a boring, empty life) that make up the bulk of the liberal coalition.
"Democracy"TM by ITSELF hasnt pulled out India or Latin america (in many cases, democracies for decades) out of poverty or 3rd world status
In fact, id say the equation --- Democracy = economic development" is as true as 2+2 = 5
The country that has grown economically the fastest in the last 40 years?
A VERY AUTHORITARIAN China,,, the horror !!
Also. i'd add that many confuse,,things
MOST Western countries became rich and developed FIRST waaaay before becoming democracies (18th-19th centuries)
with iconic countries like France and Germany becoming democracies in some modern sense only around 1870 and 1950, respectively.
So, NO evidence at all that DemocracyTM gives us economic development
The accepted line in the West is that it is capitalism that has pulled much of the world out of poverty, but these types insist that only liberal democracy can do this.