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Mar 5, 2024
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They want to go home.

A 2d Zion.

Crazy, delusional- but they are both.

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I'm not ready to accept the "Second Khazaria" theory just yet, but its not impossible given the deeply weird time we live in.

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Without endorsing that theory or anything else: let’s stick with facts.

1. Who did this? We know.

2. Did what ? We know

3. It was said at start by neocons Ukraine would be a second Israel.

Again, this is delusional. All of it.

But see 1-3 above.

Add 4: known obsessive blood feuds. Especially when the hands have no blood on them.

Like some itch that cowardice will make the insatiable can’t scratch.

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I think it's clear a (the?) big driver of the war is #4. I just find it a stretch that they're planning on actually moving there if their eastern Med adventure collapses. But then crazier things have happened.

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2d Israel, their words.

Oh and you “find it crazy..”



About that…

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Are you referring to Zelensky's "Big Israel" statement or something else?

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Have fun with this one, gang. Hit the like button at the top or the bottom of this page to like this entry.

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The "pivot to East Asia" is going to involve ramming wokeness down the throats of the Japanese, isn't it? :(

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I think our author has made a strong argument that America is now an idealogical Empire and so if you buy that argument then the answer is yes, they will be foisting their ideology on any of their client countries.

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They've already tried it with Rahm Emmanuel (sp?) a bit but it was VERY poorly received. But I imagine, and dread, that very soon we're going to be hearing a lot more about how Japan "needs more diversity" because it has "low birth rates."

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It does have low birth rates

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I think "mistakenly thought it needed more diversity" will one day be words scratched on the walls of Western Liberalism's mausoleum.

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Immigration to Japan has been massively liberalized in recent years. The reason there wasn't much immigration to Japan until now was because the US didn't push it unlike in the West(US pushed Germany to take Turkish "guest" workers in the 50s) and thus the Japanese elite themselves were not in favor of it. Now the US is pushing it and so the Japanese elites have folded. The Japanese are extremely conforming. I bet the public discourse in Japan in the coming years will be more pro-immigration than it was in Sweden in the 2000s and 2010s.

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Can you elaborate on this massive liberalization of immigration policy

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Wow. Love this bit. The dumb plebs didn't even howl. Now we can ram even more multicultural mass migration down their throats.

"Despite this expansion, however, Japan has not seen anything like the populist backlash in Europe or the United States, where political polarization is increasingly driven by differing opinions on immigration and national identity. In fact, the latest immigration reform has faced little scrutiny by the media or in wider conversation. “In general, there has not been much controversy regarding the law,” Yashiro said.

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Anything is massive compared to what they had. I can’t quote legislation but anecdotally they’ve been having Muslims Out marches in a few places across the country of late. So some must be in. Quite why they would go from nothing to admission of members of the most aggressively uncompromising theoculture in the world beats me. Maybe they want it to fail.

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can you point me in the direction of finding info on the US pushing Germany to take more Turks? I thought that was more a legacy of their alliance in WWI.

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From the Wikipedia article on Guestworkers. You can follow the citations to learn more. But the gist of it, I have copied below.


"The first guest workers were recruited from European nations. However, Turkey pressured West Germany to admit its citizens as guest workers.[5] Theodor Blank, (German)Secretary of State for Employment, opposed such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany didn't need any more laborers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. West Germany and Turkey reached an agreement in 1961.[15]"

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thank you!

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That's already happening. US was pushing for gay marriage and men in women's bathrooms and rape shelters under the banner of "trans rights."

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I've spent many months and made many journeys to Japan, from my apartment near the Imperial Palace to the small villages of Chichibu to the shrines of Takachiho. Yakushima is a wonder of the world.

I wish them luck. Japan is as insular as it gets.

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I translate Japanese for a living, have JLPT level 1, degree in the language, have lived there a couple times. Would be sad to see it go down that path. I am thinking of writing a book titled 「アメリカ化:一人のアメリカ人からの警告」lol.

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Translate, please.

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"Americanization: A Warning from an American"

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All islands are as insular as it gets!

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I'm waiting for kpop boybands to get cancelled. That kind of infatuation is way too traditional.

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Bingo. Expect the "trans Japanese" and "poor immigrants in Japan" stories to pick up.

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I think our author is right, her maximalist position is now out of favour.

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Sounds right

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Someone suggested that I write up a Vicki Nuland retrospective.

I think that this is a good idea.

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Oi, Fisted by Franco, stop buggering about with your research chamber and write a book about colour revolutions instead of spending ten years explaining the transparently inscrutable.

Anybody complains, get round their funking ‘ouse and stuff Hugh Thomas’s 1136-page book about that little spot of bother in Spain up their unmentionable.

I think you’re the man for the job. Colour revolutions. Take note.

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I think your reading of the internal policy machinations and transfer of balance of power within the Beltway is accurate. Nuland did pull off some successful color revolutions, but I'm not sure how long those will endure.

A perceived greater need to support Israel in its war may also have contributed.

But mostly, I am "unsettled" as to how Europe will handle the new crisis on its hands. The Ukrainian West is not the pool of migrants that you want flooding your borders, and this will only strengthen the voices of Orban and others who can now claim they were right all along.

Brussels is as due for an earthquake as Washington D.C.

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NDK speaks for me: bullseye.

As for what Europe will do when inevitably saddled with the Ukraine, an out right loss and bifurcation of the Ukraine is possible or else the go too script, a frozen conflict. A frozen war allows them to save face and harp on their moral superiority. How many people has the global American empire killed? It is never ending.

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Well, she did say "fuck the EU." Now she's accomplished it.

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I didn’t know this. Wow. These people.

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If Europe doesn't want millions of Ukrainian immigrants, then it's the US's gain, right?

From the point of view of pro-immigration Americans what could be better than welcoming millions of "white" immigrants as a way to dispel worries about a "great replacement" and concerns about "brown immigration"?

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The Ukrainians have been waved through US Immigration since this began.

Meanwhile we can’t get our interpreters out of Afghanistan.

You see it’s a matter of background checks;

- we have 20+ years of data on the Afghans.

- almost no one is assigned to review this Afghan data to make sure no twerrorizts get in

*we have no data on Ukrainian nationals* so no flags red or otherwise

- in they come

^^ not speculation, the scoop^^

- if they’re like the Ukrainians I see in my rural, RURAL, not suburban area then they have plenty of money $$, see thanks US TAXPAYERS

- also they’re white and not Muslim so jihad unlikely

-we don’t mind Jihad, you just have to jihad for money

So while I’m sure that Europe is getting crushed, don’t worry the US is right there with you.

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I'm not an expert on accents or physiognomy but here in LA, we have had a gigantic influx of Slav immigrants who speak little to no English. I feel like I'm the only person who has noticed all of the white guys here struggling to read the Doordash orders they're supposed to be delivering. I have always assumed most were Ukrainian

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You'll get the hang of it. If you become familiar enough with a people, you can spot them a mile away a good chunk of the time.

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I don’t think the earthquake works in/for the EU because it’s so remote from voters. Even for President Madcron I think the coming EU elections are more like an opinion poll (clearly not a well-timed one from his point of view).

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Squealer Pig is out, thank Goodness. I think you’re right and a part of me just fears they’ll bring someone worse… for what it’s worth, it’s gonna be fun seeing Europe alone in the room looking around like Travolta in Pulp Fiction.

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She’s a mini Napoleon though in her own way

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Every officeholder leaves office eventually, one way or the other.

The question remains whether US policy will change at all.

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Not by this… another will take her place, although they are old and I think tired

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Can’t wait to see her re-assigned to Poland to complete that country’s descent to total gay-dom (not that the Poles need any help with that).

With luck, she’ll cock it up so bad that Polish partitioning will be back on the table in a decade or so and we can finally be rid of that insufferable place.

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Poles are gonna outlib the Irish.

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You Russian, bro? Or still butthurt about losing Prussia?

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I’ve been saying Poland will be partioned again since this started

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Sometimes your views are poles apart.

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Are you passing or failing the Turing Test?

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Clever (passing = failing).

I got lectured at by this professor geezer from over your way, but he didn’t shoot Hondurans for a living, who reckoned he gave a seminar on the Turing Test at an Italian university and all these cyclists turned up, on their bikes.

Oh Gosh maybe he made it up.

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Just in case you’re on your seventh Wild Turkey you get pedal bikes called touring machines.

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What do you dislike about Poland that makes you desire its partition?

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Nothing. I don’t want the Poles harmed at all.

But we will, and on that score the Germans for instance won’t be reluctant at all.

Analysis isn’t advocacy.

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Sorry - I was replying to It’s All So Tiresome

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No worries

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The smart thing would be to wash our hands of it all. But there is now a large trained and blooded group of Ukes trained by the CIA who are probably going to be really salty that with our cheering lost half their country and got hundreds of thousands killed. So we either find them work, give all identities to the Russians or be ready for an al Qaida type situation. And there are now a lot of Ukes in the US so they will blend right in. Not to mention an open border.

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BTW, my family is from the Northwoods. I grew up with the hodag legend.

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Nice. I love it up there.

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This was of course part of this all along. I’m seeing these humps in my rural town. Rural.

Like nowhere.

With money, accents, clothes that belong on the Frankfurt party circuit. LMAO

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"But there is now a large trained and blooded group of Ukes"

Used to be a large group, anyway (they can't account for 700k of the 1M they fielded, and that's the "official" numbers).

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Low grade terrorism against Russia is the safest bet I think. Whatever fake state is left over when we're done over there will have a few channels open that will allow us to get weapons and intel to unofficial groups for a decade or so. Low cost for the US to do this, high cost for Russia to try to root them out

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No. End it.

And any terrorism will follow us home, here.

I said here 2 years ago the next “Insider Threat“ are Ukrainians pissed at 🇺🇸.

This may actually be an option considered, as Twerroristz keep the budget going. See “ISIS”.

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A more likely scenario imo is for the leftover Ukrainians to target "unfriendly" regimes in Europe with terrorist attacks. This gives the Ukrainians an outlet for their anger and keeps them useful to the west. I just don't see the need for a foreign bogeyman within the US when the US is already labeling half of their own citizens as terrorists

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They might just do it on their own

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Since you asked, I think you underrate the role of MIC in this entire thing. There is no real strategy driving things. The Utility of the Ukraine war was defending and expanding pentagon baseline budget after the withdrawal from Afghanistan

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people really do overthing the "idealogical" reasons, when in the end it's about an ever increasing budget/bureaucracy

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Hanlon's razor. This makes me even more depressed to hear. At least with ideology, you know who the enemy is. Bureaucrats will never be defeated.

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Good fucking riddance

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Nuland the Ghoul. May she rot in hell, and may her memory be a curse.

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She will become a board member at CFR.

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One could always hope that this is rats leaving a sinking ship situation but of course there's plenty of other ships that these rats are likely to jump on

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Mrs Kagan Nuland came to DoS in 1993 with Clinton appointee and hard U.S. empire salesman Strobe Talbot. They effected the first tranche of East Europe NATO, moving to put the nuclear tripwire east of Tallinn.

She has 31 odd years in the neocon annex in DC, aka DoS.

A deeper and broader sweep is needed to clean out the den of empire.

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Lmao , D7 or shovels?

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