
I've had pinched nerves before, twice when I was in my 20s...but those originated in my back on the right side.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Hope you have some go-to exercises for easing the pain. It is so debilitating. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I have some thoughts on art

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Gute Besserung. What are your thoughts on vocational schooling? It is one of the few things I like about Germany

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I hated modern art when I was younger but have grown to appreciate it more as I’ve aged. I must admit however, Rothko does nothing for me.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The Reluctant Anarchist makes me think of a George Orwell quote: “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals will believe them.”

I’m not a fan of Orwell, but find this quote applicable to many things.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Niccolo, what is the deal with the photo of BHL and the Kurds? Is this some kind of psyops for the sake of an obscure intrigue in which you are involved?

BHL would make a great subject for you to interview but I expect that you'd need to get him at the right time/place for maximum psychic vulnerability.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Have you tried going to a DO? Doing some Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment? I have recently become an old man, and have developed lower back pain. The OMT does wonders. It takes time, but it does work.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Serge had an interesting write-up on the US's geostrategic logic. I think a lot his thinking is complementary to your analysis.


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Theodore Dalrymple's 2001 essay on Britain's decline relative to Italy touches on a subject of immense complexity. - economic, cultural and moral. Not so long after his, I published this analysis of the economic aspects of that decline: https://www.adamsmith.org/blog/thinkpieces/the-consequences-of-economic-ignorance

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Corruption. Hmm. An interesting topic.

In many European countries, esp east of the Elbe, it is an important life-lesson to get to" "know someone" or (in a pinch) "know someone who knows someone" who can be helpful in life's needy moments, such as getting tickets to a show or having a medical procedure performed in less than six months.

In the West, esp in the US, you may be labeled "corrupt" if you accept a meal costing more than, say, $37.50.

As a recent (1957) immigrant, I'm still befuddled by this (and corn-dog).

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FBF thank you for suggesting “traumazone” by Adam Curtis. Watching now and it is so powerful

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Foucault's favorite meal might well have been a club sandwich and a Diet Coke, but he certainly didn't have the Diet Coke in 1975. But what *did* he drink on that fateful trip to Death Valley? Could it have been...TAB? That would certainly explain a lot.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Sympathy for the nerve pain. Make sure to rule out the "pinched" nerve is not referred pain from a disc bulge (similar to sciatica). Different origin, different treatment. The wrong stretch can make it worse. I have lots of personal experience.

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Feb 15Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Probably not useful to you but I’d been having low-mid back pain and discovered that hip and butt exercises did more to help than any actual back stretches or exercises. You can convince yourself that makes some sort of sense but it sure would be easier if working the painful part actually helped that part instead of having to work some random nearby body part.

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