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Jan 27, 2024
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Hehehe.....lots of guys are itching for something....anything to happen...and are making a mountain out of a molehill.

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Jan 27, 2024
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Yeah. I don't know why they're doing this right now. It is some sort of psyop, but I'm not sure for what exactly.

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Maybe soften the narrative impact of Ukrainian refugees being forcibly conscripted from EU countries.

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I also saw a half assed story about Poland doing this too. I couldn't find the original source but they claimed some stupid shit.

They said that the people have to respond within a few hours (forget how long).

That's pretty much fear porn.

I looked up the UK conscription story and even though it's on big network pages like sky News etc, it's rumor talk. That's not news people... That's the Hallmark of fed bullshit to the media and the alt media that feeds on fear porn.

Usually when I read articles that say things without sources or an ability to find the official statement, I reject it as pure propaganda or ignorance.

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I would totally sign up for free weapons and fitness training. I'd have to pay a fortune to find somewhere to legally fire a rifle.

Alas, I fear I'm too old and my eyesight too poor to receive such goodies.

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For some strange reason I had to go back and edit this one for an "image not found" thing right at the beginning of the entry.. Apologies for this.

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SCR will be out tomorrow!

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Nice photos. Good subjects with good composition, they are evocative.

The best one is the mural of Daniele Geniale, because it also has narrative. All the great photographs are essentially propaganda. The mural photo is technically the worst photo, but the narrative of the partisan hero atop the discarded trash bags, tells a powerful story making it the strongest image.

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Yeah, I agree that it is technically not a great photo but the subject matter rescues it.

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Love it. Two girls in near distance pretending to avoid the good looking cameraman while girl no3 gazes on with intense jealousy. The Scooters are their surrogate lovers.

Great story!

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I asked them to act as natural as possible because this is what they were actually doing when I first spotted them.

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I like the picture of the little courtyard with the clothes line on one side and the banners on the other. I like the juxtaposition of whatever the messaging is, contrasted with the basic necessities of daily life.

There's definitely a story in there.

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Great photos!

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I enjoyed the photos, the photo of the tree was spectacular

In regards to UK setting the stage for conscription, check out Sen Dick Durban’s Senate speech. He is offering all the military age illegal aliens American citizenship if they enlist to be willing to sacrifice their lives for the offer of such a prize

Thanks again

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Late-stage Empire stuff.

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You have a good eye...

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A Requiem for the post national nation, Canada, by Gloomy Gus.

Canada has swamped itself with new immigrants. Those immigrants are desperate to get a toe hold in their new home. They want money and that which money buys. It is the “promise” of a material life that got them on the plane that brought them crossed the ocean and away from everything they know. I say promise, because Canada has pedaled a lie to them but, they are catching on.

Hoards of people, so, so many, all in competition, scrambling, ambitious and striving, their adoptive home, Toronto, self declared centre of the universe, positively vibrates with the competition. But there is no way that many can be absorbed. Tim Hortons is simply not their dream job.

So, they have begun to move, everywhere and as pertains the destruction of Canada, they are beginning to hit Quebec. The Québécois see it, Quebec separatists are sounding the alarm bells and the people of Quebec are moving to the realization that this threat is existential.

Look at a map, there is no Canada without Quebec. You’ve heard it here first, a third referendum, this time yes wins, Quebec leaves the confederation and then cascading failure for Canada: 2035-ish.

Gloomy as promised.

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It's remarkable how quickly immigration is spreading out of Toronto area into the broader GTA over the last two or three years. Bolton, Kitchener, Guelph, large amounts of farmland…. The Farmer's market in Elora now has the ethnic composition of the TTC subway a decade ago.

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Another bloody Canadian… lol.

I really know these new immigrants these new Canadians. They work for me I own a security guard company in Toronto. They’ve been sold a bill of goods. The problem is really very simple. We’ve let so many people in that they can’t get started. They know it they’re getting pissed off.

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It's become well known how professionals feel about the requirement for "Canadian experience". At least they have options outside of Canada.

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Yes, they are right to be pissed off - especially for the super scammy and the somewhat scammy colleges - but if they stick it out, they have medical care and an escape plan for the entire family.

Back to your original point - Quebec separation is definitely on the table as a "black swan" event. Black swan because we've lost our identity as a country, there is no binding between Quebecois and the ROC (except for that sweet sweet transfer payment cash). When / if it happens, everyone will be WTF, how did Trump do that to us.

(Proof of lack of identity - Liberals cannot do communications without talking about events and politics in the US, otherwise their supporters will have no idea what they are talking about)

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Hilarious , orange man truly inhabits an enormous number of people: sum of all fears. I don’t think they ever ask why people like him; we are idiots seems their only explanation. Bigotry, yes?

The thing that may stop separatism is Quebec’s educational system is, like everywhere else, owned and operated by DEI and woke people who vilify all antecedent culture as racism. Their kids are being indoctrinated into this cult of self loathing. It’s an epistemological war, just as throughout the world, but I speculate the québécois culture is so concentrated that it can overcome these fuck-headed teachings of the academy. They are sui generous.

Speculation but I think based. Plus everyone is pissed off and ready to burn 🔥 it down.

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Quebec’s education, as far as I am aware, still lionises their culture’s antecedents- including the ‘evil colonialists’ like Champlain and Cartier that are bête noir in the rest of Canada. This, a strong media sphere and continuity of identity elsewhere than Montreal will maintain Quebec into the future, I believe.

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Well said

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The newbies also had unrealistic expectations. The idea that Canada should accept your qualifications from another country is unreasonable. That's great you were a doctor overseas or civil engineer. Doesn't mean you can walk into Canada and expect a job with different (potentially less robust) education, training and experience.

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True statement

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What happens if Quebec splits off? Would the rest of Canada fall apart?

Apologies for getting personal, but are you Anglophone, Francophone, allophone or a combination of any of the three? How does any of that work out in real life? Do they communities follow the same hockey teams or separate ones?

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Yes go leafs go! The good old hockey game: Stomping Tom Connors.

If Quebec leaves, Alberta will leave, the Maritimes will be an island and Ontario will throw in the towel. If Quebec leaves, there is no Canada; if Quebec stays the Québécois cultural will be swamped, they correctly see a Torontonian as no different than a Texan. We’re all just a bunch of assholes to them, And they are probably correct.

I am the great oppressor: age 60 white male affluent.

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Re hockey, I was wondering if the Anglo and Franco communities follow separate teams within Quebec...like Rangers and Celtic in Glasgow.

I like to think that a Canadian crack up would have its silver lining: smug Margaret Attwood types being driven from their homes by low intensity ethnic cleansing or Trudeaupian NGO workers fallen into destitution. Sorry if that sounds nasty.

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Nasty, no, love it, they all deserve a great comeuppance. I think all Montrealers and all Quebeckers are Habs fans.

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This guy is brilliant!

Judgement judgement judgement judgement judgement judgement!

I am 60 I don’t have time for learned prevarications. This fellow has sussed it out, and it is altogether, correct

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I get the impression that there are two very distinct Canadas: one respectable and high minded (boring and pompous), the other deplorable and more relaxed.

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The Trucker's Convoy to Ottawa illustrated that divide for the world to see.

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Since the Nordiques relocated to Colorado(?), Habs are all that's left.

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Nordiques' away jersey is probably my favourite of all time.

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Leafs haven't won the cup since the year I was born; and I plan to live forever!

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There cannot be a sadder franchise in all of the major professional sports leagues in North America.

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Seattle Mariners?

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Toronto and Montreal are the hockey homelands with 100 year old franchises. The Maple Leafs are much, much more pathetic than the Mariners.

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Him, coincidence I have the same plan

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Canada's economy is predominately North <> South rather than East <> West. The population is also concentrated along the US border, like a horizontal version of Chile, without the Andes getting in the way.

The albatross known as Canada may break apart, but I'm not overly concerned. I was born and raised in Quebec. The culture there may be francophone, but they are as obsessed with material status as any Ontarian or American. What's left of the Canada from my youth is in the Maritimes, Nfld, and as far away from the big cities as you can get.

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I agree, the loss of Canada the selfsame post national nation is not particularly important.

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Oh, you Malthusian, you.

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The same people who insist the Earth is not overpopulated are the same ones who oppose mass immigration. Incredible math.

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I'm not surprised you're a bit drained, Ukraine, Spanish Civil War, Prohibition etc ! the middle of you Spanish one and really enjoying it would love for you to continue!

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Yeah, I'm gonna continue it and it's going to take up a good part of this year as I really want to cover a lot.

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Excellent I had no idea just how convoluted the whole thing was!

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Ma quant è bello lì

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Niccolo, great photos. One question. The giant tree under which the old men sit...is that a fig tree of some kind? It certainly looks like a tropical or sub-tropical fig species.

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It's not a fig tree, but I'm uncertain as to what kind it actually is. That photo was taken just before Christmas 2021 in Reggio di Calabria, Italy, so foliage is a bit sparse.

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I think its a Morton Bay fig tree, Ficus macrophylla.

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I thought that too. Plenty of Southern Italians ended up in Queensland so a few would have returned home too.

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Edin Džeko's villa in Lapad 👎🏻

Others are great! Definitely interested to see more.

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Which one is Dzeko's?

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The 6th picture under the text. I think the bottom left in the picture, but it was a joint venture of him and his friends and relatives. So basically they all own it together and spend their Summer vacations there.

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I actually like the modernist look and thinks it fits in well with the topography. It just needs more greenery.

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Greenery would help that is true, but I'm honestly not a fan of this style in Dalmatia. Either you get green/brown windows with a red-tiled roof, or go and build in Ibiza.. Unfortunately this identity is lost now.

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You live in a fascinating part of the world. Always good to see new views of it.

I’ll show some of these photos and the Rome ones in class this week (this is your reminder I guess lol) and let you know the reaction.

There’s something special about telling students I got class content from an actual person, not just some Google search.

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I will start on it this evening.

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Great photos!!

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Thanks bro

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What are these photos of & where were they taken?

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Random photos from Dubrovnik, Croatia, Stolac, Hercegovina, Reggio di Calabria, Italy, the island of Korcula, Alicante, Spain, Split, Croatia

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Thank you.

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Photographs featuring warm, sunny days are always appreciated at this time of the year :)

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Great photos. You do have a great eye. Here is one of my own that is good for a giggle:


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