No one knows Sunak's caste, but his wife Akshata is a Brahman.
I remember reading a column by the late Auberon Waugh (Evelyn's son) in THE SPECTATOR in the very early 80s in which he welcomed South Asian immigration precisely because he expected that it would make England more inegalitarian and more comfortable with inequality.
No one knows Sunak's caste, but his wife Akshata is a Brahman.
I remember reading a column by the late Auberon Waugh (Evelyn's son) in THE SPECTATOR in the very early 80s in which he welcomed South Asian immigration precisely because he expected that it would make England more inegalitarian and more comfortable with inequality.
No one knows Sunak's caste, but his wife Akshata is a Brahman.
I remember reading a column by the late Auberon Waugh (Evelyn's son) in THE SPECTATOR in the very early 80s in which he welcomed South Asian immigration precisely because he expected that it would make England more inegalitarian and more comfortable with inequality.