There's a Scot in London that I'm doing business with, and he suggested the same to me. I told him that I grew up around a fuckton of Scots and would need to do a proper trip (like Sicily) and not just hit one location. Need to see Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen, but also the west coast (Mull of Kintyre), Lochs Lomond and Ness (to see where Crowley and Jimmy Page lived), and the highlands.
There's a Scot in London that I'm doing business with, and he suggested the same to me. I told him that I grew up around a fuckton of Scots and would need to do a proper trip (like Sicily) and not just hit one location. Need to see Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen, but also the west coast (Mull of Kintyre), Lochs Lomond and Ness (to see where Crowley and Jimmy Page lived), and the highlands.