Folkestone is similar. Multicoloured Londoners and resentful local scrotes. Hellish.
The dignified war memorial (Folkestone was a major WW1/2 port) has been 'enhanced' with an ugly metal light-up arch. There are new (cheap, metal) plaques to tell us about the Chinese labourers and various other trivial groups as though lifting something h…
Folkestone is similar. Multicoloured Londoners and resentful local scrotes. Hellish.
The dignified war memorial (Folkestone was a major WW1/2 port) has been 'enhanced' with an ugly metal light-up arch. There are new (cheap, metal) plaques to tell us about the Chinese labourers and various other trivial groups as though lifting something heavy was the equal of Britons dying for Britain.
There is, even more inevitably, a large plaque dedicated solely to Walter Tull who was a half-caste soldier who won the MC. He is more important than the others because he can be used to tell the immigrant children that they are real Brits too as someone the same colour as them (sort of) fought in a war over a century ago. It's so un-British and ugly.
I've found the text from the new arch: "Millions of men and women from many of the allied nations passed through Folkestone reflecting the global nature of Word War I. Most proceeded to the Western Front but many remain in the town including thousands of Chinese and African labourers". No mention of Britain or God, just an attempt to cram in as many irrelevant groups as they can. I'm surprised they didn't stuff in something about homosexuals as well.
Folkestone is similar. Multicoloured Londoners and resentful local scrotes. Hellish.
The dignified war memorial (Folkestone was a major WW1/2 port) has been 'enhanced' with an ugly metal light-up arch. There are new (cheap, metal) plaques to tell us about the Chinese labourers and various other trivial groups as though lifting something heavy was the equal of Britons dying for Britain.
There is, even more inevitably, a large plaque dedicated solely to Walter Tull who was a half-caste soldier who won the MC. He is more important than the others because he can be used to tell the immigrant children that they are real Brits too as someone the same colour as them (sort of) fought in a war over a century ago. It's so un-British and ugly.
I've found the text from the new arch: "Millions of men and women from many of the allied nations passed through Folkestone reflecting the global nature of Word War I. Most proceeded to the Western Front but many remain in the town including thousands of Chinese and African labourers". No mention of Britain or God, just an attempt to cram in as many irrelevant groups as they can. I'm surprised they didn't stuff in something about homosexuals as well.