deletedDec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo
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It was an interesting experience and Julie came across in person just like she does in her writing: combative and feisty.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I often hear the UK derisively referred to by progressives as “TERF Island” because of how many prominent anti-trans (or at least not pro-trans) feminists are there. Loosely it does seem to me to be true, and I wonder why that is.

Regardless, it’s a subject where progressive rationalism breaks down hard, because they never come anywhere close to coherently defining gender and sex.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

First like and comment (after Nic liked and commented on his own piece).

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" I thought about how the right simply does not exist in the debate over transgenderism..." The right does not exist in any debate. Partly because no debate is allowed and partly because there is no political right.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Britain has many prominent TERFs who serve as an example that publicly taking this position, while making your life difficult, is not - yet - putting you on the elite's blacklist.

Hungary, in some regards, is more vulnerable, as the insular Budapest elite is too eager to please the West. I can't even name one prominent TERF, all the feminists keep quiet and just go along with whatever CEU teaches about underage genitals.

They don't think this is a real problem, so why risk being a dissident? Especially while Orban keeps things in check. A rich kid needs to go trans and end up in a disaster first.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I find it extremely funny to find Bindel for once at the receiving end of the same over the top and totalitarian tactics she used to dish out for two decades. After all, she thinks all men are rapists.

Reap what you sow.

Regards, The Patriarchy

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Bongland definitions: 1 a person from England, because bong is the noise big Ben makes, and 2 a person who is permanently stoned .

What do you mean by Bongland 10s?

As for no right wingers in the debate, good, when your enemy is destroying themselves get out of the way. 

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

opening twitter and musk’s angst about underage exploitation may impact trans in usa.

iam somewhat I’ll educated on trans

that said the democrats aka progressives need trans to divert attention from their expedition in to world militarism, and selling nuclear war for the Kiev money laundary

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Meghan Murphy is a Canadian ex-pat who has been branded a TERF. It's less an issue of forming alliances with right-wingers, as she is no longer able to identify with 'the left'. Left politics has gone insane, and has taken mainstream feminism along with it.

Anti-feminists are having a laugh over this. They are not inclined to support radical feminists, even though so-called TERFs are on the right side of history.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

In the debate between feminists and transgender rights activists, I care about neither side. My politics is not supporting whatever the left supported five years. ago. Feminists and transgender activists deserve each others.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The modern age has no penis free safe zones.

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The real losers of the debate are what's left of English, Scots, Welsh and Irish, because British identity is fundamentally based on lies. You bring up that the right has nothing to contribute... as it should be. Feminists have done their best to humiliate and euthanize men, telling them to be more feminine and ''in touch with feelings''. It has worked so well that the most battered men now pretend to be women. You get what you fucking deserve. May trans-women and feminists slaughter each other while we sit on the sidelines saying ''I told you so''. I sure as hell have no intention to side with either.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Really interesting, thanks. My mom was a pre-feminist feminist (as was her mother) and predicted a lot of this. The Left in the US, at least to my eyes, is ahistorical and anti-worker. Personally, I think it goes back to working class support first for Reagan and then for Trump. Efforts were made in the '80's to restore relations, but the effort sputtered out. A Port Huron II would be impossible today.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Niccolo Soldo

That's an interesting point from JB about feminists in the UK being collectivised etc unlike the US, presuming that it is true.

You are also correct about the Right being entirely absent. It is more of a civil war between the radfems and the even more radfems. Bindel and her ilk seem almost entirely incapable of existing alongside men. They see us as an enemy to be neutered and kept at bay. I've not heard or read anything from her as to how we are to live together. Greer in 'The Female Eunuch' wrote at length as to how men and women should exist together: her approach was more like Lysistrata in that men and women have obligations to one another and sometimes only the opposite sex can satisfy certain needs (not just sex!).

I agree with the idea that the radfems are just unhappy that the train didn't stop where they wanted it to and shot off down the line into insanity. This is why I cannot support Bindel, as well as her line that troons are extreme MRAs. This is laughable. I don't know a single man i.e. someone who has the balls to speak publicly, who doesn't find troons contemptible and utterly ridiculous. Extreme MRA types are fake and ghey because they espouse a feminine attitude of running away to teacher (the government) whenever they believe they are treated unfairly. However they loathe women so dressing up in a party frock and lippy seems unlikely as a consequence.

I think most troons are perverts who previously had to keep their habits private but like the various grotesque types who crawl along the floor at homosexual parades in large cities can now demand that their appetites are sated. In that regard Bindel is right: there are some men with dangerous behaviuor who need to be stopped. The irony is that she needs the (mostly male) Police to do this as she is incapable herself.

This leads to my final criticism: feminism is technological. It requires medical systems, laws and inventions that were put into place by men. It requires men to do the physical labour that actually keeps society moving as feminism is now a luxury accessory of the upper-middle class, as you saw in London. It cannot survive in non-industrialised societies or without men. This is why I hate it because it wants to eat its cake and have it too. These women demand that (for instance) they are selected for medical school places that cost £500,000 over five years then fall pregnant at 30 and go part-time thereafter. The men crack on and are far better value but saying so is to invite being shrieked down.

In some ways I think: let them fight!

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Most Terfs aren't even feminists.

They just see deranged perverts on Twitter and see these are the characters demanding access to their daughters changing rooms.


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