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Also: let me know if you want to see more of these short and easy pieces.

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Write long or short. I personally toss the list of things to do aside if I’m engaged, learning something, made to think, the harder the better. Or will come back for another chunk. Certain writers can make help make sense of the other tidbits floating around. I like snacks and full course.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Thanks Niccolo.

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Not even one mistake?

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

More short and easy pieces are fine with me. They seem like a middle ground between a tweet and a proper article. It’s also an easy way to start a conversation among your followers in the comment section.

Anyways, I agree. Regardless of who wins, the primary direction of America will not change. We’ll just have more Drag Queen Story Hour or less of it depending on who is elected. I’d be happy to be wrong, but I’m not planning my life around a new era dawning after this election.

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Without a big broom to sweep away the bureaucracy, only cosmetic changes seem possible. I would be happy to be proven wrong, though.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Hopefully being criminally charged, (a few times) and almost killed, (a few times) will motivate some real action. Even after the insane opposition of his last residency, he still tried to compromise and get along with the deep state goons in Washington. Maybe this time he'll be smart enough to know there is nothing he can do that'll bring him in the fold with the political elites. Might as well say fuck it, and go in like a bull in a China shop. Do you think the coalition with Elon, Robert Kennedy Jr and Tulsi Gabbard will have a positive impact?

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I would love to see Tulsi have her revenge on Kamala for having her followed through airports and put on a terror list.


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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I was hoping Biden would stay in and Tulsi was chosen for VP just to watch her torch her again in a debate!

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From 2016-2020, Trump provied to be weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

There is no reason to believe that he has changed.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The big problem for the bureaucracy is the idea of legitimacy. So much of their power resides on the expectation that they have rightfully earned their position and need to be obeyed. If voters have picked someone to attack the bureaucracy then its very legitimacy is under attack. The biggest threat to the bureaucracy is if ordinary citizens along with state and local government decide they have no legitimate authority and just stop listening to their decrees.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The PMC is playing us all like pieces on a chess bard and we're all pawns and interchangeable.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Managerial types: “So we’re not great at engendering loyalty. So what?”

Also managerial types: “Application of force? Nah, that’s not really our thing. We just order other people to take care of it for us.”

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Like the banks. They'll just freeze your bank account if you fuck around too much.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Ka-mouthpiece-ala is basically "The Waiter" Bulatovic from 1990s Yugoslavia, only who's her actual customer giving orders is deliberately being kept secret.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

No it was all ok. I was wondering about the 'liar' reference - I think we should reinstate the linguistic difference between falsehoods (that may be unintentional) and lies and not describe falsehoods as lies - but thought better of it; thats just how people write and speak now. {{GEN X SIGH}}.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Its like using alternate for alternative - we had two perfectly good useful words for two different things, then one started to be used for the other...and now there's no going back to the before times.

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Calby, if I ever published a piece that had the line "for all intensive purposes" instead of "for all intents and purposes", would you short circuit/stab me?

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I'd drone you from a very safe distance using the same 50 dollar Walmart drones that hezbollah use...stabbing a slav is like wrestling with a pig...you just end up dirty and the pig loves it...you end up bloody and the slav finds himself in combat...and loves it....

I wont go into my view of 'purposely' versus 'deliberately'.

My favourite and most memorably mistake along these lines was encountering "A leper never changes his spots". !!!

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Author

Note to self: "A leper never really does change his spots".

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Just don’t use weary in place of leery 😂

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Hey that's my favorite tv show you're talking about

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I was already fatigued back in April or May, but the straw that broke the camel's back for me was people soyjacking online about Vance's VP Debate performance. That was simply too cringe for me.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

We were excited someone on our side was intellectually and morally superior.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

No. This is lazy.

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The problem with the analysis of presidential politics and government in general, not necessarily your analysis, are two assumptions. One is that what we see is sustainable. Does anyone think there is not a built-in obsolescence to the system? Is there a point where its irrelevance to life brings the whole edifice crashing down? Do the economics of the system point to its unsustainability? Two, like any organizational system, new generations of leaders create change that older generations resist as mimetic conflict turns the whole system inward. In effect, it eats itself. Seeing it this way is a kind of Baudrillardian reversal response. Go on with life as they don’t matter. If there is change as a result, it is in the small, personal things that matter regardless of the chaos of the moment.

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Fair enough. It was three decades ago where "gridlock" was the most frequent charge leveled against the system. A decade later and it was re-phrased as "Demo-Sclerosis". The thing is: it hasn't entirely seized up just yet, but there doesn't seem to be a tool that can prevent it from doing so.

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The future is hard to predict. Are there tipping points looming? I just believe that anything is as simple or as certain as our individual perspectives. I include my own perspective here. Watching the relief and recovery from Hurricane Helene and comparing it to Katrina two decades ago, I see something very different today. Then, when I was involved, the individuals that came to help were outliers. Not so now. It is clear the government doesn’t have the capacity to lead the recovery. The number of groups that are involved is significant. It is needed because once infrastructure is restored and state roads are repaired, and the insurance companies have denied coverage or restricted payment, life will not be back to normal. The people who are neighbors and family members, live over bridges and up dirt roads that will need to be repaired and I don’t see the state or county or municipal governments being capable of funding. Their tax based is ruined. And if this is happening in six states, this may be the Black Swan event that changes things. Of course, it is only speculation at this point.

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If you could describe the difference in the response to Katrina and to Helene in one or two simple sentences, what would you choose to say?

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1. The difference in terrain. Coastal vs mountains.

2. Collective experience of the Bush/Obama/Biden shift a neoco/Globalist orientation.

I have see something I call the Two Global Forces. There is a global force of centralized institutions of governance and finance. And there are global decentralized networks of relationships. I write about here- https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/the-long-game. The axis of conflict is no longer left-right, global-local. The liberal and conservative globalists. And the same at the local level. So, for local elections next month, the question is not what party, but who do you owe your allegiance to?

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Katrina: the media wrote early and often about FEMA incompetence (which it really and truly was under the disastrous GWB).

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I think if Trump does something about illegal immigration, the moderate Republicans and Democrats will just get around it by bringing millions through legal means. Hand out student visas like candy to every third world country, and boom, you can easily bring tens of millions within a few years.

This is what the Canadian Liberals and British Conservatives did. And Trump already has those tendencies. Few months ago, he talked about giving green card to every international student before backlash from the immigration restrictionists caused his campaign to walk back on the statement. But once he is elected, he will have to compromise with his opponents. Funding for a meaningless wall in return for a mass legal immigration. Trump is fundamentally stupid, its extremely easy to manipulate him.

American white conservatives need to be honest to themselves. Do they actually hate illegal immigration or immigration? If its former, then its fundamentally stupid and useless position in my opinion. Your opponents can easily win by handing out those sacrosanct papers to anyone and everyone. Again, this what Canada and Britian have done. The latter position is hard to admit to others and even harder to admit to yourself after 60 years of civil rights movement, but thats the only honest position to have.

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Musk recently stated that Americans should view their country like a sports team and try and draft the best recruits to add to their roster. If Trump is permitted to re-enter the White House, be on the lookout for that kind of policy.

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I vote for lots of hot Eastern European chicks first a la Melania, we can call it the OnlyFans passport. Then Nigerian princes, Jamaican psychics, and Punjabi programmers—they speak English and know how to hustle!

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Corporations want cheap labour in Canada and Britain and bleeding heart left liberals are following international directives. How do you stop the combo of the two? People who want to stop this juggernaut are just looked at as racists by the establishment, they know how to marginalize people like that. It's gotten so bad in Europe and Canada it seems a large chunk of the population is completely rebelling but will anyone deliver on stemming the tide? The odds are against it.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The "rebelling" population makes up less and less percentage of their country each year. They are easily being overwhelmed demographically. And let's just look at the US for example. In 1960, there were 9 million Hispanics in the US. By 2020, there were more than 60 million. Most of this growth happened between 70 and 90. A USA which was much more whiter and racist than the one today could do nothing about it.

The demographics in 2030 of all Western countries will look extremely different from the one in 2024. Mass migration has just begun.

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Here's a thought: I have not seen too much discussion about immigrants getting US DoD (or scarier, US intel-level) security clearances. As recently as 30 to 40 years ago, naturalized citizens could get to a certain level of clearance, but no higher, unless one had skills and knowledge such as Werner Von Braun.

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Imperial citizenship has its rewards?

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It's complicated, of course. I've had plans for a substack about this for a while - I've seen too many strange coincidences that I think I should write, but don't have the writing chops for it.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

This feels casual like chatting to an old friend, without having expectations chilling. Pretty good.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Yes, more like this is fine. I am fatigued too.

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Glad I'm not the only one.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

My sense of the strange emphasis on Vice Presidents is that it's an acknowledgement, suggested by Biden and cemented with Kamala, that the Vice is now the next nominee in wait, and the given presidental regime won't necessarily end after the two terms. This is doubly reinforced by the sense that Vance represents an ongoing continuity of MAGA into the future. If this is successfully implanted it might accelerate the demoralisation of the managerial elite, Trump just the first head of a hydra.

I don't mean to suggest if any of this is true or not, but if thought to be that's a meaningful change.

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Yeah.....one thing that I didn't mention was my question as to whether Trump has a succession plan in place, considering that he is quite old now. Vance has some key players behind him (Thiel being the best known).

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Get the sense it's gonna go down like a Khan passing on campaign. One of Trump's faults, or an exigency under the circumstances, is how singular and personal his brand is. Even the MAGA slogal will probably expire with him, or be rapidly spent by rival claims.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

three points of optimism on the question of “learned something”

1. The democrats and media continuing to demonize him after he left office, trying to incarcerate him and going at him even after both assassination attempts surely taught him something (and Melania has outright said she is suspects government involvement on assassination issue)

2. at the debate, Kamala threw him off, got into his head and flustered him. when he was off his game he didnt do his usual tough talk and bragged about diplomacy with the taliban “while snipers were shooting americans in the head” and mentioned the threat of nuclear war twice. He even expressed disdain for Taiwan. That he said these things while thrown off presumably indicates they are his real beliefs.

3. On the issue of immigration, the sort of cosmopolitans you fear would undermine his admin (say the Kushners) have come around due to the situation in NYC and violent crime generally—remember he first ran before BLM and the soros prosecutors had taken power. More generally GOP voters are even more behind him on this issue.

One more bit of optimism—the leaks Ken Kipplenstein present Vance as quite anti-interventionist and anti-immigration, much better than what I would have assumed—and as you are aware he has powerful folks with him.

I do agree that not much will get through Congress. But I am cautiously optimistic about what he can do by EO and in his capacity as Commander and Chief.

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Good post. Thanks for sharing.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Devil's advocate here. Trump like all modernists, whether right or left, is captured by the sacred-victim, entitled parasite culture and has no defense against the human rights mechanism. The first accusation of racism or another George Floyd will settle the issue. The sacred belief in something called rights that a human is simply born into means no defense is possible without a fundamental change in deeply held beliefs.

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It won't take 20 years to fix things.

It just takes someone who is willing to spill the beans of the scams. Heck, the electoral college is probably next in being taken out.

The media can ignore topics like this and other stuff like the COVID and jabs, but that doesn't make people forget it.

Remember that a lot of the bullshit was implemented in times when people were well off in general.

Everything is turn key. The FDA can do it's real job, the SEC, the other regulatory agencies etc. It just requires public support of someone who is willing to spill the beans here and there to create outrage which will be covered on social media even if mass media ignores it.

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I was a 40 year union member. I actively worked on several political campaigns. I believed the Democratic Party stood for the common man. I have finally woken up. Both parties are just the political representation of the Wide World of Wrestling It’s all make believe. Both parties serve the interests of the global Elites. The WEF and the Globalists have control of all institutions and the farce of elections is to give the average person the appearance that we have a democracy. It doesn’t matter who wins The Globalists always win

I will no longer partake in the farce.

I believe that the goal is to divide us between left and right. Divide and conquer. It always works

Don’t vote stand up and let them know that you will not partake any more

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My father was a card-carrying member of the USA (United Steelworkers of America) for 30 years.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I feel you. I am a lifelong NDP/union voter in Canada and after 30 years of this I have to admit the left have completely screwed us. Mass immigration, the gap between rich and poor has expoded, rent prices have doubled in the last 5 years, house prices have exploded. The poor and working class are doing far worse than when Trudeau took power. I just want this government out at this point.

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I read an article recently that stated that the federal NDP is pretty much broke now, as no one is willing to donate to them anymore and that it has gotten so bad that the only person that they can pay for hotel stays is for their Dear Leader.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

They made a huge mistake having Singh as their leader instead of Charlie Angus. Singh is a rich bespoke lawyer and the only thing him and Justin have in common is social justice. Basically wokism is why the NDP has propped up the Liberals for five years. While the country went to shit.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The conservatives are not gonna be any different. They will not be reducing immigration. Only hope for Canadians, is that Canada gets so bad that immigrants without deep roots(single, under 30, in Canada for less than 5 years) will make the choice to go back to their own country. But things have to get extremely bad, with riots, violence, etc. The decline of Canada is only noticed by long time residents. For 95% of the world population, Canada still offers a better standard of life.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

Half these guys running the Conservative party are in the Fraser Institute - a libertarian big business org. They are very quiet right now. Ppllieve himself seems to be running as a populist. I hope he at least puts the constructiion industry back to work. But being that the Conservatives are even more friendly to multinatonals than the other parties it;s probably true that immigration won't shrink too much. man it's just been outrageous the last 3 years. the pop growth. And all from India.

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The construction industry LOVES immigration because it means more work for them.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

India is the only country that can send immigrants at the scale that the Anglosphere elites want, least for the next twenty years. Africans are still too poor to fly. Arabs can just walk to Europe. Latin Americans have the US. East and South East Asians are wealthy enough that they don't need to immigrate and are increasingly old so can't be bothered. India is the only country that has enough people, is poor and young enough for people to want to immigrate, but rich enough to be able to immigrate. It will be in this state for at least the next twenty years. I would expect that by 2040 all Anglosphere countries will be at least 20% Indian if not more.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

The city of Toronto now has more people that were foreign born than born here. I was born in TO. I've seen incredible changes in 30 years. The tntire area where I went to high school the demographics are completely changed almost all Asian. We now have the lowest fertility rate per woman in Canada EVER.

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

More immigration = less TFR among the locals. But it doesn't matter to either the government or the public at large. It's mostly men who care about fertility. Most women don't. I can't be critical , they are the ones giving birth anyways. Most Western men and women would rather be eternal 20 year olds, rather than thinking about posterity, passing on their culture etc. Other than for a few online right wingers(like in this substack), it's all meaningless to most people.

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What's your position on gender transitions for minors? How about the diversity visa lottery? Or affirmative action policies?

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Oct 14Liked by Niccolo Soldo

I hope he loses. The country doesn't belong to the people. It belongs to the government. The people just live there, and they need to get it through their skulls and start acting that way.

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