This Lindyman image seems to be an inside joke before my time on Twitter... can I get an explanation?

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His schtick is largely taken from Nassim Taleb. When Skallas let him know that he published a book, the tweet in the image was Taleb's response.

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Niccolo, is there a good summary of the Lindy grift anywhere perhaps penned by you or elsewhere? (e.g. I heard he has an excel list of his followers that he tracks for engagement and if people are engaging with his 'enemies') It's been kind of hilarious seeing him ascend among irony left twitter in the past 6 months, seemingly unaware of his fondness for casual rape, egirl online drama, and plagiarism. Oh and the scrubbing of any NrX-adjacent opinions on his twitter (lot of clean-up required post-Vienna attacks in Nov. last year lol)

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