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Women: please participate as this place is male-heavy and we're gonna need some balance.

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OK. This is my wheel house.

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You are female?

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<Swishes hair>

Yes, mother of 3

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Looking forward to your contributions when we fire up the book club.

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I can identify as female, if it helps?

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Okay why not

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Wtf is the point of that book ,





From young adults to middle aged, everyone is having less sex and sexuality identities like " demi sexual " to " asexual " are on the rise. And it's not just men who are having less, women and couples too.

But the excerpt is complaining about " rough sex,hook up culture" ?

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The point is that sexual liberation has made life worse for women and society as a whole. The "sex recession" is part of this too, counter-intuitively.

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I’m glad the women realized its bad for them, do they realize the wreckage of half children as no fathers, the damage divorce does to men as well, that those boys at least are extraordinarily shy of marriage with very solid reasons?

No, they don’t.

You dug the hole dearies , why pray to we dig you out?

Short of repeal 19 and return of Pater Familias not lifting a finger, and while we’re still equal if the feminists are looking for sympathy it’s in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. I heard that growing up (not from my father who was a gentleman and put it a much more polite way). She heard she’s entitled.

The clincher is that world I say is my price returns, with far less formality than the one they destroyed.

These books are written from the animal sense of fear, and it’s not fear of their husbands but their sons.

Too late, we’re all in the fire and we gotta burn.

We’re equal, you too.

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I think the two things are related. You have a generation of women who are being raised in an oversexualized culture that makes them feel threatened and uncomfortable. So they retreat into made up autistic identities that give them a face-saving way to avoid sex entirely.

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Girls want to be wooed. By a strong, determined man who is gentle and patient to *them*.

This allows him to demonstrate his qualities as a provider. He proves himself as self contained and disciplined in his strength which reassures her he won't turn that strength against her and her children. It allows sexual tension to build so even clumsy inexperienced moves are thrilling.

It's no longer fashionable to admit that, even to oneself.

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There are women who have told me that they want to be "taken", which in today's society is pretty much "rape". Not everything can be put into neat compartments.

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Heard that too. Drill down a bit and it turns out to be wild hot sx with a handsome stranger now and again, who finds you irresistible. And reads your mind about what you want.

Not exactly dragged down an alley by a meth head scenario.

I think the wild unrestrained sexy stranger fantasy is something both sexes have in common. But no normal person would actually like the line to be crossed.

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Girls don't know what they want. They want a 7 foot tall man with a 12 inch cock that ejaculates diamonds. Girls don't want reality, they want a fantasy

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Men only want one thing, and it's discu-

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Let’s start small; they don’t want to be men and can’t be, physical strength is the least of the problems. Even in the military, where less strength IS a problem.

I will with real reluctance list some others if necessary.

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My grandma was (if I may boldly say) a pioneering feminist theologian back in her day, didn’t put up with any nonsense. If she was still alive, her judgement on today’s sexual landscape would be classic and enlightening I’m sure. In her honour I’ve just ordered this for my v feminist wife / partner / significantly more significant other, although I’ll prolly ready it first.

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Haha, good stuff.

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Niccolo, can you provide some biographical info about you?

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I come from a long line of rock farmers/genocidal maniacs from the Dinaric Alps. Born in the ex-YU (Socialist Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina), moved to Canada as a very young boy with mom and dad. Moved back to Europe almost a decade ago, I like long walks on the beach.

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You should update your dating profile, beaches are full of plastic these days. Try something along the lines of "saving baby turtles in my spare time". You can thank me later ;)

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I rescue minority children whales who suffer from prejudice.

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Getting a lot of action. And a breeze. Does this mean she’s easy?

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Great minds think alike:


I recently read Sexual Utopia in Power by F Roger Devlin, who I'd heard of from Heartiste and would occasionally appear at vdare.com. But somehow I'd missed the point about female sexuality being naturally polygamous, with females always looking to trade up for a higher status male after a few years. It explains the trends in divorce statistics perfectly. I'd never quite heard this biological theory of female sexuality as inherently selfish, narcissistic, masochistic, and it was rather painful to recognize the pattern as more than just modernist propaganda. I certainly was never told this by my parents who grew up in a very different world.

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That makes no sense.

How likely is it that a divorced women with kids would be able to 'trade up'?

Wouldn't the highly sought after rich older guy be looking for a never-married 20 year old?

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But SHE doesn’t know that until she pulls the trigger Mrs S. That is any generic SHE.

As for that doesn’t make any sense; uh, no

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Course they know.

Among divorced and widowed women, forty ish and financially ok, I've heard very few wanting to be married again. They want to date a bit, date steady even, but not to cohabit or make a step father type figure. Maybe I just know sensible and level headed women with kids and jobs that they prioritise. Dating for these women is a bit of fun and carefree time, almost set apart grow their 'real' lives

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Never thought I’d be critical of the sexual information but I’ve now seen too much.

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*sexual revolution

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The statements laid out by Louise Perry are rather typical and overstated for most of the uninitiated but my problem with her statements is that if you read the subtext she isn't upset that sexual liberation for women damaged both men and women. She is upset that the top men are still cleaning up aka winning in the sexual marketplace when a side quest for feminists in the sexual revolution was to get one over on men. This is the part of female nature she and many of her ilk didn't quite anticipate and now that the evidence is undeniable she is trying to reign it back in. What am I talking about? Well, women are the gatekeepers to sex and, if women are left to their own devices, they select for the best man they can get. The problem with this is that there are only so many of these men to go around. Add in that women's selection criteria is based on a man's status and earning potential (aka the capacity to obtain resources - female nature) where women date across and up wage/status hierarchies + women have flooded the work force which has put downward wage pressure on all parties both men and women (most effecting the average man), the amount of women who can find a man who is "economically attractive" has dwindled precipitously. On top of that, introduce the advent of social media which has effectively produced a decentralized, deregulated, global sexual marketplace at every persons finger tips (instagram is the number 1 dating site globally) and what you have is all the gains going to the top where the top 10% of men are now having sex with about 90% of the women (dating app data confirms this and dating apps are the number 1 way humans meet each other for dating in the past 10 years). So all these different factors are converging at the same time and it's a complete reconfiguration of the dating world. A rise of incels (33% of men have been reported virgins or haven't had sex in a year btwn the ages of 18-30) and the rise of unmarried, unhappy, single, childless women (Morgan Stanley released a report that roughly 50% of women btwn ages 18-40 in the US will be single, childless, and unmarried by 2030) is producing a system of all the women basically becoming side chicks to the top guys and all the guys at the bottom getting left with barely anything. The rationalization of this dynamic is the rise of the polycule or polyamory (ahem FTX) and it's only getting worse.

So Perry has some valid points but again it's through a feminists lens so she really isn't upset that it's happening (many interviews confirm this where she advocates for the "liberation" of female libido) she is rather upset that the top guys are still winning (the victor gets the spoils if said so crudely) which was unanticipated by her and her ilk. Again, the social conventions to reign in the most instinctual biological impulses have been dissolved and people are just now starting to catch up to recognize that perhaps there was some utility in said conventions. Who knows where this goes but the one thing is certain, this dynamic is crossing borders and spreading globally. From a historical perspective, when similar dynamics have occurred where most men have been locked out of the mating process, that's sparked revolutions or chaos (not saying that's fair or unfair, that is simply the historical case study). Looking forward to your take on this.

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I’m in. Been looking forward to a Book Club after missing out on The Last Pagan Generation.

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I just ordered it from amazon...delivery mid-January..........

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What works of popular art or culture are anti-sexual revolution? The one that immediately comes to mind is the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, which aroused extreme ire from some critics because of it.


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Hmmm...Is the book a [continuation of the theme of "The Failure of the Sexual Revolution" by George Frankl ?

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Dunno as I've never heard of that book.

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Unhappy women on antidepressants appear to be mainstays of shitlib tyranny, so anything that lessens that force would be welcome. But if the driving narrative is feminist I don’t hold out much hope since its premise is resentment towards men and to other women (competitors).

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