Down Bad
Kanye Leaves Plantation only to be surrounded by vultures picking away at what's left of him. His Black Radicalism finds its limits, just like it did with other celebrity Blacks
Contrary to what many people seem to believe these days, running head first into a brick wall is actually a very bad idea for the very obvious reason that you are already imagining.
Testing limits, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional, is human nature. Babies will put anything into their mouths that they can grasp. Endurance runners will stretch their bodies to see if they can add another mile to their previous record tally.
Some of these tests are performed within reason, in full knowledge of what you are convinced that you can accomplish, what you have previously experienced when testing yourself, and what you have learned from others who have tried similar things.
Other tests are performed because the individual is both stupid and full of themselves. One such individual is Kanye West.
Great artists1 are outliers by their very nature, so it is perfectly natural that many of them will be megalomaniacal and messianic. In fact, it is important that some great artists be this way, otherwise the clarity of vision that allows them to produce great art would be absent. We normies must grant them this right, because it is an integral component of their personality. We accept their self-righteousness and persistence of thought, and in return we receive a masterwork. This is a fair trade.
For those who have been following the Kanye West saga, his zeal in confronting those that he claims are oppressing him (in this case, Jews) more than suggests a man on a mission; it screams it out loud. Kanye has stumbled onto a ‘truth’ that he is now evangelizing, one in which he plays the central role: the persecuted hero. Only he (and God Almighty) can deliver us “the truth” and only he can save us from “them”. It only follows that he has announced his second run for President of the United States of America.
Kanye is down bad. His downward trajectory can be traced to the death of his mother from plastic surgery at the age of 58 in 2007, a death he blames partially on himself and partially on the entertainment industry. It was at this point that media began to report on his somewhat erratic and/or eccentric behaviour, although it may have manifested itself earlier (and there are people who will know if this is the case). A very public and disastrous marriage to plastic celebrity Kim Kardashian was followed by the also public spectacle of her “dating” (read: fucking) an incredibly ugly man named Pete Davidson, the intention being to ridicule Kanye in front of the whole world. The mother of his children was, in his eyes, being devoured by a hideous creature for all to see in order to ‘teach him a lesson’.
The United States of America has fought two holy wars. The first was against itself from 1861 to 1865 so that slavery could be ended. The second was against Nazi Germany where the USA defeated the forces of global fascism all by itself, thus ending the Holocaust. Black slaves were set free in the First Holy War, while Jews were rescued from extermination in the Second Holy War. Even though the descriptions of each conflict are incredibly over-the-top simplifications, they serve to illustrate the prevailing liberal narrative of both, with each war being foundational as to why the USA is the way it is today. To dispute these accepted truths is to violate what America bases its contemporary world-mission on, inviting personal sanction for whoever dares to do so. Each of these “truths” is a brick wall foundation, and Kanye ran head first into the second one.