It also says something about the contrasting conditions of the West vs Russia. Lavrov, personally formed by the drab and self-consciously proletarian Soviet culture, values good manners and appears courtly and old world, while the Westerners, who glory in the class culture of a credentialled elite that is enamoured of consumerism, come across as coarse and plebeian.
It also says something about the contrasting conditions of the West vs Russia. Lavrov, personally formed by the drab and self-consciously proletarian Soviet culture, values good manners and appears courtly and old world, while the Westerners, who glory in the class culture of a credentialled elite that is enamoured of consumerism, come across as coarse and plebeian.
It also says something about the contrasting conditions of the West vs Russia. Lavrov, personally formed by the drab and self-consciously proletarian Soviet culture, values good manners and appears courtly and old world, while the Westerners, who glory in the class culture of a credentialled elite that is enamoured of consumerism, come across as coarse and plebeian.