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Here's a short entry about something that is a mystery to me.

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The Spartans used to avoid fighting the same enemy too frequently for fear of "teaching them war". The colour-revolution playbook has been deployed too often and too much, as a result of which the Russians now recognise it and know how to neutralise it.

If I am right then it follows that the Russians are advising the Georgian government.

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Really astute observation, hadn't noticed that. Thanks.

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Victator treated it as an important event, as he flew there personally to congratulate the reelection of the current regime. He’s really getting into the anti-Soros role.

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He made a very brave bet by publicly backing Trump to win the election too.

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Probably a mix of dollars running out after the NGO law (they spent a lot of energy and money to try to block that) and the Ukraine effect, seeing their "friends" with the prospect of being left in the cold after two years of war has a chilling effect. It would be curious to understand if any government action to preempt the demonstrations was effective too, the color revolution playbook is well known and institutions are evolving. One last thing: GD victory is to big to point out shenanigans and other corrupt practices (that, for sure, are present) as being able to change the outcome, if it was 51/49 with an united opposition would be different.

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NGOs. money laundering. intelligence front organizations to avoid public purview, and in most cases, to skirt and subvert national law and oversight.

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"Reporting on events there has been almost entirely absent from English language Western media." Coverage of the Georgian elections has indeed been limited in the American media. They were focused on the US elections, but also didn't want to create narrative interferences. My theory is that until last Wednesday, the US media was very reluctant to have "electoral fraud" and "Georgia" in the same headline.

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I do recall hearing stories of mass panic in Atlanta when the news of Russia’s attacking Georgia broke in 2008.

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I think the US uses NGOs because they suck at suborning human assets in potentially hostile countries. That sort of thing can get you shot or even just expelled your career is over.

So toss money and girlbosses at the problem and you have a chance to win. Nobody is getting shot and if they get expelled it just increases their "defending democracy" bona fides.

The gay stuff gives you a pre-suborned loyalists who are dependant on the US.

As an aside, are Georgian girls good looking?

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"As an aside, are Georgian girls good looking?"

Depends on your taste. More Persianate than are Slavic females.

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They’re certainly charming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDK9KOfknTw

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Fatigue? Maybe. It could also just be there are bigger fish to fry elsewhere.

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Possibly, but this has been a project decades in the making.

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The DC crowd is dying, of old age. Meanwhile Trump’s picks are mostly young.

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Duh, NGOs are foreign agents.

And I cannot speak for Georgia, but when I lived in Ukraine, setting up an NGO and getting that sweet western cash or working for some NGO was The Dream for many an aspiring Ukrainian yuppie.

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My guess is simply that the Europeans were bluffing and GD called them on it. There was quite a lot of saber rattling (‘Georgia will never join EU now!’, or NATO, etc) but with one proxy war already going on in UKR, a rational calculation may have got the better of the Eurocrats. They could continue to function in a generally friendly sphere (albeit with less anonymity and deniability) and not risk an enormous anti-Western backlash should any color shenanigans fail. They stand to lose a pretty good foothold on Russia’s door with people who generally fear and hate the Russians. I was surprised by the vehemence of their saber rattling against Georgia, but not surprised they’re choosing not to go over-extend themselves and further alienate a generally pro-Western country.

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This Georgian youtuber is against the NGO law and is pro west. She claims the government is oppressing the Georgian people.


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I think the globohomo network is finally reading the room. This past decade has been a relentless push to complete their project and they've found "the world is not ready yet." time to retreat, regroup, and plot more subversion and propaganda. With their leadership close to the ends of their lives, and disappointed by the failure of life extension technology, now would be a great time for an alliance of like minded nationalists to tear them up by the roots and finally put an end to the century old political fossil of globalist technocracy.

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I once had a late night discussion with an anti-Russia & pro-EU intellectual couple in the VIP lounge of a nightclub in Tbilisi. I told the lady that Russia is like a rough drunkard brute of a husband who regularly beats his wife but nevertheless goes to church, fathers a few children and loves his family before he dies young of chronic alcohol abuse. OTOH, The EU is like a rich polished boyfriend who showers her with gifts but hates marriage and kids and turns out to be a crossdressing coke fiend who gets off on watching her have sex with his business clients in drug-fuelled yacht orgies. She repeated my joke to her date, they both laughed and bought me drinks until dawn.

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I was kind of hoping the story was going to end “and she said ‘that’s how I met my husband!’” But your ending is good too!

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I heartily enjoy your briefings on political activities outside the MTVsphere. They are like a breath of fresh air.

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Much appreciated!

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I can’t speculate why there hasn’t been more reaction internally in Georgia but as for the lack of western media: you can broadly analyze US media coverage of any topic with the question “is this good for Democrats?”

A few years ago, a shady election and repression in Eastern Europe was seen as beneficial to the Dem brand of freedom-loving liberal imperialists. But now that Dems are largely seen as the war party - both in Ukraine and Israel (I don’t say that they *are* only that such is the perception!) - coverage of that sort is bad for them. Hence, no coverage.

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You'll have to forgive the "low energy", the US deep state is more concerned about covering their own asses right now, so aggressive meddling in Georgia's election isn't a priority.

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That sounds about right...

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They’re concerned with staying out of jail in DC.

This isn’t a Cabinet.

It’s The Inquisition.

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